2. Considering global access to neuroimaging research in the context of the climate crisis

Niall Duncan Presenter
Taipei Medical University
Taiwan, Taipei 
Tuesday, Jun 25: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room: Grand Ballroom 104-105 
Access to neuroimaging research, in terms of who gets to do the research and what populations are studied, is not equally distributed around the world. This represents an unjust situation and also imposes limits on our scientific knowledge of the human brain. Avenues do exist to expand participation to more people, but these are often technological in nature and may rely on resources that we may wish to preserve to protect the global ecosystem. Starting from my own work investigating associations between national research budgets and neuroimaging research output, we will discuss the current situation and reflect on possible solutions. Potential conflict between aims will be considered in the light of just outcomes at the global level.