1. Three-dimensional Subcortical Atlas of the Marmoset ("SAM") based on MRI and histology

Kadharbatcha Saleem Presenter
Rockville, MD 
United States
Wednesday, Jun 26: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Oral Sessions 
Room: Conference Room E 1 
Despite its importance as a model for human brain development and neurological disorders, the marmoset lacks a comprehensive MRI-histology-based parcellation and 3D atlas of brain areas. Here, we first generated a Subcortical Atlas of the Marmoset, called the SAM, from 251 delineated subcortical regions derived from the ex vivo high-resolution multimodal MRIs [1,2] and matched histology with multiple stains derived from the same brain specimen. Tracing and validating atlas-based brain regions is imperative for neurosurgical planning, anatomical tract tracer injections, deep brain stimulation probes navigation, functional imaging (fMRI) studies, and establishing brain structure-function relationships.
