Poster Session 1
Monday, Jun 24: 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster Sessions
Room: Hall B 2
Poster numbers 1-1322
- 1 - Acute and longitudinal fMRI brain response to deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
- 2 - Neurocircuitry of apathy in Parkinson’s patients with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation.
- 3 - Neural circuitry underlying DBS treatment for self-injurious behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 4 - Habenula neurostimulation improves neuropsychiatric symptoms in a Fragile X-ASD transgenic model
- 5 - Modulation of Human Spatial-temporal Memory by Deep Brain Stimulation
- 6 - Bridging brain coordinates and machine learning for surgical targeting and morphometric mapping
- 7 - Structural connectivity changes in severe Anorexia Nervosa following Deep Brain Stimulation.
- 8 - Cortical Evoked Responses to Enhance Targeting and Personalize DBS Intervention for OCD
- 9 - Mapping lesion-related human aggression to a common brain network
- 10 - Utility of Imaging Predictors in Deep Brain Stimulation
- 11 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of DBS based on the Thalamic Atlases and Shape Analysis in Epilepsy
- 12 - DystoniaDBSNet: A novel deep learning biomarker of predictive treatment outcomes in dystonia
- 13 - Noninvasive Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens using Transcranial Focused Ultrasound
- 14 - Deep brain stimulation impacts functional brain connectivity in Parkinson's disease
- 15 - Symptom Network Modulation by Deep Brain Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 16 - Brain-wide anatomical and functional effects of subcallosal cingulate white matter DBS
- 17 - White Matter Integrity Predicts Recovery Response Time of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression
- 18 - Inter- and Intra-Subject Variability of White Matter Activation Pathways in SCC DBS for Depression
- 19 - Can White Matter Tract Measures Predict Post-DBS Recovery in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- 20 - Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: evolution of tractography-based targeting
- 21 - Longitudinal Functional Changes in Treatment-Resistant Depression with SCC Deep Brain Stimulation
- 22 - Characterizing SCC Gray Matter in Depression: Implications for DBS Optimization
- 24 - Personalized Connectomic Targeting for Ventral Intermediate Nucleus DBS in Essential Tremor
- 25 - High-Level features from Deep Language Models predict Subthalamic theta power during sentence proces
- 26 - Therapeutic DBS for OCD Suppresses Default Mode Network and Associated Subcortical Circuits
- 27 - Modeling between DBS signals and brain white matter integrity based Dystonia patients
- 28 - Rearrangement of the posterior language area with lesion progression
- 29 - ECoG high-gamma activity peak during speech production increases the ECS effect
- 30 - Cortical localization and positive detection rate of bilateral cerebral functions in awake surgery
- 31 - Advanced Mapping Techniques with ECoG in Awake Craniotomies and Consciousness State Assessment
- 33 - Thalamo-centric causal connectivity mapping in human brain with intracranial electrical stimulation
- 34 - Impaired action recognition in brain tumor patients induced by direct electrical stimulation
- 35 - Modeling and predicting neural responses to multisite direct electrical brain stimulation in humans
- 36 - Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Tract Reorganization After MRgFUS Thalamotomy in Essential Tremor
- 37 - Multi-channel infrared stimulation on mesoscale cortical units with ultra-high field 7T MRI
- 38 - Subthreshold Depression Affects EEG Network Patterns in Spatial Cognition Process
- 39 - Non-invasive Electrical Brain Stimulation with a Phase lag: an fMRI Study
- 40 - Optimizing Multi-Channel tES to Improve Robustness to Electrode Displacement: A Simulation Study
- 41 - Electroconvulsive therapy regulates brain connectome dynamics in major depressive disorder
- 42 - Differences in tDCS-induced E-fields according to Alzheimer's disease and gender: An in-silico study
- 43 - HD-tDCS effects on response inhibition in chronic tobacco users – Electric field simulations
- 44 - TDCS over VLPFC increases reward sensitivity in a two-armed bandit task
- 45 - MRI-based models of electric-field distribution for the modulation of primary progressive aphasia
- 46 - Modulating Cerebral Metabolic Rate: Investigating tDCS Effects in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
- 47 - Effects of tACS on electrophysiological signals are task-dependent
- 48 - The impact of accelerated iTBS and cTBS on white matter microstructure in OCD - a pilot study
- 49 - Transcranial magnetic stimulation simulation reveals electric-field differences between DLPFC and M1
- 50 - Application of HARDI to assess optimal coil orientation in neuronavigated TMS of the motor cortex
- 51 - Assessing the effects of TMS coil size on quantitative mapping of human motor cortex
- 52 - Function-Specific Targeted rTMS Synergy with Motor Imagery Enhances the Learning of Sports Skills
- 53 - TMS on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex induces striatal dopamine release. A 18F-DMFP PET study.
- 54 - Preliminary investigation of BOLD dependence on EEG–TMS using a closed-loop TMS–EEG–fMRI
- 55 - Neural Correlates of Anosognosia in Neurocognitive Disorders
- 56 - Improving Coil Setup and Data Processing Strategies for Concurrent MRI and Brain-Stimulation Studies
- 57 - Sexing the parental brain in shopping: a 3T fMRI study
- 58 - E-field Orientation in Theta Burst Stimulation Modulates Changes in Motor Evoked Potential Amplitude
- 59 - Precise motor mapping with robotic TMS versus finger tapping fMRI activation locations
- 60 - Lateral Prefrontal Cortex rTMS May Affect Functional Controllability in Mild Cognitive Impairment
- 61 - MRI-guided cTBS Alleviated Auditory Hallucinations: A Randomized Double-blind Sham-controlled Trial
- 62 - Estimating the Primary Activation in TMS-Evoked EEG recordings through Source-Based Filtering
- 63 - Theta Burst Stimulation Effects on the Right Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex and Emotion Regulation
- 64 - The Information Flow of TMS-evoked Brain Network Dynamics
- 65 - Evaluating personalized rTMS impact on network functional connectivity via precision methods
- 66 - Phase-targeted sleep EEG neurofeedback inside the MR scanner drives cerebrospinal fluid flow
- 67 - The effect of transcranial photobiomodulation on EEG power: variation with light pulsation frequency
- 68 - Enhancing Cognitive Performance by Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation at Individual EEG Theta Frequency
- 69 - Effect of the Stimulus Timing in the fNIRS-based BCI using a RSVP paradigm
- 70 - Learning to control the visual cortex and enhancing visual attention via fMRI-based Neurofeedback
- 71 - Effects of personalized near-infrared LED therapy based on brain networks from EEG
- 72 - Combination of Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback and Mindfulness Instructions in Problematic Alcohol Use
- 73 - An fMRI Study of Instant Brain Effects of taVNS on Parkinson's Disease
- 74 - An Endogenic Attentional Visuomotor Regulator
- 75 - NIR-LED Photobiomodulation(PBM) on elderly improves cognitive functions and EEG patterns
- 76 - Asymmetrical Impacts of Motion Vibrational Stimulations on Resting-State Brain Connectivity
- 77 - Transcranial photobiomodulation increases functional connectivity and cortical excitability
- 78 - An fMRI study on various a auricular neurostimulation parameters to optimize anti-pain effects
- 79 - Resting-state fMRI Study of Neurofeedback Emotion Regulation in DLPFC
- 80 - Monte Carlo Dosimetry Simulation of Transcranial and Intranasal Photobiomodulation
- 81 - Acute effects of auricular vagus nerve stimulation on the gut-brain axis in functional dyspepsia
- 82 - Functional connectivity changes in low back pain patients after α-wave neurofeedback training
- 83 - Transcranial photobiomodulation modulates brain signal variability in older adults
- 84 - Electroconvulsive therapy alters connectivity in treatment-resistant depressive disorders
- 85 - Brain Function Changes of taVNS treatment for MDD Based on resting-state BOLD fMRI
- 86 - Non-invasive modulation of post-stroke hemianopia: Influence of gray and white matter integrity
- 87 - Virtual brain twin for diagnosis of epileptogenic networks using temporal interference stimulation
- 88 - Volumetric changes after convulsive therapies in treatment-resistant depressive patients
- 89 - Effects of Theta-Burst-Like Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation on M1 Cerebral Blood Flow
- 90 - Facilitating Meditation with Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation in Both Experts and Novices
- 91 - DTI Indices and Tractography in Evaluating Treatment Efficacy in FUS on Essential Tremor
- 92 - Individualized Neuroimaging-based Prediction Model for tFUS in Insomnia Patients
- 93 - Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for 3D Fetal Brain Pose Prediction from Freehand 2D Ultrasound
- 94 - Enhancement of glymphatic activity in early Alzheimer’s disease using low-intensity ultrasound
- 95 - Steerable transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) validated by acoustic radiation force imaging
- 96 - Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Phantom vs Human lesions
- 97 - Transcranial Ultrasound (TUS) applied to Corpus Callous Diminishes EEG Alpha Power
- 98 - The effect of tDCS targeting the left inferior frontal gyrus on fear extinction
- 99 - Exploring effects of prefrontal tDCS on Metabolite Levels in MDD, SCZ, and healthy subjects
- 100 - TDCS Modulates Baseline fMRI Activity and Population Receptive Fields in the Human Visual Cortex
- 101 - Impact of tDCS on brain metabolites in the left DLPFC in healthy subjects
- 102 - Effect of left DLPFC electric field magnitude on tDCS-induced resting brain connectivity changes
- 103 - Effects of transcranial electrical stimulation on primary visual cortex using resting-state fMRI
- 104 - Effects of anodal tDCS over primary motor cortex on motor learning and brain activity
- 105 - Comparison of Personalised Dosage Between HD-tDCS and Conventional tDCS
- 106 - Radiomics-informed Brain Age for Predicting Treatment Response of rTMS in Neurocognitive Disorder
- 107 - TMS Modulation of Sensory-Evoked Neural Activity in Autistic Adults with Sensory Over-Responsivity
- 108 - Non-Invasive Mapping Predicts Language Outcomes after Eloquent Tumor Resection
- 109 - Prefrontal rTMS Modulates Emotion Processing Circuitry
- 110 - E-field Modelling Explains Variability in Behavioural Response to Chronometric TMS During N-back
- 111 - Distinct TMS-EEG profiles reflect motor homunculus variability
- 112 - Electric field optimization to improve multichannel TMS-based functional localization
- 113 - Leveraging brain network plasticity before neurosurgery: An fMRI-based prehabilitation case study.
- 114 - Network meta-analysis on non-invasive brain stimulation for acute major depressive episode treatment
- 115 - TMS promotes emotional regulation in adults with high-level perceived stress
- 116 - The Spatial Distributions of Neuroimaging-guided Personalized Targets for TMS in Depression
- 117 - A comprehensive approach for TMS targeting identifies better targets than typical approaches.
- 118 - Causal role of angular gyrus and premotor cortex in human habit formation: A TMS study
- 119 - Multi-muscle TMS mapping for motor cortex reorganization during finger independence training
- 120 - In-silico analysis of motion-informed dose adjustment strategies for TMS-fMRI
- 121 - Personalized threshold-free tree-based localization approach for connectome-guided brain stimulation
- 122 - Single-pulse and paired-pulse TMS reveal spatially distinct corticomotor maps in human motor cortex
- 123 - Real-time control software for EEG- and EMG-guided TMS
- 124 - A quality metric to assess pulsewise-coil displacements during TMS
- 125 - Electric-field-based TMS-dosing
- 127 - TMS direct effects of orbitofrontal cortex stimulation: An interleaved TMS-fMRI study
- 128 - A network meta-analysis for rTMS in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Adults
- 129 - TMS Intensity and the Brain: A Computational Approach to Understanding and Predicting Responses
- 130 - Precision TMS Target Guided by the Amygdala: How Effects Propagate to Deep Nuclei via Fiber Bundles
- 131 - Causal network localization of brain stimulation targets for trait anxiety
- 132 - Lower brain tissue volume in limbic predominant age-related TDP43 neuropathological change (LATE-NC)
- 133 - Clinical and brain morphological characteristics of LRRK2-associated Parkinson disease
- 134 - Decoding MRI-informed Brain-predicted Age Using Mutual Information
- 135 - Cortical reorganization manifested as reduced thickness in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain
- 136 - Cerebellar changes in Alzheimer’s disease: Subregional atrophy, Functional connectivity, and Myelin
- 137 - Regional brain free water and gene expression provide new insights into Parkinson’s disease
- 139 - Absence of fMRI adaptation in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
- 140 - Atrophy trajectories in Alzheimer's disease: how sex matters
- 141 - Proteomics analysis unveils proteins underpinning diabetes-driven white matter hyperintensity growth
- 142 - Cognitive training reorganize functional lateralization in vascular cognitive impairment no dementia
- 143 - Altered intrinsic neural timescales in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
- 144 - Common and specific effects in oscillations and motor symptoms of tDCS and tACS in Parkinson disease
- 145 - Quantitative MRI microstructural features of medial temporal lobe subfields relates to tauopathy
- 146 - Unravelling the heterogeneity of Mild Cognitive Impairment using Subtype and Stage Inference
- 147 - Arterial Territories Mediate White Matter Hyperintensities association to Processing Speed in MCI/AD
- 148 - A Summary Statistics Approach to providing Imaging Results for the Cleveland ADRC Neuroimaging Core
- 149 - RegionFormer: A Simple Region Transformer for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
- 150 - Brain Iron in Prodromal and Early Parkinson’s Disease:
A 4-year Longitudinal QSM and R2* Study
- 151 - Progressive Neurodegeneration of Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus in REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
- 152 - Improving Diagnosis of Dementia through Longitudinal analysis of structural Brain Data
- 153 - Distinct grey matter patterns and their determinants in a Swedish birth cohort of septuagenarians
- 154 - Transformer-based unified tissue and white matter hyperintensity segmentation
- 155 - Alzheimer’s Disease Psychosis-related Brain Network: A Deep Learning and Explainable AI Framework
- 156 - A comprehensive exploration of longitudinal white matter microstructure and cognitive trajectories
- 157 - Consistent genes associated with structural changes in clinical Alzheimer’s disease spectrum
- 158 - ENIGMA-HIV: White matter microstructural abnormalities in a global sample of people living with HIV
- 159 - A Brain Age Prediction Method Using Multi-Scale Attention Mechanism and Fully Convolutional Network
- 160 - Symptom-specific brain networks identified in rsfMRI data of Parkinson's disease patients
- 161 - Striatal and thalamic automatic segmentation, morphology, and clinical correlates in Parkinsonism.
