Mon, 5/20: 10:30 AM - 10:55 AM EDT
Pop-Up Education
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Room: Pop-Up Education, Exhibit Hall AB, Aisle 1300
Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) evaluates the safety of existing chemicals through a three-stage process of prioritization, risk evaluation, and risk management. Throughout this process for a given chemical, EPA may request or accept industry-provided exposure monitoring data for consideration when identifying or evaluating High-Priority Substances or in setting final risk management regulations. This session will discuss how EPA has historically requested and evaluated industry-based occupational exposure data in their risk evaluation process and highlight some of the challenges with how this data may be used going forward in future assessments. The speakers will focus on issues of high relevance to industrial hygienists and the OEHS profession more broadly, including how exposure data may be interpreted within future EPA risk evaluations and risk management approaches and the importance and potential challenges in communicating these results to workers and the general public.
Upon completion, the participant will be able to:
• Describe how EPA has historically used industry-based occupational monitoring data in their risk evaluation process and how such data might be considered in future assessments.
• Identify some of the key challenges facing OEHS professionals in collecting, evaluating, and interpreting occupational monitoring data within the context of an EPA risk evaluation.
Content Level
Also part of the Virtual Program
Available as part of AIHA CONNECT OnDemand
Chemical Hazards
Risk Assessment and Management
Standards, Regulations and Legal Issues