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511 matches found
Poster No Title
7 Structural connectivity changes in severe Anorexia Nervosa following Deep Brain Stimulation.
10 Utility of Imaging Predictors in Deep Brain Stimulation
42 Differences in tDCS-induced E-fields according to Alzheimer's disease and gender: An in-silico study
56 Improving Coil Setup and Data Processing Strategies for Concurrent MRI and Brain-Stimulation Studies
65 Evaluating personalized rTMS impact on network functional connectivity via precision methods
70 Learning to control the visual cortex and enhancing visual attention via fMRI-based Neurofeedback
71 Effects of personalized near-infrared LED therapy based on brain networks from EEG
73 An fMRI Study of Instant Brain Effects of taVNS on Parkinson's Disease
75 NIR-LED Photobiomodulation(PBM) on elderly improves cognitive functions and EEG patterns
84 Electroconvulsive therapy alters connectivity in treatment-resistant depressive disorders
93 Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for 3D Fetal Brain Pose Prediction from Freehand 2D Ultrasound
105 Comparison of Personalised Dosage Between HD-tDCS and Conventional tDCS
113 Leveraging brain network plasticity before neurosurgery: An fMRI-based prehabilitation case study.
116 The Spatial Distributions of Neuroimaging-guided Personalized Targets for TMS in Depression
119 Multi-muscle TMS mapping for motor cortex reorganization during finger independence training
124 A quality metric to assess pulsewise-coil displacements during TMS
125 Electric-field-based TMS-dosing
132 Lower brain tissue volume in limbic predominant age-related TDP43 neuropathological change (LATE-NC)
134 Decoding MRI-informed Brain-predicted Age Using Mutual Information
136 Cerebellar changes in Alzheimer’s disease: Subregional atrophy, Functional connectivity, and Myelin
140 Atrophy trajectories in Alzheimer's disease: how sex matters
149 RegionFormer: A Simple Region Transformer for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
153 Distinct grey matter patterns and their determinants in a Swedish birth cohort of septuagenarians
158 ENIGMA-HIV: White matter microstructural abnormalities in a global sample of people living with HIV
168 Sleep quality and Brain glucose uptake in Middle-aged Healthy subjects
171 In Vivo Neurological Signatures of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: An MRI study of QSM and MRS.
181 Functional 7T MRI analyses reveal altered cerebellar activity and connectivity in multiple sclerosis
185 PET Amyloid Predicts Longitudinal Atrophy in Non-Demented Individuals: Results from the AMYPAD PNHS
186 Effects of Beta-amyloid on the Temporo-parietal Network across the Alzheimer’s Disease Continuum
190 Worldwide analysis of brain microstructure across Parkinson’s disease stages
197 Assessing the Sensitivity of Brain-Age to Alzheimer's Disease in different Ethnic Groups
198 Preservation of Neural Activation Along the Somatosensory Processing Stream After Tetraplegia
205 Training Vision Transformers to Predict Amyloid Positivity from Brain Structural MRI
209 Brain arteriolosclerosis linked to lower gray matter volume in elderly community-cohort
210 HRV as a Measure of Brain-Heart Connectivity Focus on Symptoms in Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Disease
216 Integrated MRI Analysis and Quality Control Pipeline for Memory Clinic Use of UK Biobank Imaging
221 Diffusion MRI-based Deep Learning to detect Alzheimer’s Disease in US and Indian Cohorts
232 White matter microstructure alterations in Huntington’s disease: a cross-species study
245 Altered amyloid-ß binding in cognitively normal middle-aged APOE-ε4 carriers: an AI-assisted study
258 The effects of nutritional monitoring of the elderly at high risk for dementia using QEEG
266 A Comparative Study on Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease Using Two Novel Neuromelanin MRI Sequences