- 162 - Stability of MEG and EEG Spectral Features in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
- 163 - Evaluating Deep Learning Hippocampal Segmentation Pipelines for Alzheimer’s Disease
- 164 - Identifying healthy individuals with Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging phenotypes
- 165 - Distinct graded pattern of hippocampal atrophy and its association with memory deficits in dementia
- 166 - Intracranial atherosclerosis is linked to lower volume in hippocampal posterior body and tail.
- 167 - Prediction of Motor Symptom Progression in Parkinson’s Disease Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- 168 - Sleep quality and Brain glucose uptake in Middle-aged Healthy subjects
- 169 - Time-series analysis of processing speed indicates multiple cortical atrophy in multiple sclerosis.
- 170 - FMRI exposes visual deficits in a progressive stage of a Parkinson’s Disease mouse model
- 171 - In Vivo Neurological Signatures of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: An MRI study of QSM and MRS.
- 172 - Absence Frontal-parietal EEG Network in Theta Band in MCI Patients During High-recall Movie-watching
- 173 - ParkCore: Harmonized analysis of neuroimaging datasets from NorthAmerican & Indian Parkinson studies
- 174 - Prediction of amyloid and tau status in nondemented older adults using tree-based ensemble models
- 175 - Transdiagnostic brain module dysfunctions across sub-types of frontotemporal dementia
- 176 - Longitudinal Iron and Neuromelanin in Restless Legs Syndrome associated with Parkinson’s Disease
- 177 - Interactions between subcortical structure, fMRI vigilance signals, and cognition in aging
- 178 - EEG Beta Spectrum Changes in MCI Patients During High-recall Movie-watching
- 179 - Effects of Parkinson’s Disease on Viscoelastic Properties of the Brain
- 180 - Structural brain alterations in patients with criminal behavior in frontotemporal dementia
- 181 - Functional 7T MRI analyses reveal altered cerebellar activity and connectivity in multiple sclerosis
- 182 - Revisiting cortical face-to-hand area reorganisation after tetraplegia
- 183 - Decoupling between cerebral blood volume and CSF in cognitive impairment is linked to brain volume
- 184 - ASL blood-brain barrier permeability is associated with amyloid and cognitive impairment
- 185 - PET Amyloid Predicts Longitudinal Atrophy in Non-Demented Individuals: Results from the AMYPAD PNHS
- 186 - Effects of Beta-amyloid on the Temporo-parietal Network across the Alzheimer’s Disease Continuum
- 187 - Stepwise connectivity patterns along the gradients of brain organization in Alzheimer's disease
- 188 - Differences in local connectivity strength relate to disease stage in multiple sclerosis
- 189 - Deciphering white-matter changes in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy using free-water diffusion MRI
- 190 - Worldwide analysis of brain microstructure across Parkinson’s disease stages
- 191 - Pathology-based and functional connectivity of affective symptoms in Alzheimer's disease continuum
- 192 - Cortical neurodegeneration influences annual white matter hyperintensity progression
- 193 - Brain radiomics-based network tracks distinct subtypes in prodromal Parkinson's disease
- 194 - Multimodal neuroimaging and plasma marker evidence of white matter loss in Parkinson's dementia
- 195 - Understanding of Regional Contributions to Memory Impairment in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- 196 - Investigation of common EEG features between PD and MDD
- 197 - Assessing the Sensitivity of Brain-Age to Alzheimer's Disease in different Ethnic Groups
- 198 - Preservation of Neural Activation Along the Somatosensory Processing Stream After Tetraplegia
- 199 - Structural desegregation of intrinsic brain networks in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
- 200 - Towards associative memory in convolutional neural networks for in silico neurodegenerative diseases
- 201 - Transfer Learning for Optimal Adaptation of Normative Neuroimaging models in Alzheimer's Disease
- 202 - Fast Imaging of the Substantia Nigra with Zero-Shot Super-Resolution
- 203 - Sex differences in the relationship of cognition and brain in midlife adults at risk for dementia
- 204 - Frontoparietal connectivity strength relates to changes in disability metrics in multiple sclerosis
- 205 - Training Vision Transformers to Predict Amyloid Positivity from Brain Structural MRI
- 207 - Longitudinal Changes in Parkinson's Disease-Related Network Organization in REM Sleep Disorder (RBD)
- 208 - Progressive thalamic nuclear atrophy in blepharospasm and blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia
- 209 - Brain arteriolosclerosis linked to lower gray matter volume in elderly community-cohort
- 210 - HRV as a Measure of Brain-Heart Connectivity Focus on Symptoms in Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Disease
- 211 - Exploring White Matter Pattern Variability in Alzheimer's Disease: Associations with Biomarkers
- 212 - Deep Learning Based Simulation of Amyloid-β accumulation
- 213 - Brain age prediction in people with Parkinson’s disease using minimally processed images
- 214 - Amyloid-induced hyperconnectivity drives connectivity-based tau spreading in Alzheimer's disease
- 215 - Association between Blood-Brain Barrier Damage in Alzheimer’s Disease and Known Risk Variants
- 216 - Integrated MRI Analysis and Quality Control Pipeline for Memory Clinic Use of UK Biobank Imaging
- 217 - Reduced myelin contributes to cognitive decline in monogenic small vessel disease.
- 218 - Uncovering the progressive trajectory of GBM invasion & contralesional neuroplasticity synchrony
- 219 - High-resolution Diffusion MRI for Tissue Microstructure of Multiple Sclerosis
- 220 - Analysis of Costs for Imaging-Assisted Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease with Lecanemab
- 221 - Diffusion MRI-based Deep Learning to detect Alzheimer’s Disease in US and Indian Cohorts
- 222 - The differing effects of region of interest statistics in exploratory brain morphological analysis
- 223 - Functional Brain Network Alterations in a Korean Brain Aging Study of Alzheimer's Disease
- 224 - Inflammation in the white matter relates to core Alzheimer's disease pathophysiological processes
- 225 - Cognitive Profiles and Brain Alterations in Prodromal and Parkinson's Disease Individuals
- 226 - Style transfer GANs for synthesizing controls for case-only studies in multi-study analyses
- 227 - Anterior insula atrophy drives progressive structural brain network alterations in FTD
- 228 - Quantifying Deviations and Asymmetry of Brain Structure and Function in Alzheimer's Disease
- 229 - Data Driven Staging of Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia by Neuroimaging Data
- 230 - Reduced structural connectivity underlies dementia in Lewy Body disease
- 231 - The Role of ApoE4 in The Acceleration of Tau Aggregation.
- 232 - White matter microstructure alterations in Huntington’s disease: a cross-species study
- 233 - Grey matter atrophy, functional connectivity and behavioral signatures of mild cognitive impairment
- 234 - No increase in deep-brain grey matter magnetic susceptibility observed over the Parkinson's disease
- 235 - Resilience of brain networks after stroke: Impact of new events on specialization and integration
- 236 - Distribution of amyloid Beta and Its Influence on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease
- 237 - Distinct Involvement of Neurotransmitter Systems in Early- And Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
- 238 - Structural equation modeling identifies differential links of pathologies and atrophy in dementia
- 239 - Metabolomic-based risk score informed by neuroimaging biomarkers improves Alzheimer’s disease risk
- 240 - Interplay of plasma phosphorylated tau with GFAP, sex on hippocampal connectivity in preclinical AD
- 241 - Functional Connectivity Alterations Associated with Gray Matter Atrophy in Spinocerebellar Ataxia 10
- 242 - Mapping STN DBS Effects in PD: Optogenetics and fMRI Analysis of Pulse Rate-Dependent Modulation
- 244 - Carotid stiffness and pulsatility associated with cognitive impairment: A phase-contrast MRI study
- 245 - Altered amyloid-ß binding in cognitively normal middle-aged APOE-ε4 carriers: an AI-assisted study
- 247 - Β-amyloid indirectly affects cognition through tau and hippocampal atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease
- 248 - Environmental complexity on spatial brain volume and behavior across the Alzheimer’s spectrum
- 250 - Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Associated with Brain Iron Concentration
- 251 - Evaluating Alzheimer Disease tau burden and spread in relation to cognitive domain deficits
- 252 - Brain Connectivity Measured Through Spatial Covariance as a Biomarker for Neurodegeneration in AD
- 253 - Diffusion Tensor Imaging as an Indicator Glymphatic Dysfunction Over Time in Patients with ALS
- 254 - Assessing Structural MRI Changes in Patients with Parkinson's Disease-Freezing of Gait
- 255 - Improved Ex-vivo Cerebral Microbleed Detection Using Simulation-Based Self-Supervised Learning
- 256 - Brain Circuit Signatures of Psychosis in Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Overlap with Non-AD Psychosis
- 257 - Understanding CBF Changes in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease using 3D pCASL-MRI
- 258 - The effects of nutritional monitoring of the elderly at high risk for dementia using QEEG
- 259 - White Matter Hyperintensity Burden is Related to White Matter Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Aging
- 261 - Depression in Premanifest HD: Aberrant Effective Connectivity of Striatum and Default Mode Network
- 262 - Distinctive Accumulation Patterns of Amyloid β in clinical progression of MCI pattern
- 263 - A Negatively Correlation Between Serum Calcium and Gray Matter Volume in Alzheimer's Disease
- 264 - The impact of FreeSurfer variability on structural brain analyses in Parkinson’s disease
- 265 - White Matter Alterations in Major Depression Disorder with Suspected Non-Alzheimer Pathophysiology
- 266 - A Comparative Study on Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease Using Two Novel Neuromelanin MRI Sequences
- 267 - White matter hyperintensities effect on cognition in type 2 diabetes is moderated by education level
- 268 - Reduced Resting-state Inter-Hemispheric Functional Connectivity in People with Multiple Sclerosis
- 269 - Exploring the Relationship Between Brain Structural and Antipsychotic Drug Dosage in BPSD
- 270 - Investigation about Correlations Between DTI and Cognitive Domains in Mild Cognitive Impairment
- 271 - Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Lewy Body Dementia
- 272 - Hypertension effects on brain volumes in presence of structural cardiac and renal function mediators
- 273 - Cardiometabolic risk factors, liver fat, white matter hyperintensities, and cognition
- 274 - Predicting Antipsychotic Drug Doses for BPSD: A Transfer Learning Approach Using Neuroimaging Data
- 275 - ENIGMA-Parkinson's Disease: A Global Consortium for Integration of Multimodal Neuroimaging
- 276 - Circulating NT-proBNP levels correlate with structural brain alterations in the general population
- 277 - Synergic cholinergic and dopaminergic role in motor symptoms of sporadic Parkinson’s disease
- 278 - Widespread White Matter Alterations Are Associated With Neurological Severity in Wilson Disease
- 279 - Investigation of fibre bundle alterations in early Alzheimer’s disease using fixel-based analysis
- 280 - Word Finding Related Atrophy in ADNI’s Alzheimer Disease Cohort
- 281 - The role of hippocampal subfield volumes in subjective cognitive decline
- 282 - Functional connectivity reorganization over age and Alzheimer’s disease
- 283 - Pattern of Thalamic Connectivity Loss Following Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
- 284 - Task based functional connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease with increase in disease duration.
- 285 - Heart failure decouples the precuneus in association with social cognition and executive functions
- 286 - Cortical thickness changes in Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Mutation Carriers
- 287 - Dynamic analysis of resting-state EEG reveals altered brain states and functional network transition
- 288 - Automated quantification of white matter lesion confluence on T2 MRI scans
- 289 - Increased CSF GAP-43 leads to accelerated tau accumulation and spread in Alzheimer’s disease
- 290 - Plasma neurofilament light relates to white mater and gray matter microstructure in older adults
- 291 - Fixation Duration Effects on Microstructural Changes in Disease: Insight from Ex-vivo Diffusion MRI
- 292 - Associations Between Genetics of Parkinson's Disease, Brain Structure, and Behavioral Phenotypes
- 293 - Hemispheric asymmetry in Alzheimer's Disease patients as feature for pathogenesis and prediction
- 294 - Functional connectivity fingerprints of hallucinations in Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
- 295 - Spatial pattern of brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s and LATE neuropathology
- 296 - Oxidative stress is related to vascular brain injury in mild cognitive impairment of Alzheimer type
- 297 - Patterning of Dynamic Brain States Distinguish Parkinson’s Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairments
- 298 - Dynamic Brain Network States in Alzheimer’s Disease
- 299 - Subtype-specific patterns of tau pathology in Alzheimer's and related disorders
- 300 - Multi-scale investigation of the zona incerta subregions in Parkinson's Disease
- 301 - Essential Tremor: The Relationship Between Hand Dominance and Tremor Severity by MVPA
- 302 - Impaired EEG in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis correlates with distinct neurotransmitter systems
- 303 - Relationship Between Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow in the Subarachnoid Space and Beta-Amyloid Deposition
- 304 - White matter abnormalities predict social gullibility in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
- 305 - Nigrosome neuromelanin loss at 3T MRI has diagnostic value in clinical uncertain parkinsonism
- 306 - Advancing Understanding of ALS Motor Dysfunction: 7T fMRI Explores Neural Mechanisms
- 307 - 'Characterizing levodopa-induced dyskinesias using neuroimaging, clinical and behavioural measures'
- 308 - The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Baseline Data Sharing Initiative
- 309 - Investigating Disruptions in Information Flow due to Sickle Cell Disease using Granger Causality
- 310 - Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are linked to regional brain atrophy
- 311 - Dissociation of Structural and Functional Changes in Alzheimer's Disease
- 314 - White Matter Cerebrovascular and Microstructure Imaging Biomarkers in Normal Cognition and MCI
- 315 - Up-sampling MRI scans can significantly increase robustness of NbM segmentation
- 316 - The impact of connectivity estimation methods on functional connections in young and older adults
- 317 - Changes in brain structure and age in Veterans with TBI following treatment with Magnesium-Ibogaine
- 318 - Epigenetic aging is associated with atypical neurodegenerative patterns in Alzheimer’s disease
- 319 - The Role of Dissociable Neuromorphometric Profiles in Aduls Living with HIV
- 320 - Atrophy Assessment via Freesurfer SynthSR: A Clinical Validation
- 321 - Lumbar Spine fMRI to Quantify Efficacy of Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- 322 - Early Prediction of Alzheimer's using Dynamic Functional Connectivity and Deep learning
- 323 - Lifestyle activities contribute to cognitive reserve in mid-life individuals at risk of dementia
- 324 - Multi-Modal Approach: Classification of MCI Using Language Tasks, Eye-Tracking, fMRI and sMRI
- 325 - Structural network disruption associated with molecular pathogenesis in Alzheimer's disease spectrum
- 326 - The hierarchical organization of the salience, default, and executive networks in social inferences
- 327 - A Resting-State fMRI Study of Suicide Ideation Correlates in Huntington’s Disease
- 328 - Neural Correlates of Finger Tapping Performance in Alzheimer's Disease
- 329 - Comprehensive MRI Anomaly Detection Interface for CADASIL and VCID: A Multimodal Approach
- 330 - Effects of SLC6A2 Gene on Brain Activations in Youths with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- 331 - Atypical Neural Response to Hearing One’s Own Name in Autistic Children
- 332 - ADHD Classifiers Based on GM-WM Structural Connectivity Couplings and Transcriptional Signatures
- 333 - Emotion dysregulation and right pars orbitalis constitute a neuropsychological pathway to ADHD
- 334 - Chronic oxytocin attenuates amygdala activity but does not improve mirror system function in autism
- 335 - Investigating the neural correlates and oscillatory dynamics of tics in Tourette Syndrome
- 336 - Automated Stratification of Cortical Network Reveals Clinically Meaningful Subgroups of ASD children
- 337 - Fingerprinting individual differences in lesion impact through imaging: The FIDELITI Dashboard
- 338 - Low Birthweight Associated Long-term Pubertal and Neurodevelopmental Alterations in Preterm Children
- 339 - Auditory Language Comprehension among Children and Adolescents with ASD: An ALE fMRI Meta-Analysis
- 340 - Machine-learning-based feature selection to identify ADHD using white matter microstructure
- 341 - Multimodal network dynamics underpinning executive function development in children born preterm
- 342 - Reduced brain activity for sensory and motor tasks after treatment in pediatric medulloblastoma
- 343 - Maternal perinatal depression and its impact on emotion regulation in young adulthood
- 344 - Structural brain outcomes in perinatally infected HIV toddlers with early versus late treatments
- 345 - The individual-level, multimodal neural signature of face processing in the fusiform gyrus in autism
- 346 - Atypical connectivity between the sensorimotor and salience networks for observed touch in autism
- 347 - Thalamic Functional Connectivity Gradients in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- 348 - Dynamic Mode Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 349 - Pupillometric neuronal gain indicates the locus coeruleus to underlie
predictive coding in autism
- 350 - Do estimates of age based on functional connectivity differ as a function of reading ability?
