D3: Perfection vs. Practicality in Emergency Response

Laura Weems, CIH, CSP, CHMM Moderator
US Army Corps of Engineers
Little Rock, AR 
United States of America
Alan Leibowitz, CIH, CSP Presenter
EHS Systems Solutions, LLC
Bonita Springs, FL 
United States of America
Karen Jones, CIH, CSP Co-Presenter
Gulf Coast HSE Consulting Services, LLC
Athens, TX 
United States of America
Mon, 5/20: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM EDT
Education Session 
Greater Columbus Convention Center 
Room: A 213 
CM Credit Hours:


Industrial Hygienists are often responsible for or have a significant role in emergency response and continuity planning. This presentation aims to explore: 1) the IH elements of these programs; 2) the differences between personally experiencing a disaster and managing response remotely; 3) the critical role of practicality and sound professional judgement in emergency decision making; 4) the elements of disaster response through case studies.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the participant will be able to:

• Determine how to respond in a disaster.
• Explain elements of disaster response.
• Discuss IH roles in continuity planning.
• Suggest a path for high stakes decision making in disasters.
• Review disaster scenarios and case studies. 

Content Level


Interactive Session Experience


Organizational Category


Primary Industry

All Industries


Available as part of AIHA CONNECT OnDemand
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Risk Assessment and Management