G6: Statistical Cage Match: 70 Percent vs. 95 Percent Confidence

Jerome Lavoue Moderator
University of Montreal
Montreal, QC 
Brent Altemose Presenter
Neptune, NJ 
United States of America
Tue, 5/21: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM EDT
Education Session 
Greater Columbus Convention Center 
Room: B 230 
CM Credit Hours:


Best practices for modern IH programs include the use of statistical tools in the analysis of exposure data for a good reason. We know that without statistical tools, our professional judgment can often be wrong. Many organizations using statistical tools target a 95% confidence level ensuring that the 95th percentile of similar exposure group data remains below occupational exposure limits. However, other organizations as well as the EN689 standard have recommended a 70% confidence level. This presentation will: a) explain what these statistical confidence levels mean in practical terms; b) discuss the pros and cons of different levels of statistical confidence; and c) provide practical recommendations with respect to when and how to apply and interpret these confidence levels.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the participant will be able to:

• Calculate 70% and 95% upper confidence limits for IH data sets.
• Choose between 70% and 95% confidence with an understanding of the limitations of each. 

Content Level


Interactive Session Experience


Organizational Category


Primary Industry

All Industries


Also part of the Virtual Program
Available as part of AIHA CONNECT OnDemand
Big Data
Computer/Mobile Apps and Tools
Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment
Risk Assessment and Management