Tue, 5/21: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Education Session
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Room: B 131
CM Credit Hours: 1
Industrial Hygienists (IH) anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and recommend controls for environmental and physical hazards that impact workers. Advances in Total Worker Health initiatives now consider physical factors, such as infectious disease vectors that are increasing globally. Vector-borne diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and dengue kill millions of people every year globally, and cause loss of worker hours. The expertise and tools possessed by IHs are of utmost importance in protecting the workforce from vector-borne disease transmission and ensuring continuous business operations. It is important to work with other occupational health groups (e.g., public health) to identify hazards, develop controls and remediation programs to address risks. The session will discuss: 1) occupational health industry standard guidance tools; 2)the application of a bowtie analysis to prevent vector borne infectious disease transmission; and 3) the tool application to project planning, construction, and operations. Lastly, the health inspection tool will be introduced, which is used to support sustainable field effectiveness of the vector borne disease transmission health risk management process.
Upon completion, the participant will be able to:
• Apply OH standard guidance tools for disease prevention and control.
• Discuss impact of vector-borne diseases as potential hazards for the workforce.
• Describe infectious disease risk mitigation measures for IH.
• Explain the infectious disease prevention and response framework.
Content Level
Interactive Session Experience
Organizational Category
Primary Industry
Agriculture, Forestry, & Fishing
Oil & Gas
Available as part of AIHA CONNECT OnDemand
Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment