4. Virtual epileptic patient cohort: generation and evaluation
Borana Dollomaja
Institut de Neurosciences des Systemes UMR1106
Marseille, Marseille
Thursday, Jun 27: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Oral Sessions
Room: Grand Ballroom 101-102
Epilepsy is one of the most common brain diseases, affecting 1% of the world's population. Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) in particular affects 1 in 3 epileptic people. Recurrent seizures which characterize the disorder, occur due to sudden abnormal activity in the brain. This activity is generated in the so-called epileptogenic zone (EZ) network. A precise detection of the epileptogenic zone is crucial to treat DRE. Seizure recordings are used by clinicians to estimate the EZ network. In addition, brain stimulation is used to induce seizures (George 2020). By varying stimulation parameters via trial and error, clinicians aim to pinpoint regions responsible for seizure activity. In this work, we built a virtual epileptic patient cohort and evaluated this modeling framework for capturing empirical SEEG data.
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