- 351 - Neurofeedback from the anterior prefrontal cortex for obsessive compulsive disorder
- 352 - Organization of intersubject correlations parallels functional gradients during naturalistic viewing
- 353 - Predictive Coding in ASD and ADHD: Modulation of P300 by Sequence Learning
- 354 - The regional distribution of brain iron and its relation to behaviors in children and adolescents
- 355 - Exploring Morphological Characterization of MRI-negative Child Epilepsy Based on Machine Learning
- 356 - Distinct Patterns of Brain Morphology associate with Specific Dimensions of Child Psychopathology
- 357 - Lower Spatial Consistency on Transient States of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 358 - Synaptic-related developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
- 359 - Structural connectome differences between autism and neurotypical control groups using autoencoder
- 360 - Understanding the Development of Mental Disorders Through Longitudinal Neuroanatomy in Adolescents
- 361 - Functional mapping of facial movements in Tourette Syndrome
- 362 - Sensory Symptoms May Mediate Changes of Social Symptoms and Social Brain Development in Autism
- 363 - Potent DWI marker to predict the improvement of core language after pediatric epilepsy surgery
- 364 - Identification of sex differences in autism using class imbalance mitigated functional connectivity
- 365 - In vivo mapping of cortical excitation-inhibition imbalance in temporal lobe epilepsy
- 366 - Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Denoised Multiple Age-Specific Structural Features
- 368 - Structural alterations associated with emotion regulation deficits in children with and without ADHD
- 369 - Personalized whole brain network modelling for optimizing epilepsy surgery
- 370 - Longitudinal behavioural and brain morphological changes before and after hemispherotomy
- 371 - CBF and Visual, Auditory, and Motoric BOLD Responses in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia
- 372 - Temporal Variability of Scalp EEG as a Predictor for Long-term Efficacy of rTMS Treatment in ASD
- 373 - Translingual neural stimulation induces brain network changes in patients with mild-to-moderate TBI
- 374 - Brain morphometry differences and similarities between Crohn’s disease patients and healthy controls
- 375 - Dimensional Relationships Between Conduct Problems and Brain Structure: An ENIGMA Mega-Analysis
- 376 - Learning from errors: neural evidence for altered mechanisms in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 377 - Early Development of Brain Functional Networks
- 378 - Subcortical volumes in middle-aged and older adults with and without autism spectrum disorder
- 379 - Microstructural alterations of association tracts in autism localized with along-tract mapping
- 380 - Structural alterations of contralesional visual processing areas in children with perinatal stroke
- 381 - Neural processing of phonological information in autistic kindergarteners as a predictor of reading
- 382 - White matter tracts associated with sensitivity to reward in ADHD and healthy adults
- 383 - Characterizing the developmental trajectory of functional hierarchy in autistic children
- 384 - ASD-related spatial covariance gray matter pattern revealed with a large-scale multi-center dataset
- 385 - Exploring autism heterogeneity: fMRI and personalised saliency maps to identify autism subgroups
- 386 - Prenatal Polydrug Exposure: Effects of Timing on Functional Connectivity at Birth
- 387 - EEG Microstate Analysis for Identifying Infantile Spasms
- 388 - Correlated Gene Expression Supports Neuromorphic Epicenter Identification in Attention-Deficit/Hyper
- 389 - Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity in childhood maltreatment based on the triple-network model
- 390 - Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with altered cortical structure and neurocognition at age 6
- 391 - Relationship between EEG spectral power and dysglycemia with outcomes after neonatal encephalopathy
- 392 - Abnormality detection in white matter in utero, applied to fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease
- 393 - A cross-etiologic study: altered network integration and modularity in newborns with severe diseases
- 394 - Machine-Learning-based classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder using heterogeneous factors
- 395 - Morphometry Longitudinal Study until Adolescence of Brain Growth after early lesion : Sex matters !
- 396 - Braincharting autism and ADHD reveals age- and sex- specific effects
- 397 - Transdiagnostic mapping of corticostriatal circuit for behavior and cognition in autism and ADHD
- 398 - Transdiagnostic interindividual differences in brain coactivation dynamics in autism and ADHD
- 399 - The neurogenetics of functional connectivity changes in Autism: Insights from subtyping 657 patients
- 400 - Altered brain network organization in adults with Asperger's syndrome
- 401 - Whole Brain Mapping of Disturbed Semantic Representation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 402 - Virtual epileptic patient cohort: generation and evaluation
- 403 - Lower neonatal brain volumes following prenatal exposure to maternal COVID
- 404 - Microstructural Grey-Matter Covariance and Functional Connectivity in Preterm and Full-term Infants
- 405 - Interactive Effects of Prenatal Drug Exposure and Socioeconomic Status on Early Brain Connectivity
- 406 - Cortical atrophy before and after surgery map to distinct brain networks in temporal lobe epilepsy
- 407 - Decreased BOLD signal variability in middle-aged and older adults with autism
- 408 - Atypical Development of Functional Brain Networks in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease
- 409 - Widespread Associations between Behavioral Metrics and Brain Microstructure in ASD
- 410 - Tourette and Chronic Tic disorders: Results from multimodal Brain Imaging Studies in Korea
- 411 - Machine Learning Analysis of Infant Brain Odor Responses in an fMRI Study
- 412 - Abnormal imaging neuroanatomy in childhood autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia
- 413 - EEG Microstates Reveal Altered Default-mode Network Dynamics Related to Attention in Narcolepsy
- 414 - Characterizing neuroinflammation in human patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using [18F]FEPPA PET
- 415 - Functional Imaging Derived ADHD Biotypes Based on Deep Clustering May Guide Personalized Medication
- 416 - Differentiating Autism Spectrum Disorder from Schizophrenia Based on Grey Matter Alteration.
- 417 - Accessing Brain Network in ADHD Using Relative Phase Analysis
- 418 - Oxygen-carrying Capacity Impacts Gross Motor in Congenital Heart Disease by Altering Brain Structure
- 419 - The causal roles of glutamate and GABA genes on brain and behavior in autism
- 420 - Automated detection of lesions from MRI in children with focal epilepsy: a pilot study
- 421 - Longitudinal Associations of Autistic Traits with Brain Structure during Adolescence
- 422 - Working Memory Related Functional Connectivity in Adults with ADHD and Associated Training Effects
- 423 - Age-related effects on the association between alcohol use severity and resting-state fMRI
- 424 - Predicting 2-year neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants using MRI and machine learning
- 425 - Predicting brain age using functional connectivity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- 426 - Thalamic connectivity gradients analysis reveal atypical thalamic-insula interactions in autism
- 427 - Brain Activity Dynamics in Children with and without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- 428 - Investigating reward processing in autism: a replication study in the
EU-AIMS Longitudinal Europea
- 429 - Disruptions of Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 430 - New Insights into Atypical Corticospinal Tract Microstructure in Children with Cerebral Palsy
- 431 - Decoding differences between neural responses to sustained and transient auditory sounds in dyslexia
- 432 - Altered brain connectivity in Autistic-Like behaviors of SHANK3 mutant beagle dogs
- 433 - Characterising structural similarity networks in the marmoset using Morphometric Inverse Divergence
- 434 - Thalamic connectivity and sleep-onset problems in infants at high likelihood for autism
- 435 - Altered brain state dynamics in children with a family history of substance use disorder vary by sex
- 436 - Metabolite-Autism Symptom Associations Mediated by Amygdala-Frontal Resting State Connectivity
- 437 - Atypical cortical responses to changes in sound source location in ASD
- 438 - Altered Cortical Microstructure and Morphology Within and Beyond Resected Epileptic Foci
- 439 - Beta Frontal Lobe Entropy and Infant Sadness Associated with Attention Deficit in Toddlerhood
- 440 - Derailed functional connectivity in infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
- 441 - Brain dynamics in toddlers with and without autism spectrum disorder
- 442 - Connectome-based predictive modeling analysis of infant cue impacts from early childhood trauma
- 443 - Reward anticipation predicts psychotic-like experiences in youth exposed to cannabis prenatally
- 444 - Developmental trajectories in functional brain network properties of preterm and at-term neonates
- 445 - Brain Mapping of Coherent and Scrambled Biological Motion Processing in Autistic School-Age Children
- 446 - Large scale brain network level excitation and inhibition imbalance in patients with epilepsy
- 447 - Investigating neuronal noise as a mechanism of tic generation
- 448 - Multimodal Patterns Associated with Social Interaction Through Gray and White Matter in Autism
- 449 - Structural brain alterations in autism: A large-scale voxel-based morphometry mega-analysis
- 450 - Development of microstructural correlations of white matter in ASD between 6-24 months
- 451 - Association of amygdala volume and autistic traits in monozygotic twins: Controlling for confounds
- 452 - Atypical Activation Networks in Prosody Processing for ASD By Activation Networks Mapping
- 453 - Mapping brain structural laterity abnormalities and multiscale cascade in ASD and DD/ID children
- 454 - Childhood trauma is associated with accelerated brain aging: a transdiagnostic structural MRI study
- 455 - Neural Activation and Connectivity underlying Face Encoding and Retrieval under Threat-of-Shock
- 456 - Predicting Treatment Outcomes in MDD using Baseline Resting-state Data: A Meta-Analysis
- 457 - Multivariate associations between psychiatric drug intake and GMV in psychosis and depression
- 458 - Perturbation in silico Indicates the Crucial Role of NAc in Abstinence from Meth Addiction
- 459 - Homotopic functional connectivity disruptions in schizophrenia and their associated gene expression
- 460 - Transcriptional Vulnerability of Immune Genes Underlying Mental Disorders' Cortical Abnormality
- 461 - Preliminary evidence for altered brain-heart communication during anxiogenic movies
- 462 - Exploring brain temperature and free water as markers of neuroinflammation in major depression
- 463 - Machine Learning Study on Dissociative Symptoms and the Relationship with Structural Brain Regions
- 464 - Thalamic Subnuclei Connectivity in Major Depressive Disorder: A 7-Tesla Diffusion MRI Study
- 465 - Common spatial patterns link network correlates of cocaine use disorder and D2/3 receptor densities
- 466 - Connectivity changes after ketamine in treatment resistant depression and receptor expression
- 467 - Resting State Functional Connectivity in Cannabis Users: The Moderating Role of Cannabis Attitudes
- 469 - Comparing data-driven subtypes of depression informed by symptom and neuroimaging data
- 470 - Dysregulation among insula, postcentral gyrus, and precuneus and its association with suicide risk
- 471 - Dynamic Functional Connectivity Changes Associated with Rumination by CBT in depression.