267 White matter hyperintensities effect on cognition in type 2 diabetes is moderated by education level
272 Hypertension effects on brain volumes in presence of structural cardiac and renal function mediators
275 ENIGMA-Parkinson's Disease: A Global Consortium for Integration of Multimodal Neuroimaging
278 Widespread White Matter Alterations Are Associated With Neurological Severity in Wilson Disease
287 Dynamic analysis of resting-state EEG reveals altered brain states and functional network transition
288 Automated quantification of white matter lesion confluence on T2 MRI scans
290 Plasma neurofilament light relates to white mater and gray matter microstructure in older adults
295 Spatial pattern of brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s and LATE neuropathology
301 Essential Tremor: The Relationship Between Hand Dominance and Tremor Severity by MVPA
308 The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Baseline Data Sharing Initiative
311 Dissociation of Structural and Functional Changes in Alzheimer's Disease
314 White Matter Cerebrovascular and Microstructure Imaging Biomarkers in Normal Cognition and MCI
325 Structural network disruption associated with molecular pathogenesis in Alzheimer's disease spectrum
326 The hierarchical organization of the salience, default, and executive networks in social inferences
335 Investigating the neural correlates and oscillatory dynamics of tics in Tourette Syndrome
347 Thalamic Functional Connectivity Gradients in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
350 Do estimates of age based on functional connectivity differ as a function of reading ability?
351 Neurofeedback from the anterior prefrontal cortex for obsessive compulsive disorder
357 Lower Spatial Consistency on Transient States of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
361 Functional mapping of facial movements in Tourette Syndrome
366 Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Denoised Multiple Age-Specific Structural Features
371 CBF and Visual, Auditory, and Motoric BOLD Responses in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia
372 Temporal Variability of Scalp EEG as a Predictor for Long-term Efficacy of rTMS Treatment in ASD
375 Dimensional Relationships Between Conduct Problems and Brain Structure: An ENIGMA Mega-Analysis
393 A cross-etiologic study: altered network integration and modularity in newborns with severe diseases
401 Whole Brain Mapping of Disturbed Semantic Representation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
402 Virtual epileptic patient cohort: generation and evaluation
413 EEG Microstates Reveal Altered Default-mode Network Dynamics Related to Attention in Narcolepsy
414 Characterizing neuroinflammation in human patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using [18F]FEPPA PET
