1. Evaluation of Structural-Functional Coupling Mechanism on Human Connectome Project Using HoloBrain

Huan Liu Presenter
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
United States
Tuesday, Jun 25: 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Oral Sessions 
Room: Grand Ballroom 104-105 
Human brain is a complex wiring system in which diverse behaviors are supported by ubiquitous functional fluctuations. Although striking efforts have been made to investigate the association between brain structure connectivity (SC) and function connectivity (FC), the SC-FC coupling mechanism is largely elusive. Recently, we have developed a novel analytic approach, called HoloBrain (Liu, Dan et al. 2023), to characterize the interference patterns formed by the BOLD signals modulated by a collection of harmonic wavelets (stemming from wirings of white matter fibers) across a widespread graph spectrum. In this work, we have applied our HoloBrain technique to task-fMRI data from HCP-YA. Compared to conventional network analysis methods, HoloBrain offers a new window to investigate the task-specific footprint of SC-FC coupling through the lens of cross-frequency coupling (CFC), demonstrating great potential in discovering novel neurobiological biomarkers for resting-state fMRI studies.