- 472 - Effects of Exercise on Structural and Functional Brain Patterns in Schizophrenia
- 473 - Neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder: from lesional connectivity to primary dysfunction
- 474 - Network control energy within the salience network underlies multi-task switching
- 475 - Dynamic functional connectivity analysis: uncovering disorder signatures in anorexia nervosa
- 476 - The protective effects of secure attachment despite childhood maltreatment on brain and behavior
- 477 - Association between physical frailty and incident depression: a prospective study
- 478 - Associations of adolescent versus young adult cannabis use with longitudinal neurocognitive change
- 480 - Resting-state fMRI links longitudinal brain activity changes to cognitive function in depression
- 481 - Non-linear Impact of Symptom Severity on Effect Size of Neuro-Symptom Variations in Psychosis
- 482 - Increasing prefrontal gray matter volume correlates with reduction of negative symptoms in psychosis
- 483 - Alterations in functional network dynamics following ketamine treatment in major depression
- 484 - Amygdala downregulation training using fMRI neurofeedback in post-traumatic stress disorder
- 485 - Right superior frontal gyrus: A potential marker for predicting the efficay in schizophrenia
- 486 - The functional connectivity changes of amygdala linked with anxiety in schizophrenia and prodrome
- 487 - Unveiling causal interactions between depression and alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood
- 488 - Neurobiological mapping of abnormal gray matter developmental trajectories in psychosis
- 489 - Extending imaging-transcriptomics: from decoding group-based findings to individual brains
- 490 - Neuroticism Heterogeneity in Item-Level Associations with Resting-State Functional Connectivity
- 491 - Functional gradients of striatum and its linkage with frontal cortical function in cocaine addiction
- 492 - Cortico-Striatal White Matter Dysconnectivity Across Phases of Psychosis
- 493 - Influence of reward sensitivity on resting-state networks in OCD patients and healthy controls
- 494 - Transcriptional and neurochemical profiles of cerebral blood flow changes in psychosis and prodrome
- 495 - Childhood maltreatment is associated with cortical thickness in adults with alcohol use disorder
- 496 - Longitudinal rs-fMRI changes reveal local brain function in patients with schizophrenia
- 497 - A Comparative Machine Learning Study of Connectivity-Based Biomarkers of Schizophrenia
- 498 - Shared and Distinct Brain Alterations in Youth with Internalising or Externalising Disorders
- 499 - Gray matter correlates of MDD: a cross-cohort investigation of replicability and generalizability
- 500 - Effects of Pregnenolone on Functional Connectivity of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Depression
- 501 - Altered Cortical Gyrification as a Marker of Treatment Resistance in Patients with First-Episode P
- 502 - Age-Dependent Microstructural Changes in Major Depressive Disorder: A Fixel-Based Analysis Study
- 503 - 3D CNN Classification Model to Identify Bipolar Disorders and Major Depressive Disorders by Rs-fMRI
- 504 - Advanced Machine Learning for Brain Age Gap Estimation in Anorexia Nervosa: A Neuroimaging Approach
- 505 - Functional and Structural Hierarchy in Individuals at Ultra High Risk for Developing Psychosis
- 506 - Aberrations in the Ventral Tegmental Area predict depression severity in the general population
- 507 - Global Signal Topography Alterations and Gene Expression in Major Depressive Disorder
- 508 - Longitudinal Brain Age in First-Episode Mania Youth Treated with Lithium or Quetiapine
- 509 - Orbitofrontal sulcal patterns in catatonia
- 510 - Brain criticality predicts PTSD psychotherapy response
- 511 - Beyond Theta-Beta Ratio: EEG Microstate D as a Target for ADHD Neurofeedback
- 512 - A possible white matter compensating mechanism of relatives of people affected by psychosis
- 513 - Cortical morphometric similarity gradient in schizophrenia
- 514 - Cognitive impairment in anti-LGI1 encephalitis is linked to structural brain network reorganization
- 515 - Polygenic risk of depression and resting state connectivity of subgenual ACC in young adults
- 516 - Investigating Glymphatic Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by dMRI
- 517 - Pathways linking physical and mental health: The role of brain structure and lifestyle factors
- 518 - Multimodal-based machine learning approach to classify features of addiction using EEG
- 519 - ECT-related textural change in the gray matter of the limbic system in psychosis patients
- 520 - Sustained Attention Evokes Disordered Topology in Brain Connectomics in OCD
- 521 - Effects of continuous theta burst stimulation in mild-to-moderate obsessive compulsive disorder
- 522 - Mozart's music affects the frontal theta activity related to response suppression in SHE patients
- 523 - Predicting panic disorder with machine learning of resting-state fMRI features
- 524 - Increasing gamma oscillation reflects the effect of music therapy on overall psychiatric symptoms
- 526 - Lysergic acid diethylamide alters white matter microstructure in patients with depression
- 527 - Unveiling Compromised Control Networks in Insomnia: Insights from Functional and Structural MRI
- 528 - Decomposing cortical thickness heterogeneity by evaluating PRS of psychiatric and medical disorders
- 529 - Parsing heterogeneity in white matter integrity along the progression of psychosis
- 530 - A Novel Cognition-guided Neurofeedback Protocol for Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment
- 531 - Distinct brain functional networks are associated with state- and trait-depression
- 532 - Cognition-mediated genetic influences on psychotic symptoms in adolescence
- 533 - Task fMRI Investigation of Pain Processing in Adolescent Cannabis Use
- 534 - COVID-19 affects white matter microstructure in healthy populations and major depressive disorder
- 535 - Brain Gene Expression of Insomnia Disorder is Associated with Brain Function, rather than Structure
- 536 - Functional connectivity alterations in depression and their associations with gene expression
- 537 - Functional Network Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia Independent of Medication and Illness Duration
- 538 - Delineating pharmacological treatment effect on brain state in schizophrenia using normative models
- 539 - IL-1beta moderated the relations of MFG-insula/mACC connectivity and depressive symptoms in BDII-D
- 540 - Systematic organization of cortical thickness co-alterations in substance use disorders.
- 541 - Normative Modelling of Molecular-Functional Circuits Captures Transdiagnostic Heterogeneity
- 542 - Striatal Functional Hypoconnectivity in Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms: Longitudinal Findings
- 543 - A novel imagery script-based retrieval-extinction procedure to prevent nicotine addiction
- 544 - Investigating the neurobiological basis of psychopathology using bi-factor models: reliably general
- 545 - Contextualized network dysfunction in schizophrenia: Granger Causality to Graph Theory
- 546 - Unique neural signatures of childhood sexual abuse in gray matter volume and cortical thickness
- 547 - Clinical Correlates of Neural Patterns following Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback in Anorexia Nervosa
- 548 - Neurotransmitter and cellular translation of neuroimaging phenotypes in healthy and abnormal brain
- 549 - The reproducibility of grey matter volume differences in psychiatric disorders
- 550 - Past Medication Use Continues to Affect Resting-State Connectivity in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 551 - White Matter Abnormalities and Differential Treatment Outcomes to CBT or Antidepressant Medication
- 552 - Longitudinal stability of individual differences in functional connectivity in psychopathology
- 553 - The structural connectome constrains in vivo synaptic density loss in schizophrenia
- 554 - A mega-analysis of functional connectivity and network changes in youth major depression
- 555 - Prefrontal Cortex-based Schizophrenia Phenotypes Linked to Variation in Williams Syndrome Gene LIMK1
- 556 - Unaltered frontoparietal white matter connectivity in first-episode psychosis patients
- 557 - Social app use modulates functional connectivity in social anxiety disorder individuals differently
- 558 - Regional Heterogeneity of Brain Morphometrical Changes in recreational Ketamine Use Individuals
- 559 - Cortico-thalamo-cerebellar triple network dysconnectivity across the psychosis risks
- 560 - Changes in parents' brain by parenting stress and depression.
- 561 - Examining meta-matching as a tool to predict Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 562 - Cortical Gyrification Abnormalities in Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 563 - Associations between multimodal brain age and the emergence of internalising symptoms in adolescence
- 564 - The mediation role of brain structure in the meditation treatment of Schizophrenia: an RCT study
- 565 - One Week Antidepressant Efficacy Revealed by EEG Analysis
- 566 - Personalized white matter system index for schizophrenia: a multilevel sib-pair analysis
- 567 - Aberrant dynamic functional connectivity of the subcortical structures in subthreshold depression
- 568 - Right hippocampal reduction in major depression in international federated analysis
- 569 - Understanding the functional organization of the thalamocortical connectivity in Chronic SCZ
- 570 - Multisite Tractometry Study Reveals Microstructural Abnormalities Along Tracts in Bipolar Disorder
- 571 - Predictors of Conversion to Psychosis also Predict Transition to High Risk: An ABCD Study Analysis
- 572 - The structural connectivity provides the underlying configuration for multiple disorders
- 573 - Diffusion-based brain correlates of adolescent resilience
- 574 - Reduced cortical thickness in behavioral addictions
- 575 - Cognition-related connectome gradient dysfunctions in first-episode major depressive disorder
- 576 - The Gender-specific Brain Functional Activation Patterns in Bipolar Depression with Anhedonia
- 577 - Neurotransmitter-related interhemispheric disconnectivity in depression with and without anxiety
- 578 - Graph Convolutional Network Model for Discrimination of Major Depressive Disorder.
- 579 - Convergent Task-State Brain Functional Network Profile Linking Behavioral Symptoms
- 580 - Dynamic Coactivation Pattern Analysis Reveals Altered Brain State Dynamics in Cocaine use disorder
- 581 - Gray Matter Alterations in Young Unmedicated Patients with Bipolar II and Unipolar Depression
- 582 - Comparing Four Brain Age Algorithms in Predicting Cognition in Bipolar Disorder and Healthy Persons
- 583 - Deviating from the norm: Neuroanatomical dissimilarity in depression is linked to symptom severity
- 584 - Changes in Model-Based and Model-Free Control Predict Future Drinking Trajectories in Young Adults
- 585 - Shared and distinct patterns of dFC variability of thalamo-cortical circuit in BDD and MDD patients
- 586 - Reconfiguration of Structure-Function Coupling in Diverse Subgroups of Adolescents with Depression
- 587 - Decoding Dynamic Neural Patterns of MDD: A Preliminary Surface-Based MRI Study of Temporal Stability
- 588 - Structural Connectivity of the Central Olfactory System in Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis
- 589 - The neural signature of trait impulsivity in methamphetamine use disorder
- 590 - Fingerprints of Psychiatric Symptoms in the Stomach-Brain Axis
- 591 - Longitudinal changes in structural connectivity in young people at high risk for bipolar disorder
- 593 - Aversive conditioning in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders using fMRI: A pilot study
- 594 - DCE-MRI shows higher Blood–Brain Barrier leakage in first-episode Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- 595 - Predicting Future Recurrence in Affective Disorders from Brain-Age Gaps in a 9-Year Follow-Up
- 596 - Abnormal cortical glutamate and GABA in individuals with depression and schizophrenia: an MRS study
- 597 - White matter microstructure in major depressive disorder is associated with lymphocyte count
- 598 - EEG microstates reveal brain network dynamics changes with circuit-targeted TMS on anhedonia.
- 599 - Quantitative analysis of MRI-visible perivascular spaces in schizophrenia
- 600 - Cerebral network connectivity in OCD: Impacts of certain and uncertain action – reaction mapping
- 601 - Amygdala-related abnormalities are hemisphere-specific and associated with symptoms of schizophrenia
- 602 - Alterations in AMPA and GABA signal transmission in the hippocampus in major depression
- 603 - Combining Neuroimaging and Genetics Provides Pathobiological Insights for Bipolar Disorder
- 604 - Linking individual brain variability to clinical phenotypes for early detection of bipolar disorders
- 605 - Neural Oscillatory Patterns Show Reliable Early Identification of Bipolar from Unipolar Depression
- 606 - Prediction of longitudinal anxiety in adolescents using mixed effects random forest regression
- 607 - Using an Anticipatory Shock Stress-induction fMRI Task to Challenge Mood-Related Stress-Circuitry
- 608 - Early-stage transdiagnostic prediction of functioning outcomes based on resting-state fMRI
- 609 - Revealing Hidden Patterns in Schizophrenia rs-fMRI via Novel Unsupervised Learning
- 610 - A whole-brain morphometry study of misophonia: comparing voxel-based and surface-based approaches
- 611 - Lesions that Cause Psychosis Map to a Common Brain Circuit Involving the Hippocampus
- 612 - Is the neural oscillation in the pars opercularis of the rIFG related to antidepressant efficacy?
- 613 - A three-dimensional model of neural activity and phenomenal-behavioral patterns
- 614 - A novel psychotherapy based on traditional Chinese culture and its effectiveness on depression
- 615 - Structural Covariance Network Topology in Individuals with Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
- 616 - Reactive astrocytes in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and cognitive functions in schizophrenia
- 617 - Aberrant Amygdala Gamma Responses to Unconscious Emotion Processing in MDD: An MEG study
- 618 - Interactive effect of adversity and irritability on brain volume in children
- 619 - Imbalanced functional architecture of anterior cingulate cortex subregions in unmedicated depression
- 620 - Temporal Dynamics of EEG microstates in Elderly Depression and the Comorbidity of Parkinsonism
- 621 - Common and unique alterations of functional connectivity and topology in affective disorder
- 622 - Abnormal Structural Covariance Network in Major Depressive Disorder
- 623 - Brain Controllability Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Associated with Cognitive Impairment
- 624 - Biomarkers of Multiple Psychiatric Disorders Based on Consistency of Brain Structure and Function
- 625 - Neural circuits underlying emotion dysregulation in bulimia nervosa
- 626 - Structural cerebellar connectivity in schizophrenia: Support for the cognitive dysmetria theory
- 627 - Insular Gray Matter Volume Explains Substance-Related Problems Beyond the Degree of Substance Use
- 628 - Acute Neurostructural Effects of Escitalopram in Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- 629 - Polygenic risk for stress-related disease correlates with fMRI stress task pulse rate recovery
- 630 - Functional Connectome Gradient Features in Rumination States and Major Depression Disorder
- 632 - Attentional bias to facial emotion expressions in nonsuicidal self-injury: an fMRI study
- 633 - Association between body image disturbance and amygdala in healthy Japanese adolescent females: rest
- 634 - Disrupted thalamic FC explained the altered level of consciousness induced by ketamine
- 635 - Exercise Ameliorates Depressive Status through the Interaction between Motor and Reward Regions
- 636 - Altered Neural Activities to Approach-Avoidance Tendencies in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
- 637 - Structural covariance networks in adolescents at familial high risk for schizophrenia or bipolar
- 638 - Aberrant local brain oscillations in the clinical high risk for psychosis – a TMS-EEG study
- 639 - Temporal Pole, 'Impending Understanding' Aspect of Aberrant Salience, and Delusion.