415 Functional Imaging Derived ADHD Biotypes Based on Deep Clustering May Guide Personalized Medication
417 Accessing Brain Network in ADHD Using Relative Phase Analysis
418 Oxygen-carrying Capacity Impacts Gross Motor in Congenital Heart Disease by Altering Brain Structure
423 Age-related effects on the association between alcohol use severity and resting-state fMRI
430 New Insights into Atypical Corticospinal Tract Microstructure in Children with Cerebral Palsy
433 Characterising structural similarity networks in the marmoset using Morphometric Inverse Divergence
437 Atypical cortical responses to changes in sound source location in ASD
439 Beta Frontal Lobe Entropy and Infant Sadness Associated with Attention Deficit in Toddlerhood
441 Brain dynamics in toddlers with and without autism spectrum disorder
447 Investigating neuronal noise as a mechanism of tic generation
464 Thalamic Subnuclei Connectivity in Major Depressive Disorder: A 7-Tesla Diffusion MRI Study
472 Effects of Exercise on Structural and Functional Brain Patterns in Schizophrenia
475 Dynamic functional connectivity analysis: uncovering disorder signatures in anorexia nervosa
476 The protective effects of secure attachment despite childhood maltreatment on brain and behavior
484 Amygdala downregulation training using fMRI neurofeedback in post-traumatic stress disorder
485 Right superior frontal gyrus: A potential marker for predicting the efficay in schizophrenia
487 Unveiling causal interactions between depression and alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood
488 Neurobiological mapping of abnormal gray matter developmental trajectories in psychosis
490 Neuroticism Heterogeneity in Item-Level Associations with Resting-State Functional Connectivity
493 Influence of reward sensitivity on resting-state networks in OCD patients and healthy controls
494 Transcriptional and neurochemical profiles of cerebral blood flow changes in psychosis and prodrome
496 Longitudinal rs-fMRI changes reveal local brain function in patients with schizophrenia
497 A Comparative Machine Learning Study of Connectivity-Based Biomarkers of Schizophrenia
498 Shared and Distinct Brain Alterations in Youth with Internalising or Externalising Disorders
512 A possible white matter compensating mechanism of relatives of people affected by psychosis
514 Cognitive impairment in anti-LGI1 encephalitis is linked to structural brain network reorganization
529 Parsing heterogeneity in white matter integrity along the progression of psychosis
531 Distinct brain functional networks are associated with state- and trait-depression
546 Unique neural signatures of childhood sexual abuse in gray matter volume and cortical thickness
564 The mediation role of brain structure in the meditation treatment of Schizophrenia: an RCT study
565 One Week Antidepressant Efficacy Revealed by EEG Analysis
573 Diffusion-based brain correlates of adolescent resilience
578 Graph Convolutional Network Model for Discrimination of Major Depressive Disorder.
583 Deviating from the norm: Neuroanatomical dissimilarity in depression is linked to symptom severity
585 Shared and distinct patterns of dFC variability of thalamo-cortical circuit in BDD and MDD patients
622 Abnormal Structural Covariance Network in Major Depressive Disorder
625 Neural circuits underlying emotion dysregulation in bulimia nervosa
632 Attentional bias to facial emotion expressions in nonsuicidal self-injury: an fMRI study
636 Altered Neural Activities to Approach-Avoidance Tendencies in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
642 Functional Connectivity Differences in Nonsuicidal Self-injury with and without Depression
662 The Effect of Weight Loss on Brain Age in Schizophrenia
665 Cortical Thickness and Clinical Profile in Never Medicated Individuals with Psychosis
667 Closed-Loop Self-Neuromodulation of the Amygdala Involves Co-Modulation of the Posterior Insula
697 How to Transform AI Prototypes into Functional Healthcare Applications for Diagnostic Assistance?
700 The triple nexus in the brain: corpus callosum, brain asymmetry and cognition
703 Reward driven proactive control of emotional conflict
704 Short-term restriction of physical and social activities effects on brain structure and connectivity
706 Neural correlates of optimism and pessimism in healthy adolescents
716 Unravelling sex-specific neural patterns associated with negative emotions
720 Subcortical emotion-related circuitry serves as brain-based classifier of math anxiety in children
721 Brain Circuits During Arithmetic Are Predictive of Real-Time Trial-Based Math Anxiety Measurement
723 Happiness matters: distributed brain patterns underlie different positive emotions in OFC
736 Neural Mechanisms Underlying Improving Health Behavior with Cognitive Training under Stress
742 An fMRI-based neuromarker for anxious anticipation of threat under uncertainty
746 Task induced dynamics of human bed nucleus of stria terminalis from direct neuronal recordings
747 Context modulates Perceived Empathy in Human-Voice Agent Interactions
749 Rotten to the core–a neural signature of subjective core disgust generalizes to sociomoral contexts
751 Five weeks of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Improves Emotion in Older Adults: An fMRI Study
767 Delay gratification ability biases motivation for delayed rewards via cortico-striatal network
768 Social jetlag and habitual short sleep duration affect neural reward function
770 Towards a Neurobehavioral Phenotype of Human Hedonic Capacity
778 Intracranial neurophysiological mechanisms underlying rumination
779 Neural connectivity associated with Psychological Well-Being in older Koreans
782 Mapping the pre-reflective experience of “self” to the brain – an fMRI study
787 Hemodynamic and electrophysiological responses of the human amygdala during face imitation
790 Empathising-systemising along the unimodal-transmodal axis
803 Neurobehavioral impacts of a social observer on risky decision-making in cigarette smokers
