Tue, 5/21: 2:30 PM - 2:55 PM EDT
Pop-Up Education
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Room: Pop-Up Education, Exhibit Hall AB, Aisle 1300
An increase in the severity and frequency of natural disasters has had tremendous impact on the workforce and the public. Wildfires expose outdoor workers as well as the public to smoke, and firefighters may not have the appropriate equipment and training to protect themselves. Flooding can lead to mold growth and potential exposures to many waterborne diseases. Infectious disease risk is seen in a different light with increased risks for some essential workers based on extended, frequent, and close contact with other workers and the public. This has all impacted respiratory protection use and guidance. Regulation is slow to respond, and public health has, at least in the United States, struggled to maintain creditability. This presentation will cover the basics of respiratory protection to include where we are and some places where we may be headed. We will identify some of the current gaps in regulation and discuss options to bridge them.
This session is not available for contact hours.
Upon completion, the participant will be able to describe the current gaps in respiratory protection regulation and guidance as it pertains to public use and expanded occupational use.
Content Level
Aerosols & Airborne Particulates
Also part of the Virtual Program
Available as part of AIHA CONNECT OnDemand
Respiratory Protection
Standards, Regulations and Legal Issues