- 640 - Mindful-state Connectivity of Anterior Cingulate Cortex
- 641 - Longitudinal associations between depression symptoms and brain structure in youth
- 642 - Functional Connectivity Differences in Nonsuicidal Self-injury with and without Depression
- 644 - Exploring the Role of vmPFC in Smoking Behavior: A Functional Connectivity Analysis
- 645 - Insula functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder: subregions and gradients
- 646 - Network localization of gray matter atrophy in addiction
- 647 - Deficits of Right Cortico-striatal Pathway predicts Internet Addiction Severity
- 648 - Alpha Peak Frequency Shift as an Alternative Cognitive Marker for Depression
- 649 - Brain age to identify structural alterations in schizophrenia unrelated with aging
- 650 - Decreased functional connectivity in bipolar disorder: a whole-brain connectome analysis using NBS
- 653 - Exploring the Functional Connectivity of Insula Subregions in Children with Depression
- 654 - Longitudinal Inference of Multimodal Cortical and Hippocampal Connectivity in Psychosis Subtypes
- 655 - FMRI multitask deep phenotyping: subject-specific deviation analysed across contrasts and tasks
- 656 - Oxytocin alters fMRI intersubject correlation in psychotic disorders during emotional video watching
- 657 - Unravelling MDD brain circuits and clinical subtypes: A crossmodal ALE meta-analysis of 395 studies
- 658 - Distinct therapeutics of depression work on a common brain network
- 659 - Dynamic Fusion of SNP and FNC in UK Biobank Reveals Static and Time-varying Manifolds
- 660 - Neural dynamics of reinforcement learning in OCD: a functional connectivity study
- 661 - SPECT brain networks and their functional connectivity in schizophrenia patients vs controls.
- 662 - The Effect of Weight Loss on Brain Age in Schizophrenia
- 663 - Differential Functional Connectivity of Insula Subdivisions in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
- 664 - Inflammation Links to Functional Connectivity and White Matter Changes in Chronic Depression
- 665 - Cortical Thickness and Clinical Profile in Never Medicated Individuals with Psychosis
- 666 - General Neural Correlates of Executive Impairment in Childhood Psychopathology
- 667 - Closed-Loop Self-Neuromodulation of the Amygdala Involves Co-Modulation of the Posterior Insula
- 668 - Changes in Default Mode Network connectivity following sleep deprivation in patients with depression
- 669 - Differences in White Matter Associated with Relapse in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
- 670 - Increased prefrontal activation to misophonic triggers in misophonia
- 671 - Greater white matter hyperintensity volume as a predictor of late-life depression relapse
- 672 - DMN hyperconnectivity and structure in the clinical high-risk stage of schizophrenia
- 673 - Structural Brain Connectome Landscape of Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- 674 - Investigating the effects of real-time biofeedback using 7-Tesla MRI for depression
- 675 - Brain-behaviour relationships in population-based and clinically-ascertained samples
- 676 - Childhood Psychological Abuse and Adult Brain Function in a Large Psychiatric Cohort
- 677 - The effect of transcranial photobiomodulation on local and distal brain activity in depression
- 678 - Alterations of functional connectivity within the DMN of military Veterans with suicidal behavior
- 679 - Eating Disorder Diagnosis Moderates Pathological Exercise and White Matter Volume Relationship
- 680 - Anatomical brain MRI markers of Suicidality in Bipolar Disorder Using Deep Learning
- 681 - Autonomic Imbalance across the Brain-Heart Axis in Children with Autism
- 682 - Bridging Psychiatric Nosology and Neuroimaging: Factor Analysis Yields Alignment
- 683 - MPFC Metabolites and Their Association with Resting-State EEG in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder
- 684 - White Matter Integrity and Verbal Memory After a First Episode of Psychosis: A Longitudinal Study
- 685 - EEG Network in Low-Beta as Biomarkers for Distinguishing PTSD, Panic, and Other Anxiety Disorders
- 686 - Irregular Changes in Network Topology During Monotonic Learning in Health and Schizophrenia
- 687 - The effect of ibudilast on functional connectivity in methamphetamine use disorder
- 688 - Distinct and Shared Large-Scale Functional Network Dysconnectivity of BD II and MDD
- 689 - Neural Correlates of PTSD Symptoms and Disturbances of Self-Organization in North Korean Refugees
- 690 - Brain age estimation in subjects with anxiety/depression reliant on occipital cortex.
- 691 - Neurobehavioral responses to legal cannabis advertisements in youth and adults
- 692 - Cerebellar volume in substance use disorders: a mega-analysis by the ENIGMA addiction working group
- 693 - Lasting effects of electroconvulsive therapy on default mode network connectivity in depression
- 694 - Computational modeling reveals the altered brain dynamics of association cortex in schizophrenia
- 695 - Explore the brain connectivity of panic disorder patients based on the graph theoretical approach
- 696 - Auditory Thalamocortical Resting-State Hyperconnectivity in Schizophrenia
- 697 - How to Transform AI Prototypes into Functional Healthcare Applications for Diagnostic Assistance?
- 698 - Societal Impacts of Neurofeedback and Relevant Regulatory Frameworks in the United States
- 699 - ACC oscillations reflect scientific conceptual change at different levels of cognitive conflict
- 700 - The triple nexus in the brain: corpus callosum, brain asymmetry and cognition
- 701 - Temporal associations with financial adversity on subcortical volume and BMI amongst youth in ABCD
- 702 - Dynamic Functional Connectivity of Brain Networks during Acute Stress Regulates Stress Resilience
- 703 - Reward driven proactive control of emotional conflict
- 704 - Short-term restriction of physical and social activities effects on brain structure and connectivity
- 705 - Parieto-striatal activation predicts stress reactivity in anxious individuals during COVID-19
- 706 - Neural correlates of optimism and pessimism in healthy adolescents
- 707 - Emotion Dynamics in Reciprocity:Deciphering the Role of Prosocial Emotions in Social Decision-making
- 708 - Exploring consistent neural representation of valence in watching and recalling
- 709 - Switching and Coordination of Survival Actions in the Human Hypothalamus
- 710 - Deconstructing the brain bases of emotion regulation: A Bayes factor system-identification approach
- 711 - An fMRI Study of Sex Differences in Relation to Aggression in Humor Styles
- 712 - Sex differences in resting-state fMRI functional connectivity by the perspective of humor processing
- 713 - Separable and overlapping functional connectome architecture for impulsivity and anxiety
- 714 - Music-induced metabolic changes measured with functional PET/MRI.
- 715 - Resting-state Functional Connectivity Differences in the Gelotophobes and Non-Gelotophobes
- 716 - Unravelling sex-specific neural patterns associated with negative emotions
- 717 - Limbic Network Response to Anti-Vaping Messages Predicts Reduced Vaping in Young Adult Vapers
- 718 - Neuroforecasting online engagement with nature images
- 719 - Impact of Emotional Regulation on Well-being and Its Association with Brain Volume
- 720 - Subcortical emotion-related circuitry serves as brain-based classifier of math anxiety in children
- 721 - Brain Circuits During Arithmetic Are Predictive of Real-Time Trial-Based Math Anxiety Measurement
- 722 - Exploring the Brain, Emotion, and Personality with Video Games - An appraisal perspective.
- 723 - Happiness matters: distributed brain patterns underlie different positive emotions in OFC
- 724 - Modulation of affected emotions using binaural beats: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI study
- 725 - The Maturation of Functional Network Connectivity Supporting Emotion Regulation before Adolescence
- 726 - Facial Video-Based Remote Eye Movement Detection using Electrooculography and Deep Neural Network
- 727 - Mapping idiographic affective appraisals to brain activity using semantic embeddings
- 728 - Individual differences in shame- and guilt-proneness and its relationship with autistic trait
- 729 - Trait Impulsivity and Frontal Lobe Response to Anti-Vaping Messaging Predict Reduced Craving
- 730 - Functional and anatomical profiles of functionally selective and integrative zones in the insula
- 731 - A Neurofeedback Booster for Emotion Regulation Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- 732 - Neural correlates of expectation vs. expectation violation in delayed fear extinction learning
- 733 - An fMRI study on over-generalization of social fear in patients with potential traumatic event
- 734 - Induced emotional state modulates aperiodic activity of the amygdala
- 735 - Neural Correlates of Eye-Gaze Perception as a function of Autism Trait Severity in Adults
- 736 - Neural Mechanisms Underlying Improving Health Behavior with Cognitive Training under Stress
- 737 - Physiological and neural responses to witnessing animal suffering and connection
- 738 - Brain network associated with interpersonal static touch
- 739 - Decoding emotional signals: intersubject correlation exploration of naturalistic stimuli
- 740 - Sex differences in the effects of anxiety on behavioral and regional responses to negative emotions
- 741 - Common and distinct neural representations of interoceptive attention and emotion regulation
- 742 - An fMRI-based neuromarker for anxious anticipation of threat under uncertainty
- 744 - Resilience-driven neural synchrony during naturalistic movie watching: an ultra-high field fMRI stud
- 745 - Neural Mechanisms Behind the Effects of Tactile False Feedback on Emotion Perception
- 746 - Task induced dynamics of human bed nucleus of stria terminalis from direct neuronal recordings
- 747 - Context modulates Perceived Empathy in Human-Voice Agent Interactions
- 748 - Consistent representation of affective states between movie watching and recall using hyperalignment
- 749 - Rotten to the core–a neural signature of subjective core disgust generalizes to sociomoral contexts
- 750 - Frontal beta activity as a marker for depression-related negativity bias in emotional association
- 751 - Five weeks of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Improves Emotion in Older Adults: An fMRI Study
- 752 - Brain activation, age, gender, and mood disorder effects on facial emotion processing
- 753 - Exploring Neural Responses to Six Naturalistic emotional videos: An fMRI study using CMU-MOSEI data
- 754 - Awe is represented as an ambivalent experience in the human behavior and cortex
- 755 - Voluntary modulation of mental effort affects the attentional retraction induced by angry faces
- 756 - Double Dissociation Facial Expression Perception - Evidence from a (N=108) human lesion-based study
- 757 - Effects of executive function difficulty on brain responses to infant crying
- 758 - Dissecting the Roles of Medial Cingulate Cortex and Anterior Insula in Clinician Empathy
- 759 - Perceived Effectiveness of Cognitive and Emotional Messages in the Limbic and Perception Networks
- 760 - Late pregnancy oxytocin levels predict lower brain responses to infant cues at one-month postpartum
- 761 - Decoding laughter: MEG insights on auditory perception of volitional and spontaneous vocalizations
- 762 - Training Increases Reward Learning and Decreases Depression Symptoms Across Repeated Sessions
- 763 - Neurocomputational Dynamics of Pain Value-Based Decision Making
- 764 - Enhanced Activation in the Left Anterior Insula Induced by Reward Cues
- 765 - Saliency of Instructive Stimulus Affects the Activation of the Anterior Insula
- 766 - Anterior Insula Processes a Subjective Salience Prediction Error
- 767 - Delay gratification ability biases motivation for delayed rewards via cortico-striatal network
- 768 - Social jetlag and habitual short sleep duration affect neural reward function
- 769 - Data-driven Evaluation of Brain Network Engagement with Reward Task Gain Anticipation
- 770 - Towards a Neurobehavioral Phenotype of Human Hedonic Capacity
- 771 - Punishment interferes reward learning through altering exploration behavior: an fMRI study in humans
- 773 - Noise in neural value signals links preference variability, choice stochasticity and confidence
- 774 - Tracking neural representations of cues and contexts during fear acquisition and extinction
- 775 - Hemodynamic latency reflects dopamine physiology in humans
- 776 - Hippocampal novelty signals dynamically predict goal-relevant VTA activation
- 777 - Association between cortical dopamine receptor patterns and valuative network functional responses
- 778 - Intracranial neurophysiological mechanisms underlying rumination
- 779 - Neural connectivity associated with Psychological Well-Being in older Koreans
- 780 - Social Rejection affects Self-Evaluation of Incompetence: an fMRI Study
- 781 - Neural Signatures of Individual Differences in the Influence of Interoceptive Signals on Preference
- 782 - Mapping the pre-reflective experience of “self” to the brain – an fMRI study
- 783 - Linking Hormonal Shifts during Pill Use Changes with Female Functional Brain Architecture and Mood
- 784 - Decoding self-related networks in colour judgement task
- 785 - Human pheromones: How female body odors affect women’s reactions to other women’s faces
- 786 - Unveiling White Matter Abnormalities in PTSD after Sexual Assault with Advanced Deep Neural Network
- 787 - Hemodynamic and electrophysiological responses of the human amygdala during face imitation
- 788 - Elevated Frontal Brain Activity in Social Cognition - A Risk Marker of Bipolar Disorder?
- 789 - Agency to Choose Social Information Enhances Peer Influence in Adolescent Risky Decision-making
- 790 - Empathising-systemising along the unimodal-transmodal axis
- 791 - The Value Expectation Bias in Test Anxiety Individuals: Test Specificity or Threat Generality?
- 792 - Perceiving social interactions implicitly engages typical theory of mind areas
- 793 - Neural signatures of emotional inference and experience align during social consensus
- 794 - Prefrontal and Parietal Cortices Engagement in Cognitive Maps for Social Navigation
- 795 - Redefining Me to We: How Psychedelics Reshape Social Boundaries
- 796 - A meta-analysis of fMRI studies on in-group and out-group categorization
- 797 - Moral behavior and brain mechanisms in commanders and intermediaries
- 798 - Is Empathy a Risky Strength?
- 799 - Comparative Analysis of Social Brain Network Structures in Criminal Offenders
- 800 - Functional Recruitment of the Cerebellum Supports the Emergence of Theory of Mind in Early Childhood
- 801 - Prenatal exposure to socioeconomic adversity and functional connectivity during an infant cry task
- 802 - Robust Multivariate Assessment of Empathic Function without Empathy Tasks
- 803 - Neurobehavioral impacts of a social observer on risky decision-making in cigarette smokers
- 804 - Decision-making for others’ time and money
- 805 - Neural structures for ingroup bias and its malleability.
