2. Releasing the 3R-BRAIN resource: A decade of journey to harness psychometrics for neuroscience

Xi-Nian Zuo Presenter
Xi-Nian Zuo, Professor, Beijing Normal University
IG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Beijing, NA 
Monday, Jun 24: 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Room: Hall D 2 
Reproducibility, replicability and reliability (3R) remain challenging for cognitive neuroscience while psychometric theory has been increasingly appreciated by the community. However, systematic psychometric assessments are sparse due to the lack of a well-designed large-scale neuroimaging resource. I will introduce a big data, namely 3R-BRAIN, to fill this gap. This open data contains three parts of richly sampled at individual level accounting for measurements of variability across scanners, time occasions, magnetic field strengths, task designs. I will officially announce the release of 3R-BRAIN.