4. Development of an Integrative Eco-Platform for Knowledge-Driven Brain Imaging Across Multiple Primate Species

Tomoko Sakai, PhD Presenter
Keio University School of Medicine
Tuesday, Jun 25: 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom 103 
Tomoko Sakai (Japan) will introduce 'The Japan Monkey Centre Primates Brain Imaging Repository,' a repository developed based on high-resolution postmortem magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore, our group is currently engaged in the innovative project 'Integrative Eco-Platform for Knowledge-Driven Brain Imaging Across Multiple Primate Species.' This platform utilizes an unparalleled collection of primate brain specimens among the world's most extensive collections, providing highly detailed anatomical images scanned using ultra-high field MRI. These images are integrated with brain information and metadata using hierarchical ontology techniques, forming the foundation of a knowledge-based database. This initiative will accelerate data-driven brain science research beyond national and academic disciplines. It is expected to elucidate the evolutionary similarities and diversities in the human brain, enhance our understanding of human higher brain functions, and provide insights foundational to mental and neurological diseases.