- 806 - Map-like and graph-like representations of social knowledge in the hippocampus
- 807 - Oxytocin’s role on the central and autonomic neurophysiological correlates of salience attribution
- 809 - Disentangling the functional relationship between neural networks of social cognition
- 810 - Person memory is supported by the neural reinstatement of social interactions
- 811 - Inferring Affective States of Others Within Dynamic Social Interactions
- 812 - Neural Markers of Clinicians' empathy for Patients' Pain Predict Pain Assessment and Treatment
- 813 - Neural predictors of interpersonal trust across cultures
- 814 - Implicit robot bias: differential amygdala activation to subthreshold and suprathreshold robots
- 815 - Wavelet analysis of fMRI hyperscanning reveals that social interaction affects inter-brain coherence
- 816 - Neurocomputational Components of Trust
- 817 - The Neural Mechanisms of Naturalistic Interactive Cultural Learning
- 818 - A dynamic functional network connectivity study on social emotion regulation
- 819 - More Than Close Friends: Higher Emotional Coordination in Romantic Relationships
- 820 - Learning from ingroup experiences changes intergroup impressions
- 821 - Forecasting intergroup contest outcome with inter-brain neural synchronization
- 822 - Beyond Temporal Alignment: Enhanced Spatial Pattern Similarity When Sharing Concrete Information
- 823 - Dyadic similarity in social value orientation modulates hyper-brain connectivity in interaction
- 824 - The Relationship Between Family Personality & Neural Synchrony in Parent-Child Dyads: A fNIRS Study
- 825 - Interplay of Brain Maturation, social development in the Context of Puberty Age and Mental Health
- 826 - Activity in empathy-related brain regions predicts clinicians’ pain treatment decisions
- 827 - Hormesis-enhanced interoceptive refocusing (HEIR): An intervention linking the periphery and center
- 828 - Functional brain networks are uniquely associated with sex and gender in children
- 829 - Altered Brain Synergistic and Redundant Interactions in Individuals with Antisocial Behavior
- 830 - Neural Mechanisms of Mental Illness Knowledge Acquisition via 1st Person Perspective Virtual Reality
- 831 - Brain morphology and early substance use in adolescence: a large prospective cohort study
- 832 - The interaction of oxytocin and nicotine addiction on psychosocial stress: an fMRI study
- 833 - Conducting tourism research based on RSA: A case study on brand extension problem
- 834 - The Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) Dependent Intranasal Oxytocin Effect on Neural Responses to Trust
- 835 - Interpersonal Support, Functional Brain Architecture, and Internalizing Symptoms during Adolescence
- 836 - Neurobiological Consequences of Racism: Exploring Accelerated Brain Aging in Black Americans
- 837 - Neural Correlates of the Behavioral Immune System: An fMRI Study
- 838 - Neural representations in MPFC and Insula encode individual differences in preference estimation
- 839 - How does a 4-day working week change default mode network connectivity?
- 841 - Rehumanizing the dehumanized: Neural responses for the unhoused using dimension-based rehumanization
- 842 - An fMRI Examination of Ballet Dance Styles using Intersubject Correlation (ISC) and a Motion Index
- 843 - Confound regression models for intersubject correlation analysis with naturalistic stimuli
- 844 - Daily Family Assistance and Behavioral and Neural Associations of Giving to Others
- 845 - Interoceptive abilities and neural dynamics related to moral intuition aligned with group consensus
- 846 - The Genetic Architecture of the Morphometry of the Human Corpus Callosum
- 847 - International genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes in 70,000 individuals
- 848 - Phenotypic and Genetic Relationship between Brain Structure and Endogenous Sex-hormone Levels in UKB
- 849 - Revisiting Spatial Patterns in Gene-Brain Associations: Insights from the Allen Human Brain Atlas
- 850 - APOE-stratified genome-wide association meta-analysis for accelerated brain age in Korean population
- 851 - Mendelian randomization shows unidirectionality from amyloid-β to tau in Alzheimer’s disease
- 852 - Hippocampal subfield atrophy in high genetic risk for AD:Unraveling sex- and AD stage-specific rates
- 853 - Unraveling Glioblastoma Diversity: Insights into Methylation Subtypes and Spatial Relationships
- 854 - Plasma proteomics identifies proteins and pathways associated with incident depression
- 855 - GWAS of EEG oscillations unveils genetic pleiotropy between brain structure, function, and behavior
- 856 - Rare variant genetic architecture of human cortical organization
- 857 - Multitrait GWAS Analysis with Brain Morphometry Uncovers New Parkinson's Disease Risk Loci
- 858 - Shared Genetic Aetiology of Suicide Attempt with Intracranial and Subcortical Brain Structures
- 859 - Mendelian Randomization Studies of Adolescent Brain Morphometry and Parkinson’s Disease
- 860 - Transcriptional substrates underlying the maintenance of the brain network in human adult
- 861 - The Genetics of Structural Similarity Networks in the Brain
- 862 - Validation of polygenic scores for longitudinal changes in brain structures
- 863 - Association between brain structure and risk SNPs for depression in adolescence
- 864 - RAMP: A pipeline for brain-wide genome-wide association studies based on the ENIGMA protocols
- 865 - Unraveling the Link between CNVs, General Cognition, and Individual Neuroimaging Deviaton Scores.
- 866 - Mapping Mutual Information of Neuroimages and Allelic Variants Unveils Determinants of Brain Aging
- 867 - Alzheimer’s disease Genetic Pathways Impact on Imaging Endophenotypes In Non-Demented Individuals
- 868 - Multiphenotype analysis revealed novel hippocampal signatures associated with genetic AD risk
- 869 - FEMA-GWAS: mixed-effects algorithms for discovery of genome-wide non-linear SNP-by-age interactions
- 870 - Genome-wide Pleiotropy Analyses between Chronic Physical Conditions and Brain Disorders
- 871 - Heritability of Moment-to-Moment Neural Variability During Emotion Recognition
- 872 - Heritability of the Heschl Gyrus morphology.
- 873 - Generating Gene Embedding for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
- 874 - Assessment of subthreshold group differences in rs-fMRI by higher criticism: adult phenylketonuria
- 875 - Development of regional cortical GM and WM volumes in utero in fetuses with Trisomy 21.
- 876 - Structural Connectivity Differences In White Matter Tracts Of Nerve Growth Factor Mutation Carriers
- 877 - Unveiling White Matter Changes in NOTCH3 Variant Carriers: A Fixel-Based Analysis of Diffusion MRI
- 878 - Williams Syndrome Hemideletion and GTF2I Sequence Variation Relate to Insula Structure and Function
- 879 - Brain volumetric study of patients with Crouzon and Apert syndromes
- 880 - Impact of Copy Number Variation of the 7q11.23 Williams Syndrome Critical Region on Brain Structure
- 881 - Automated Segmentation and Volumetric Analysis of the Subplate in Fetuses with Down Syndrome
- 882 - Reduced Contralateral Cerebello-Cortical Functional Connectivity in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
- 883 - An emerging cascade? Identifying a downstream target of TBX1 for oligodendrogenesis and myelination
- 884 - Compressed representation of brain genetic transcription
- 885 - Transcriptomic gradient of the human hippocampus: A vertex-wise atlas of post-mortem gene expression
- 886 - The link between volumetric changes associated with early life stress and neuromodulator expression
- 887 - Macaque cell type and gene expression correlates of neuroanatomy
- 888 - Energy Profiles of Neurons and Glial Cells in the Human Brain
- 889 - Topological properties of brain functional networks are associated with individual risk tolerance
- 890 - Mapping fMRI responses to combinations of foods in the human brain
- 892 - Neural encoding of rapidly adapting risk preferences
- 893 - Pain Now! The dmPFC Reflects Pain Preferences for Inter-Temporal Choices
- 894 - Test-retest reliability of decisions under risk: Evidence from two behavioral and EEG experiments
- 895 - Cortico-striatal connectivity relates to the malleability of intertemporal decisions
- 896 - Relationship of striatal and anterior insula activity with real-life investment success
- 897 - Ventromedial cortex in a gambling task. Effective connectivity responses to the outcome feedback.
- 898 - Identifying the Outliers: Insights from the Reanalysis of Tom et al.(2007) and Botvinik-Nezer (2020)
- 899 - Neural Mechanisms Underlying Enhanced Episodic Memory for Drug Associations in Smokers
- 900 - Differential Roles of Intraparietal Sulcus and pre-Supplementary Motor Area in Intertemporal Choice
- 901 - Neural Activation Differences Relative to Nursing Experience during Multitasking: A VR-fMRI Study
- 902 - Towards interoception as a transdiagnostic biomarker of health-harming disorders
- 903 - Neural predictors of risky choice replicate and generalize within and beyond the laboratory
- 904 - Single-Trial EEG Analysis of Age-Related Differences in Model-Based Learning
- 905 - Temporal credit assignment in alcohol use disorder
- 906 - Two-step value normalization explains process of re-estimation of option triggered by sold-out event
- 907 - TMS-fMRI evidence that magnitude representations in IPS
causally drive risky choice
- 908 - Stress changes risk-taking by altering Bayesian magnitude coding in the parietal cortex
- 909 - Grid-like representation in value-based decision-making
- 910 - Cortical Microstructural Integrity is Associated with Decision-Making Biases in Older Adulthood
- 912 - When the target is a moving target: Practical issues in using task fMRI for rTMS targeting
- 913 - Predictive validity of within and cross brain EEG connectivity indices of infant executive function
- 914 - Decoding the Neural Architecture of Compositional Meaning Generalization
- 915 - A 7T fMRI Pilot Study on Colorectal Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment
- 916 - Neural Correlates of Impaired Cognitive Control in Individuals with Methamphetamine Dependence
- 917 - The Role of VLPFC in the Link Between Low Self-Efficacy and Self-Protective Behavior
- 918 - Varying task demands show that social perception is distributed over both cortical surface and depth
- 919 - Connectome-based predictive models of cognitive control based on volumetric versus grayordinate data
- 920 - Common and Distinct Brain Correlates of Cognitive Flexibility Tasks: Quantitative fMRI Meta‐analyses
- 921 - Eyetracking & DeepLearning Model for Executive Function during Visual Encoding in Psychosis and OCD
- 922 - Neural mechanisms of craving and buying behahior in subclinical compulsive shoppers: a 3T fMRI study
- 923 - Task and stimulus coding in the multiple-demand network
- 924 - Ultrashort echo time brain imaging links myelin content to cognitive flexibility
- 925 - Individuals with overweight and obesity fail to suppress food-related memories? An fMRI study
- 926 - White Matter Connectivity and Executive Functions in Youth: Insights from Fixel-based analysis
- 927 - Neural Signatures of Predictive Processing under Central vs Peripheral Noradrenergic Blockade
- 928 - DMN activation at task-switches reflects mental task set structure
- 929 - A behaviorally-relevant multiple-demand operating system underlying diverse cognitive tasks
- 930 - Cue switching but not task switching drives fronto-parietal activity in cued task switching paradigm
- 931 - Mapping task measures to latent constructs: An expert survey of the NIMH RDoC cognitive domain
- 932 - Linking cognitive load with mental fatigue: a resting-state functional connectivity approach
- 933 - Exploring the relationship between resting fMRI and proactive interference in ageing
- 934 - Predicting metacognitive abilities across sensory modalities with functional networks
- 935 - Tuned responses to visual short-term memory load in a fronto-parietal topographic map hierarchy
- 936 - Catecholamine-Driven Low-Dimensional Brain Dynamics and Cognitive Task Performance
- 937 - The neural processing of cognitive control deters substance use through altruism
- 938 - Dual-task interference in fibromyalgia: behavioral and neural data
- 939 - Uncertainty about Action Choices: Human Reach Target Selection using Conflicting Sensory Signals
- 940 - Arrangement of specialized and general control regions in the LPFC evaluated using precision fMRI
- 941 - Neural representation dynamics reveal computational principles of cognitive task learning
- 942 - Mapping the developmental course of the multispectral dynamics serving executive functioning
- 943 - Shared and unique multimodal profiles of individual variation in executive function and intelligence
- 944 - Mild videogaming is associated with enhanced cognitive performance and mental health in children
- 945 - Neurocognitive Effects of Mobile Cognitive Bias Modification Games on Smokers
- 946 - Dynamic brain activity during creative storytelling
- 947 - An fMRI study on neural basis of occluded image interpretation under different mental workloads
- 948 - Naturalistic “dark matter”: Inter-subject correlations persist after regressing stimulus features
- 949 - Study of color quality space at subvoxel fMRI resolution using the repetition-suppression approach
- 950 - Functional dissociations of the DMN reflect the type of representation and not perceptual engagement
- 951 - Neural Dynamics of Truth and Deception: Insights from Brain States
- 952 - Brain network dynamics predict moments of surprise across contexts
- 953 - Multimodal covariance network reflects individual cognitive flexibility
- 954 - Comparative study of EEG in groups of tantric and non-tantric practitioners. Preliminary results.
- 955 - FMRI-based brain signature of divergent thinking
- 956 - The Temporal Neural Dynamics of Math and Reading in the Adult Human Brain
- 957 - Neural Signatures of Ongoing Thoughts During Rest
- 958 - Distinct representations of physical and perceived numerosity in convolutional neural networks
- 959 - Neural Correlates of Psychological Flexibility
- 960 - Brain responses to complex division problems in children, adolescents and adults.
- 961 - Brain mechanisms of ego- and allocentric representations in VR-based imagined and actual navigation
- 962 - Effect of Food Diary on Dietary Intake and Correlation with Neural Substrate
- 963 - Laminar profiles of hippocampal subfields are differentially associated with navigation strategies
- 964 - Multivariate neural pattern changes reflect within-subject shifts in subjective interpretations
- 966 - The Role of the Hippocampus in Forecasting Future Rewards during Goal-Directed Behavior
- 967 - Neural correlates of internal context transitions in continuous thoughts during free speaking
- 968 - Electrophysiological correlates of impending multitasking performance
- 969 - The distinct roles of bilateral inferior frontal gyrus during creative idea generation
- 970 - Cognitive map-like representations of semantic structure during movie watching
- 971 - Intelligence brain networks of early adolescent: Waxing and waning
- 972 - Compositional representation of tasks in human multiple-demand cortex
- 973 - The Meaning-Making Process of Visual Artworks Engages the Default Mode Network
- 974 - Neural representations of action-integrated reward in naturalistic foraging
- 975 - Brain structural and functional features of individuals with higher controllability of motor imagery
- 976 - Reconstruction of melodies with relative pitch height decoding in music imagery:Electrocorticography
- 977 - Decoding Number of Syllables from Human Intracranial Electroencephalography.
- 978 - Opposite gradients of mental imagery and perception in orbitofrontal and occipitotemporal cortex
- 979 - Hypnotic induction modulates both state and dynamics EEG measures during an imagination task
- 980 - Movies of our minds: Hierarchical neural patterns of event, scene, and object construction
- 981 - Mapping body size estimation accuracy using a 3D avatar: an fMRI task proof of concept
- 982 - Representational Gradients of Musical Information and Evoked Emotions Revealed by CNN
- 983 - A multimodal dataset targeting music processing: neuroimaging, behavior & computational models
- 984 - Neuronal avalanches support cognitive processes during speech and music listening
- 985 - High-frequency audibility affects alpha activity response to the perception of musical emotion.
