4. Subcortical and cerebellar neural correlates of prodromal Alzheimer's Disease with prolonged sleep latency

Yoo Hyun Um, MD, PhD Presenter
Catholic University of Korea
Seoul, Seoul 
Korea, Republic of
Wednesday, Jun 26: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room: ASEM Ballroom 202 
Despite the critical association among sleep, Alzheimer's disease (AD), subcortical structures and the cerebellum, few studies have been published about structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging results demonstrating this relationship. This study aimed to assess the effects of prolonged sleep latency on the structural and functional alterations in the subcortical and cerebellar neural correlates in prodromal AD patients. There was a statistically significant group by regional amyloid beta deposition interactions discovered in cerebro-cerebellar networks. Prolonged sleep latency may be a detrimental factor in compromising structural and functional correlates of subcortical structures and of the cerebellum, which may exacerbate AD pathophysiology.