Identifying cortical columns for slow/rapid vibrotactile stimulation in human S1 using 7T fMRI.

Presented During:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom 104-105  

Poster No:


Submission Type:

Abstract Submission 


Ashley York1, Harriet Dempsey-Jones2, Thomas Shaw3, Alexander Puckett2, Markus Barth4, Ross Cunnington2


1Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 2School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 3Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 4Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

First Author:

Ashley York, MPhil  
Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland


Harriet Dempsey-Jones, PhD  
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland
Thomas Shaw, PhD  
Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland
Alexander Puckett  
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland
Markus Barth  
Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
Ross Cunnington, PhD  
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland


Cortical columns are functionally distinct units of the cerebral cortex that are organized perpendicular to cortical layers and typically process similar types of information (e.g., orientation preference). The extensive identification of cortical columns across the cortex has led some to propose that columnar organization might be a fundamental principle of the entire neocortex. However, evidence for such columnar organization in the human primary somatosensory cortex (S1) remains limited (see [1, 2]).

Columnar organization presumed to relate to slowly adapting (SA) and rapidly adapting (RA) receptors, has been identified in primate SI [3,4]. Recent studies, however, suggest that S1 neurons are organized by feature selectivity (e.g., shape, movement, vibration) rather than strictly by receptor type [5]. Despite this, there may still be columnar organization in human S1 related to processing specific frequencies, such as 3Hz (SA, intermittent pressure) and 30Hz (RA, vibration), which merits further research [6].

Here, we seek to adapt approaches proven effective in identifying visual columns (e.g., ocular dominance) using UHF fMRI to probe for SI columnarity.


To specifically target separate bands of functionally dissociable cortex (based on feature or receptor preference) vibrotactile stimulation was administered at frequencies of 3 and 30Hz, to the distal fingertips of the right hand. Trials of 3/30Hz were interleaved with a short inter-trial interval for 6 runs (~62mins). In a separate session, somatotopic fingertip regions were localized through phase-encoded fingertip mapping.

Data acquisition for 8 participants was conducted using 7T MRI (Fig.1). Anatomical images were captured with MP2RAGE (0.75mm iso), and functional data were obtained using a 3D-EPI sequence [7] (0.8mm iso, TR=1.92s) tilted to cover left S1. The surface-based analysis pipeline is detailed in Fig. 1. We analysed response delays from phasic fingertip stimulation, manually defining subject-specific regions of interest (ROIs) post-thresholding (FDR < 0.05; Fig2a). Within these ROIs, we used a general linear model (GLM) with motion and control regressors for deconvolution, conducting a general linear test (GLT) to compare responses to 3Hz and 30Hz stimulations.
Supporting Image: OHBM_2024_abstractFig1.png
   ·Figure 1.


We identified modular clusters in SI responding preferentially to 3Hz or 30Hz, suggestive of columnar organization (Fig.2b,c). We next binarized the GLT beta weights, and designated each vertex as 3/30Hz preferring. We assessed spatial consistency of these vibration preferences within sessions by comparing odd and even runs using a Jaccard index (0-1 scale; Fig.3a,b). We found the patterns were reliable, with ~64% vertices consistent across odd versus even runs. Furthermore, each of the observed Jaccard indices significantly exceeded the chance level established by a random-permutation null model, indicating a robust effect size (Fig.3b).

For one participant, we collected an additional 12 runs of data in a separate session. Fig 3a shows the odd/even intersection map (vertices with the same signed beta-weight in odd/even runs), as well as the preference of each vertex for 3/30Hz within the mask. This analysis further supported the spatial consistency of 3/30Hz vertex preference. While column sizes appeared similar along the anterior bank and crown of the postcentral gyrus, the posterior bank showed a predominance of vertices preferring 3Hz. This pattern aligns with previous research suggesting an increase in receptive field size along the anterior to posterior axis of the postcentral gyrus.
Supporting Image: OHBM_2024_abstractFig23.png
   ·Figures 2, 3.


While columnar organisation was first identified in SI animal models [8], there has since been limited evidence reported in humans [1,2]. We found clear, reliable patterns of modular clusters responsive to different vibrotactile frequencies. Our results broaden our understanding of cortical organisation principles in sensory cortex, supporting the idea that this structure might be present in all sensory areas.

Neuroanatomy, Physiology, Metabolism and Neurotransmission:

Cortical Anatomy and Brain Mapping 2

Perception, Attention and Motor Behavior:

Perception: Tactile/Somatosensory 1


Cortical Columns

1|2Indicates the priority used for review

Provide references using author date format

[1] Yang et al., (2019). High-resolution fMRI maps of columnar organization in human primary somatosensory cortex. Paper presented at: 27 th Annual Meeting of ISMRM; May, 2019; Montreal, Canada. Abstract 617.
[2] Kim et al., (2021). Laminar representations of vibrotactile stimuli with varying frequency in S1: a 7T fMRI study. Paper presented at: 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June, 2021., Glasgow, Scotland. Abstract 3847.
[3] Sur et al., (1981). Modular segregation of functional cell classes within the postcentral somatosensory cortex of monkeys. Science,
[4] Sur et al., (1984). Modular distribution of neurons with slowly adapting and rapidly adapting responses in area 3b of somatosensory cortex in monkeys. Journal of neurophysiology, 
[5] Saal & Bensmaia, (2014). Touch is a team effort: interplay of submodalities in cutaneous sensibility. Trends in neurosciences.
[6] Keuhn & Pleger, (2020). Encoding schemes in somatosensation: from micro-to meta-topography. Neuroimage.
[7] Poser, B. A. (2014), 'CAIPIRINHA-accelerated 3D EPI for temporal and/or spatial resolution EPI acquisitions'. Proc. of the ISMRM.
[8] Mountcastle et al., (1955). Topographic organization and modality representation in first somatic area of cat’s cerebral cortex by method of single unit analysis. Am. J. Physiol.