- 986 - The genetic architecture of rhythm functional connectivity
- 987 - Electrophysiological resting-state signatures link polygenic scores to general intelligence
- 988 - What can errors in reasoning tell us about inductive biases in human abstract rule learning?
- 989 - Historical Feedback Representations in the Brain Robustly Guide Learning
- 990 - Phase alignment as a neural mechanism for crossmodal temporal prediction
- 991 - Generic neural computational construct for instantaneous estimation: a pilot study
- 992 - Dissociable Neuroanatomical Correlates of Spatial and Temporal Processing
- 993 - Time in action: action time estimation following unilateral brain damage
- 994 - Hippocampal iEEG Correlates of Memory Improvement across Repeated Spatial Navigation Experience
- 996 - Arithmetic and Numerosity Networks from Childhood to Adulthood: A Neuroimaging Meta-analysis
- 997 - Neural representations of new words: Does learning method matter?
- 998 - Sign-language learning evokes linguistic-domain-specific functional alterations
- 999 - Structural Neuroplasticity Induced by Language Learning in Older Adults
- 1000 - Learning Effect Mediates Age-related Differences in Foreign Word Learning: An ERP Study
- 1001 - Brain connectivity dimensions modulate language processing with modality-specific mechanisms.
- 1002 - Left inferior parietal lobe and auditory cortex jointly contribute to sound knowledge retrieval
- 1004 - Evidence in dual pathway coding of speech with prediction errors
- 1005 - Neural representations of pain and sensory vocabulary: a 7T study of novel word acquisition.
- 1006 - Left-right asymmetrical contribution of the anterior temporal lobe in semantic processing
- 1007 - The dynamics of GABA and Glutamate in semantic control: a combined 7T fMRS and fMRI study
- 1008 - Neurological Perspectives on Pragmatic Inference: Examining Conversational Sentences
- 1009 - Foreign language modulates brain activity and connectivity during emotional text reading
- 1010 - Language Similarity of Bilingual's Languages Has an Effect on Their Language Processing.
- 1011 - Organisation of structure-function coupling in the brain with respect to language laterality
- 1012 - White matter correlations of sentence processing in individuals with post-stroke aphasia
- 1014 - Spatiotemporal contribution to semantic decoding before speech onset: Intracranial EEG study
- 1015 - Mapping semantic representations of depression using simple lexical choices
- 1016 - Mapping higher-order language regions in the cerebellum with precision functional MRI
- 1017 - Metaphor in Mind and Machine: Unraveling Conceptual Metaphors for NLP Applications
- 1018 - Neural Mechanism of Pain Assessment Bias among Monolingual and Multilingual Medical Trainees
- 1019 - High-Resolution Diffusion Tractography Reveals Structural Asymmetries in the Language Network
- 1020 - Structure-functional coupling at birth predicts cognitive and language function at 2 years of age
- 1021 - A Multimodal Exploration of Brain Activation for Language and Cognitive and Linguistic Skills
- 1022 - Unraveling the genetics underlying the language-related human brain white matter tracts
- 1023 - Gray Matter Morphometry is Related to Reading Abilities, but not Meaningfully
- 1024 - Neurostimulation improves phonological decoding in dyslexia
- 1025 - Targeted Reading Treatment Combined with Aerobic Exercise Improves Aphasia Outcomes.
- 1026 - Neural systems for phonology differentially contribute to the act of writing
- 1027 - An age-related posterior to anterior shift in brain alterations of the OT area in reading disability
- 1028 - Longitudinal analysis of letter and speech sound association
- 1029 - From Brain Patterns to Academic Success: Unveiling Multimodal Signatures in Reading and Mathematics
- 1030 - Enhancing Reading Rehabilitation in Subacute Stroke Using fMRI Neurofeedback.
- 1031 - An fMRI Approach to Investigate Reading Deficits in Medulloblastoma Survivors
- 1032 - Brain Structural Connectivity and Pre-Reading Abilities in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
- 1033 - Brain response dynamics during novel script reading as compared to familiar script reading
- 1034 - Meta-Analytic Connectivity Modelling of Neural Networks for Reading and Math in Children
- 1035 - Cerebro-cerebellar Functional Connectivity in Reading Networks in Bilinguals
- 1036 - The effects of ROBO1 on Interhemispheric Connections in Neurotypical Adolescents and Young Adults
- 1037 - Harry Potter meets Markov: Detecting event boundaries in narrative reading by a data-driven model
- 1038 - The Representational Dynamics of Speech Prosody: An MEG Study
- 1040 - Microstructural asymmetry of the planum temporale guides lateralization of speech processing
- 1041 - Speech processing around the auditory cortex: the distinct contribution of gray and white matter
- 1042 - Involvement of Auditory Dorsal Stream in Processing of Spectrally Degraded Speech Examined with iEEG
- 1043 - Decoding the 'silent' neural symphony: unraveling the intricacies of lip-reading in the brain
- 1044 - Prosodic Pitch Perception in Right Premotor Cortex: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
- 1046 - Cortical tracking of the speech and music acoustic signals under naturalistic conditions
- 1047 - A dissociated neural index of speech perception and understanding in background noise
- 1048 - ECoG Gamma-band Modulations Induced by Cognitive-linguistic Tasks during Awake Craniotomy
- 1049 - Language Switching Training Reveals an Adaptive Cerebellar Network for Bilingual Language Control
- 1050 - Rhythmic Cues Influence Neural Oscillations Differently in Adults and Children
- 1051 - Degeneracy in the neurological model of auditory speech repetition
- 1052 - Mapping individual and shared cortical language representations during real-time natural dialogues
- 1053 - Deep Speech-to-Text Models Capture the Neural Basis of Spontaneous Speech in Everyday Conversations
- 1054 - Distinct subgroup-level functional connectivity in stuttering and non-stuttering children
- 1055 - Internal production reveals the spatiotemporal neural dynamics of speech
- 1056 - Premotor-hippocampal connectivity and sense of agency during encoding predicts reliving of events
- 1057 - Common regularities between different memory types link motor network excitability to word learning
- 1058 - Hippocampal Morphology and Stress Levels in Medical and Non-Medical Students: Implications for Learn
- 1059 - 10-Hz Flicker Boosts Early Consolidation of Visual Perceptual Learning via Augmented Glx/GABA Ratio
- 1060 - Hippocampal Theta-based Alarm Enhances Associative Memory: Human intracranial EEG Study
- 1061 - Role of M1 in schema-mediated motor memory consolidation assessed with fMRI and disruptive TMS
- 1062 - Passive Spatial Learning in Humans: Neural Alignment during Naturalistic Navigation
- 1063 - Decoding visual predictions in stimulus sequences: concurrent EEG/fMRI study
- 1064 - Charting neural representations behind human spatial learning
- 1065 - Emergence and reconfiguration of modular structure for synaptic neural networks during learning
- 1067 - Gamma-band sensory stimulation enhances episodic memory retrieval
- 1068 - Own-Body Perception in the Encoding and Retrieval of Memories for Naturalistic Events
- 1069 - Memory Ability Following Brain Stimulation and Lesions Reveals Potential Neuromodulation Targets
- 1070 - Learning from quantified episodic prediction errors: On the neural basis of gist revision
- 1071 - The neural correlates of different sources of surprise: Evidence from two naturalistic fMRI studies
- 1072 - Decoding personal mental images with an fMRI model of general semantic features
- 1073 - Cerebral reflections of memory modification following episodic prediction errors
- 1074 - Task-based functional connectivity during mnemonic discrimination and cognitive training effects
- 1075 - The extraction and application of temporal structures: a fMRI study
- 1076 - Organizational principles of semantic control in the human brain
- 1077 - Verbal memory outcomes after temporal lobe resection in pediatric epilepsy
- 1078 - A gradient of spatial novelty and familiarity along the hippocampal long axis
- 1079 - Coordinated sleep oscillations between human hippocampal subfields
- 1080 - Predicting Medial Temporal Lobe Integrity and Memory from Thalamic Microstructure Using Radiomics
- 1081 - Characterizing hippocampal activation with magnetoencephalography using the Mnemonic Similarity Task
- 1082 - Hippocampal Development during Adolescence in Episodic Memory and Its Interaction with Anxiety
- 1083 - Brain activity at event boundaries during movie watching in ageing and its association with memory
- 1084 - Neural mechanisms of insight during narrative comprehension
- 1085 - The neural correlates of attending to external (semantic) and internal (episodic) stimuli
- 1086 - False Recall is Associated with Larger Caudate in Males but not in Females
- 1087 - Longitudinal association between structural brain change and episodic memory change
- 1088 - The Effect of Auditory Misinformation on Eyewitness Memory and its Neural Basis
- 1089 - Shared cortical activation dynamics across individuals during virtual navigation
- 1090 - Memory reactivation during rest is coupled with fluctuations in ongoing brain states
- 1091 - Structural connectivity of the anterior temporal lobe impacts semantic retrieval efficiency
- 1092 - Aberrant brain network reorganization underlies emotional memory suppression under long-term stress
- 1093 - Influences of long-term memory systems on individual neural differences in early language processing
- 1094 - Four-month aerobic exercise training improves hippocampal volume in older adults at metabolic risk
- 1095 - Using LTP to investigate the Neurosteroid Withdrawal Hypothesis of Perimenstrual Catamenial Epilepsy
- 1096 - Neuroplasticity related to sound localization in single-sided deafness patients: an fMRI study
- 1097 - Swing Dance Induced Brain Plasticity: Morphometry and Quantitative Study
- 1098 - Prehabilitation before neurosurgery modifies cognitive brain networks preserving function.
- 1099 - Detecting motor plasticity in the human thalamus and putamen with precision functional mapping
- 1100 - Latent connectivity-behavior dimensions following stroke
- 1101 - Ultrafast resting state fMRI unveils layer-specific feedforward and feedback interactions
- 1102 - Neuroplasticity following auditory working memory training post-stroke: A case study
- 1104 - Neurochemical Alterations in Bilateral DLPFC after Structure Learning Training in Healthy Adults
- 1105 - Music Training Increased thalamus connectivity in sensorimotor information bottom-up processing
- 1107 - Effects of Development and Cognitive Training on Brain Signal Variability
- 1109 - Long-Term Abacus Training Reshapes Substrates of Executive Function and Mathematics among Children
- 1110 - Abacus Training Affects Brain Hemispheric Asymmetry of Connectivity Gradients during Childhood
- 1111 - The modulation of neurotransmitters in sensory areas during motor learning: an MRS study
- 1112 - Alpha Traveling Waves: Coexistence of Idling and Active Inhibition in Selective Working Memory
- 1113 - Dynamics of Decision-Consistent Bias in Human Visual Working Memory
- 1114 - Exploring the Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness in Enhancing Spatial Working Memory
- 1115 - Volitional Breathing Alerts Brain for Faster Reaction in Emotionally Distracted Working Memory Task
- 1116 - Cortico-cerebellar patterns differentiate maintenance and manipulation in working memory tasks
- 1117 - Dynamic neural representations in the prefrontal and parietal cortex during selective retrieval
- 1118 - Contingency representations in prefrontal cortex unify goal-directed planning and working memory
- 1120 - Decoding Replay during Working Memory Manipulation and Retention in Humans
- 1121 - Alpha oscillations protect auditory working memory against different distractors
- 1122 - Distinct neural patterns for working memory and sensory representations in the early visual cortex
- 1123 - Brain activity during working memory in autoimmune Addison’s disease
- 1124 - Integrating Multimodal Neuroimaging Features to Predict Working Memory and Psychiatric Disability
- 1125 - Task-Dependent Reconfiguration of Global Functional Connectivity and Complexity
- 1126 - Neuroanatomical basis of working memory in fibromyalgia and the moderating influence of depression
- 1127 - Neural correlates of auditory working memory precision: an intracranial EEG study
- 1128 - A brain multilayer approach to predicting cognitive decline in healthy aging
- 1129 - Association Between Body Mass Index and Brain Aging in Adults: A 16-Year Population-Based Cohort
- 1130 - Dementia Risk Scores are significantly associated with GABA+, but not Glx, or Impulse Control
- 1131 - Does functional system segregation mediate the effects of lifestyle on cognition in older adults?
- 1132 - Age-related differences in control energy of brain state transitions
- 1133 - Multimodal brain age prediction using 5-HT2A receptor binding and gray matter volume
- 1134 - Altered neuro-substrates preceding accelerated cognitive and mobility aging in older people
- 1135 - Atrophy Progression in People With a Family History of Alzheimer's disease is Shaped by Connectivity
- 1136 - Diminished Social Value Integration in Older Adults
- 1137 - A layer-specific model of cortical sensory aging
- 1138 - Brain Aging Differences across 10 Brain Disorders by Brain Age Prediction
- 1139 - Interplay of Dietary Amino Acids, Metabolic Syndrome, and ApoE ε4 on Brain Integrity at Midlife
- 1140 - Sensitivity of BOLD functional MRI low frequency fluctuations to age-related brain changes
- 1141 - Impact of Genetics on the Aging of Functional Connectivity with BrainAGE using the UK Biobank
- 1142 - Significant but limited influence of cerebrovascular reactivity on age and sex in task & rest fMRI
- 1143 - Influences of brain iron and glutamate on changes in brain activity during working memory in aging
- 1144 - Predicting Brain Aging (Brain Age Gap) from Biomedical and Lifestyle Variables
- 1145 - Short-range white matter tracts modulate global parameters for neurocompensation in aging
- 1146 - Lifespan music experience changes transition rates of microstate D related to executive function
- 1147 - Shared brain network response change with naturalistic social content and support recall in adults
- 1148 - The negative relationship between brain-age gap and resilience in older people
- 1149 - Assessment of gray matter features in reflecting advanced brain age in PCDS: A cross-national study
- 1150 - Which white matter measures best predict processing speed and intelligence in healthy aging?