804 Decision-making for others’ time and money
815 Wavelet analysis of fMRI hyperscanning reveals that social interaction affects inter-brain coherence
817 The Neural Mechanisms of Naturalistic Interactive Cultural Learning
819 More Than Close Friends: Higher Emotional Coordination in Romantic Relationships
828 Functional brain networks are uniquely associated with sex and gender in children
829 Altered Brain Synergistic and Redundant Interactions in Individuals with Antisocial Behavior
831 Brain morphology and early substance use in adolescence: a large prospective cohort study
846 The Genetic Architecture of the Morphometry of the Human Corpus Callosum
869 FEMA-GWAS: mixed-effects algorithms for discovery of genome-wide non-linear SNP-by-age interactions
874 Assessment of subthreshold group differences in rs-fMRI by higher criticism: adult phenylketonuria
898 Identifying the Outliers: Insights from the Reanalysis of Tom et al.(2007) and Botvinik-Nezer (2020)
899 Neural Mechanisms Underlying Enhanced Episodic Memory for Drug Associations in Smokers
904 Single-Trial EEG Analysis of Age-Related Differences in Model-Based Learning
905 Temporal credit assignment in alcohol use disorder
913 Predictive validity of within and cross brain EEG connectivity indices of infant executive function
914 Decoding the Neural Architecture of Compositional Meaning Generalization
918 Varying task demands show that social perception is distributed over both cortical surface and depth
920 Common and Distinct Brain Correlates of Cognitive Flexibility Tasks: Quantitative fMRI Meta‐analyses
924 Ultrashort echo time brain imaging links myelin content to cognitive flexibility
926 White Matter Connectivity and Executive Functions in Youth: Insights from Fixel-based analysis
929 A behaviorally-relevant multiple-demand operating system underlying diverse cognitive tasks
932 Linking cognitive load with mental fatigue: a resting-state functional connectivity approach
934 Predicting metacognitive abilities across sensory modalities with functional networks
949 Study of color quality space at subvoxel fMRI resolution using the repetition-suppression approach
951 Neural Dynamics of Truth and Deception: Insights from Brain States
960 Brain responses to complex division problems in children, adolescents and adults.
975 Brain structural and functional features of individuals with higher controllability of motor imagery
978 Opposite gradients of mental imagery and perception in orbitofrontal and occipitotemporal cortex
979 Hypnotic induction modulates both state and dynamics EEG measures during an imagination task
980 Movies of our minds: Hierarchical neural patterns of event, scene, and object construction
991 Generic neural computational construct for instantaneous estimation: a pilot study
996 Arithmetic and Numerosity Networks from Childhood to Adulthood: A Neuroimaging Meta-analysis
1001 Brain connectivity dimensions modulate language processing with modality-specific mechanisms.
1002 Left inferior parietal lobe and auditory cortex jointly contribute to sound knowledge retrieval
1004 Evidence in dual pathway coding of speech with prediction errors
1010 Language Similarity of Bilingual's Languages Has an Effect on Their Language Processing.
1023 Gray Matter Morphometry is Related to Reading Abilities, but not Meaningfully
1025 Targeted Reading Treatment Combined with Aerobic Exercise Improves Aphasia Outcomes.
1028 Longitudinal analysis of letter and speech sound association
1029 From Brain Patterns to Academic Success: Unveiling Multimodal Signatures in Reading and Mathematics
1030 Enhancing Reading Rehabilitation in Subacute Stroke Using fMRI Neurofeedback.
1038 The Representational Dynamics of Speech Prosody: An MEG Study
1044 Prosodic Pitch Perception in Right Premotor Cortex: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
1046 Cortical tracking of the speech and music acoustic signals under naturalistic conditions
1047 A dissociated neural index of speech perception and understanding in background noise
1048 ECoG Gamma-band Modulations Induced by Cognitive-linguistic Tasks during Awake Craniotomy
1051 Degeneracy in the neurological model of auditory speech repetition
1061 Role of M1 in schema-mediated motor memory consolidation assessed with fMRI and disruptive TMS
1065 Emergence and reconfiguration of modular structure for synaptic neural networks during learning
1068 Own-Body Perception in the Encoding and Retrieval of Memories for Naturalistic Events
1069 Memory Ability Following Brain Stimulation and Lesions Reveals Potential Neuromodulation Targets
1073 Cerebral reflections of memory modification following episodic prediction errors
1080 Predicting Medial Temporal Lobe Integrity and Memory from Thalamic Microstructure Using Radiomics
1085 The neural correlates of attending to external (semantic) and internal (episodic) stimuli
1096 Neuroplasticity related to sound localization in single-sided deafness patients: an fMRI study
1098 Prehabilitation before neurosurgery modifies cognitive brain networks preserving function.
1104 Neurochemical Alterations in Bilateral DLPFC after Structure Learning Training in Healthy Adults
1107 Effects of Development and Cognitive Training on Brain Signal Variability
1110 Abacus Training Affects Brain Hemispheric Asymmetry of Connectivity Gradients during Childhood
1115 Volitional Breathing Alerts Brain for Faster Reaction in Emotionally Distracted Working Memory Task
1116 Cortico-cerebellar patterns differentiate maintenance and manipulation in working memory tasks
1122 Distinct neural patterns for working memory and sensory representations in the early visual cortex
1124 Integrating Multimodal Neuroimaging Features to Predict Working Memory and Psychiatric Disability
1132 Age-related differences in control energy of brain state transitions
1138 Brain Aging Differences across 10 Brain Disorders by Brain Age Prediction