- 1151 - Impact of Defacing Procedures on Brain Age Gap Estimation
- 1152 - Cross sectional sex differences in cortical atrophy across an indigenous Bolivian population
- 1153 - Senescence affects local and global prediction errors at different rates
- 1154 - Predictive Modeling of Brain Age for Evaluating Cognitive Brain Aging in Hearing Loss
- 1155 - Parcel-wise stacking ensemble provides improved age prediction and brain-aging insights
- 1156 - Causal Relationship between Multiparameter Brain MRI Phenotypes and Age: Evidence from Mendelian Ran
- 1157 - The brain age of hippocampus-centred regions and associations with APOE genotype
- 1158 - Elevated brain iron is associated with higher R2 and more WMH in older adults
- 1159 - Identity Preserving Diffusion Model for Brain Aging Modeling
- 1160 - A comparative study on thalamic subnuclear volume between premenopausal and postmenopausal women
- 1161 - Exploring the link between resilience, brain pathology, and cognition in old age: sex differences
- 1162 - Spatiotemporal correlation between amyloid and tau underlies cognitive changes in aging
- 1163 - Brain-Age: Advancing Dementia Biomarkers in Clinical Settings
- 1164 - Brain Age Gap Estimation (BrainAGE): Influence of scanner manufacturer, field strength and sequence
- 1165 - Multivariate Association Between Cognitive Function and Brain Tissue in Healthy Older Adults
- 1166 - Aging Effects the Glutamate-enriched Functional Connectivity in Resting-state fMRI
- 1167 - Network segregation mediates the association between motor imagery fMRI and walking function
- 1168 - Mapping Intrinsic Timescales of the Elderly Brain and the Relationship with Mnemonic Discrimination
- 1169 - Links between gray-matter stiffness, age and memory using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
- 1170 - AgeML: a Python package for Age Modelling with Machine Learning made easy.
- 1171 - Biopsychosocial Correlates of Edge-community Entropy and Modularity Across the Adult Lifespan
- 1172 - An ENIGMA Consortium Genome-Wide Association Study of Brain Age
- 1173 - Age-related changes in gray matter asymmetry: Will brains get more (a)symmetric?
- 1174 - Investigating network changes in typical aging trajectories of adulthood by cross-frequency coupling
- 1176 - Neuroimaging-based brain age estimation using Artifical Intelligence(AI)-integrated prediction model
- 1177 - Cortical Depth Dependent Microstructural Variations in Aging using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- 1178 - Exploring Age-Related Morphological Changes in Cerebral Arteries: A 7T TOF MRA Study
- 1179 - Functional alterations contribute to memory deficits in aging and AD: an fMRI and PET study
- 1180 - Functional connectivity upregulation in post-menopause in healthy females
- 1181 - Functional and microstructural measures of brain aging subgroups in cognitively unimpaired subjects
- 1182 - Habenula functional connectivity predicts individual sleep in healthy adults: A 5.0 T fMRI study
- 1183 - Distinctive Brain Aging Patterns and Risk Factors in Middle- to Old-aged Men and Women
- 1184 - Quantifying spatially-specific impact of white matter hyperintensity on cortical atrophy in aging
- 1185 - Sex Differences in the Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Age-Related Brain Aging: A KoGES Study
- 1186 - Functional reorganization of the prefrontal cortex in aging
- 1187 - Brain age based signatures as a tool for differentiating neurological conditions
- 1188 - Multimodal phenotyping of successful cognitive aging
- 1189 - Are older adults meaner to others? Age differences in emotion-related social decision making.
- 1191 - Mind-body and physical training on cognitive functions of elderly with mild cognitive impairment
- 1192 - Aging effects on task-based activity and functional networks during semantic processing and rest
- 1193 - Brain change in healthy adults links with genetic Alzheimer’s risk and lifespan memory decline
- 1194 - Age-related changes in the neural representation of naturalistic events
- 1195 - Predicting Brain Age from T2-FLAIR Captures White Matter Aging Associated with Cardiovascular Risks
- 1196 - Disentangling the Effect of Brain Size from Sex Differentiated Aging Trajectories
- 1197 - Relationship of fMRI-derived arousal patterns to healthy aging
- 1198 - Network-BrainAGE: A New Metric to Assess Network-Based Brain Aging
- 1199 - Cerebrovascular Reactivity, Brain Structure, and Cognition in Aging: Heart and Brain Study
- 1200 - Interrogating network connectivity differences in older adults using music
- 1201 - Subclinical Vestibular Function is Associated with Surface Shape Changes in the Prefrontal Cortex
- 1202 - The virtual ageing brain: structure-function relationship and cognitive decline in longitudinal data
- 1203 - Presbycusis impacts resting-state networks
- 1204 - Distinct Structural Covariance in the Limbic Cortical Network between Women and Men along with Aging
- 1205 - Complex Regulation of Protocadherin Epigenetics on Aging-Related Brain Health
- 1206 - The age effect on the genetic architecture of the WM microstructure as measured by FA
- 1207 - Sex Differences in Age-Related Changes in Brain Network Segregation
- 1208 - The Neural Substrates Underlying different subgroups across Apathy Depression Anhedonia and Fatigue
- 1209 - Factors Influencing Neuroimaging-Based Advanced Brain Aging in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
- 1210 - Neurochemical Correlates of White Matter Hyperintensities in Cognitively Normal Older Adults
- 1211 - G-Ratio and Conduction Velocity are Associated with Aging but Differentially with Cognitive Decline
- 1212 - Early Life Adversity and Mental Health links clarified by Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity
- 1213 - Edge Participation Coefficient Unveiling the Development of Functional Connectome during Infancy
- 1214 - Deciphering the Dynamic Spatiotemporal Maturation from Childhood to Adolescence
- 1215 - Early life adversity differently affects cerebellar growth in NICU survivors.
- 1216 - Covariate Correcting Network for Isolating the Impact of Long-term SES Changes on Brain Development
- 1217 - Association between fALFF of white matter and postmenstrual age in newborns
- 1218 - The brain's functional activation dynamics are associated with female hormone levels
- 1219 - Differential Structural Brain Development in Adolescents with Different Apolipoprotein Eε Genotypes
- 1220 - Development of brain state dynamics involved in working memory
- 1221 - The efficiency of dynamic brain state transitions in working memory improves in youth.
- 1222 - Large Data on the Small Brain: Population-wide Cerebellar Growth Models of Children and Adolescent
- 1223 - Intrinsic timescale evolves along a sensorimotor-association cortical axis in neurodevelopment
- 1224 - Multi-scale cortical morphometry reveals regional and scale-dependent variations across the lifespan
- 1225 - The development of object recognition in infancy: findings from neuroimaging and deep learning
- 1227 - The rise of synergistic structure in the newborn brain
- 1228 - Triple Interactions Between the Environment, Brain, and Behavior in Children: An ABCD Study
- 1229 - Longitudinal Changes in Regional Fiber Length Map in Early School-age Children
- 1230 - Prenatal Adversity and Inflammation at Birth Predict White Matter Integrity at Age 7 Years
- 1231 - Known and unknown probability information separably modulate insula activity in adolescents
- 1232 - Dimensions of early life adversity links to trimodal brain age in youth
- 1233 - Structural measures differences between early pubertal gender-diverse and cisgender youth
- 1234 - Segregation of the Regional Radiomics Similarity Network Exhibited an Increase in Children
- 1235 - The differentiation of multiscale structural gradients from children to adolescents
- 1236 - Adolescent maturation of cortical microcircuits based on individualized biophysical network modeling
- 1237 - A robust brain network for sustained attention from adolescence to adulthood
- 1238 - Prenatal Famine Exposure and Late-Life Functional Brain Network Connectivity: A Longitudinal Study
- 1239 - Allometric constraints on brain tissue configuration
- 1240 - Normative Brain Development of Cortical Thickness in Early-School Age Children: A Longitudinal Study
- 1241 - Brain aging after prenatal undernutrition: longitudinal BrainAGE estimations
- 1242 - A Novel Method to Investigate Neurodevelopment Using Ising Temperature and Graph Neural Networks
- 1243 - Perinatal development of the corpus callosum in term and preterm infants
- 1244 - Mental attention: Common and distinct brain areas across development
- 1245 - Developmental Mismatches in Amygdala and PFC Macrostructure and White Matter Tract Integrity
- 1246 - Impacts of Short Wavelength Light on Cortical Excitability
- 1247 - Between-sex differences not greater than within-sex differences in early adolescent brain structure
- 1248 - Neurotransmitter systems explain lifespan changes of human resting-state brain activity
- 1249 - White matter integrity change across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- 1250 - Functional and Anatomical Growth Charts of the Cerebellum from Infancy to Young Adulthood
- 1251 - Neurodynamic complexity links with early brain development: a resting-state fMRI study on infants
- 1252 - Development of cortical and subcortical asymmetry from mid gestation to old age
- 1253 - T2 MRI visible perivascular spaces preterm and term born neonates
- 1254 - Sex- and Obesity-related Differences in Amygdala Subnuclei Apportionment Exist during Preadolescence
- 1255 - Development of functional connectivity gradients in multiple frequency bands
- 1256 - Distinctive Effects of Depression and Anxiety on Children’s Cognition and Emotional Bias
- 1257 - A Normative Model of Brain Microstructure based on Diffusion MRI in 52,719 Participants
- 1258 - Prenatal Familial Income Volatility and Infant Subcortical Brain Volumes
- 1259 - Brain Charts for the Rhesus Macaque
- 1260 - Associations Between Prenatal Stress, Maternal Anxiety, and Infant Functional Connectivity
- 1261 - Functional Connectivity in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease or Neonatal Encephalopathy
- 1262 - Lessons learned from longitudinal MRI study of infant and toddler brain development
- 1263 - Developmental Sex Differences in White Matter using Advanced and Conventional dMRI Models
- 1264 - Cerebello-cortical Connectivity During Early Brain Development
- 1265 - Distinct spatial dimensions of changes in cortical structure during early adolescence.
- 1266 - The leading influence of life stressful events on the dynamic reconfiguration of brain networks
- 1267 - Brain-Age Prediction: Systematic Evaluation of Site Effects, and Sample Age Range and Size
- 1268 - Normative modeling of thalamic nuclear volumes
- 1269 - Functional connectome through the human life span
- 1270 - An Optimised Surface Projection Pipeline for Enhanced Analysis of Fetal Brain Connectivity
- 1271 - Functional Connectivity Changes of the Paternal Brain: A Longitudinal Study
- 1272 - Variations of the Corpus Callosum in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
- 1273 - Protective Role of Parenthood on Age-Related Brain Function
- 1274 - Human brain normative modeling by brain eigenmodes
- 1275 - Unraveling lifespan signatures: Time-series phenotyping and age prediction using MEG
- 1276 - White matter brain charts: modelling diffusion imaging data across the lifespan
- 1277 - Neural correlates of device-based sleep characteristics in adolescents
- 1278 - Elevated ALFF in Early Developing Brain Systems from Birth to Three Years
- 1279 - Development of Infant Brain Structure-function Coupling Indicates Spatiotemporal Disassociation
- 1280 - Using Infant fMRI to Study the Developing Social Brain in the First Year of Life
- 1281 - Hierarchical Development of White Matter Tracts in Youth
- 1282 - Unveiling Co-Development of Cortical Surface Area and Thickness Asymmetry in Young Brain
- 1283 - Chinese Baby Connectome Project (CBCP): Advanced and Comprehensive Infant Cohort Protocols
- 1284 - 7T BOLD fMRI charactersiation of depth dependent hemodynamics in developing human cortex.
- 1285 - Prenatal environment is associated with the pace of network development over the first 3 years
- 1286 - High field multi-echo fMRI in infants
- 1287 - Identifying a common cause of macrocephaly using brain growth charts
- 1288 - Is corpus callosum biometry at school age related to preterm birth in children with cerebral palsy?
- 1289 - Identifying spatiotemporal changes in cortical neurodevelopment using post-mortem and in vivo data
- 1290 - Structural Development of Early Emerging Sulcal Folds During the First Year of Human Life
- 1291 - Structural neural basis underlying externalization-internalization transition during adolescence
- 1292 - Maturation of cortical connectivity in the core functional systems – infancy through childhood
- 1293 - The associations between microglia function, prenatal environment and white matter development
- 1294 - The Development of Brain Morphometric Similarity Network in School-aged Children
- 1295 - Unveiling Fetal Cortical Folding: Neuroimaging and Genetic Insights
- 1296 - Dual long-axis reorganization of hippocampus in youth
- 1298 - Regional cortical thickness growth pattern during early fetal stage
- 1299 - Preschool-age sensorimotor network segregation supports motor and cognitive maturation in childhood
- 1300 - Ultra-high field quantitative susceptibility mapping of the neonatal brain
- 1301 - Cortical Thickness and Myelination in Preterm and Full-term Infant Brains
- 1302 - Resting-state neural activity and brain structure associations in infants and children
- 1303 - Impacts of perinatal factors on white matter outcome at 8 to 10 years by diffusion tensor imaging
- 1304 - Subtle differences in attentional networks when contrasting very preterm with term-born infants
- 1305 - Mapping infant brain functional regionalization with multiview functional cortical parcellation
- 1306 - Developmental Shifts in Neurobehavioral Substrates of Attentional Networks:A Longitudinal fMRI Study
- 1307 - Divergent Developmental Trajectories of Primary and Secondary Brain Sulci in Late Childhood
- 1308 - Aperiodic and Hurst EEG exponents across early human brain development: a systematic review
- 1309 - Tracing Motor Preparation and Activation in the Developing Brain
- 1310 - Alteration in macro- and micro-structures of the adolescent hippocampus after the COVID-19 pandemic
- 1311 - How nutrition contributes to myelination and structural connectivity in school age
- 1312 - Systematic shift of cortical thickness distribution within newborns between two dHCP releases
- 1313 - The relationship between GABA levels and spectral oscillatory dynamics in the neonatal brain.
- 1314 - Early-life Human Milk Oligosaccharides and their effect on cortical thickness at 6 years of age
- 1315 - Untangling microstructural development: insights from soma, neurite, and myelin imaging on macaques
- 1316 - Automated fetal ICV annotation in 3D-ultrasound: sex-specific brain development and outcome at age 3
- 1317 - A simultaneous EEG-fMRI protocol for exploring the development of hierarchical sensory processing
- 1318 - Estimation of iron levels via T2* mapping increases with age in the fetal brain
- 1319 - The dlPFC mediates the association between psychological control and externalizing behavior in youth
- 1320 - CentileBrain Normative Models of Brain Morphometry Can Generalize to Diverse Ethnoracial Groups
- 1321 - The overgrowth of structure-function coupling level in premature brain during infancy
- 1322 - Neural development of language and speech in infants and toddlers
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