1144 Predicting Brain Aging (Brain Age Gap) from Biomedical and Lifestyle Variables
1152 Cross sectional sex differences in cortical atrophy across an indigenous Bolivian population
1158 Elevated brain iron is associated with higher R2 and more WMH in older adults
1161 Exploring the link between resilience, brain pathology, and cognition in old age: sex differences
1165 Multivariate Association Between Cognitive Function and Brain Tissue in Healthy Older Adults
1170 AgeML: a Python package for Age Modelling with Machine Learning made easy.
1172 An ENIGMA Consortium Genome-Wide Association Study of Brain Age
1179 Functional alterations contribute to memory deficits in aging and AD: an fMRI and PET study
1184 Quantifying spatially-specific impact of white matter hyperintensity on cortical atrophy in aging
1199 Cerebrovascular Reactivity, Brain Structure, and Cognition in Aging: Heart and Brain Study
1201 Subclinical Vestibular Function is Associated with Surface Shape Changes in the Prefrontal Cortex
1213 Edge Participation Coefficient Unveiling the Development of Functional Connectome during Infancy
1217 Association between fALFF of white matter and postmenstrual age in newborns
1220 Development of brain state dynamics involved in working memory
1221 The efficiency of dynamic brain state transitions in working memory improves in youth.
1222 Large Data on the Small Brain: Population-wide Cerebellar Growth Models of Children and Adolescent
1228 Triple Interactions Between the Environment, Brain, and Behavior in Children: An ABCD Study
1242 A Novel Method to Investigate Neurodevelopment Using Ising Temperature and Graph Neural Networks
1243 Perinatal development of the corpus callosum in term and preterm infants
1244 Mental attention: Common and distinct brain areas across development
1248 Neurotransmitter systems explain lifespan changes of human resting-state brain activity
1249 White matter integrity change across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis
1253 T2 MRI visible perivascular spaces preterm and term born neonates
1254 Sex- and Obesity-related Differences in Amygdala Subnuclei Apportionment Exist during Preadolescence
1269 Functional connectome through the human life span
1270 An Optimised Surface Projection Pipeline for Enhanced Analysis of Fetal Brain Connectivity
1275 Unraveling lifespan signatures: Time-series phenotyping and age prediction using MEG
1278 Elevated ALFF in Early Developing Brain Systems from Birth to Three Years
1279 Development of Infant Brain Structure-function Coupling Indicates Spatiotemporal Disassociation
1282 Unveiling Co-Development of Cortical Surface Area and Thickness Asymmetry in Young Brain
1288 Is corpus callosum biometry at school age related to preterm birth in children with cerebral palsy?
1289 Identifying spatiotemporal changes in cortical neurodevelopment using post-mortem and in vivo data
1291 Structural neural basis underlying externalization-internalization transition during adolescence
1293 The associations between microglia function, prenatal environment and white matter development
1295 Unveiling Fetal Cortical Folding: Neuroimaging and Genetic Insights
1300 Ultra-high field quantitative susceptibility mapping of the neonatal brain
1303 Impacts of perinatal factors on white matter outcome at 8 to 10 years by diffusion tensor imaging
1311 How nutrition contributes to myelination and structural connectivity in school age
1315 Untangling microstructural development: insights from soma, neurite, and myelin imaging on macaques
1318 Estimation of iron levels via T2* mapping increases with age in the fetal brain
1321 The overgrowth of structure-function coupling level in premature brain during infancy
1323 Higher criticism statistics for fMRI: a secondary analysis of NARPS team results
1326 Assessing motion-associated tSNR of brainstem and spinal cord fMRI in a post-stroke cohort
1330 Reducing individual differences in task fMRI with OGRE preprocessing for FSL
1331 Meditation attenuates activity of a trans-diagnostic brain network: 3T and 7T fMRI evidence
1333 Stable degenerate brain systems that underlie visual short-term memory across the adult lifespan
1336 Tedana: multi-echo fMRI noise removal software and resources
1337 Combined Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Spinal Cord fMRI to Probe Spinal Motor Circuitry
1338 Effects of Caffeine Intake as a Sympathetic Stimulant on Brain Dynamics during Cognitive Tasks
1339 Incorporation of PPG-AMP and Pupil Diameter into Autonomic Correction of fMRI Signal
1352 Movie-specific temporal dynamics analysis in functional connectivity using the COBE method
1355 Activation analysis of T2* time-series from multi-echo fMRI data
1356 Adaptation to Numerosity Changes Monotonic Responses to Image Contrast in Early Visual Cortex
1361 Effects of phase-encoding on BOLD data with a positive control task
1364 The Hypothesis Race Model for evaluation of research findings
1365 Scalable Gaussian Process Neural Network with application to Neuroimaging Data
1370 Structure in ongoing experience: extending Bayesian changepoint analysis for event segmentation
1379 The magnitude of prediction error for behavior relates to sociodemographic and scan factors
1381 Automatic MRI-based Prognostic Prediction After Acute Ischemic Brain Stroke
1382 Early Prediction of Long-term Cognitive Development Using Multimodal MRI in Infants Born Preterm
1383 Accurate, Early Detection of Cerebral Palsy Using Multimodal MRI at Term in Infants Born Preterm
1385 Efficient Synthesis of 3D sMRI for Schizophrenia Classification with Generative Adversarial Networks
1387 Enhanced inter-subject synchrony promotes phenotype prediction in naturalistic conditions
1389 Subtyping Disease Progression Pattern in Dementia: BBB leakage and Cortical thinning Trajectories
1390 L2C-FNN: Longitudinal to Cross-sectional FNN for Generalizable AD-dementia Progression Prediction
1400 A Robust Pipeline For Personalised Localisation of Brain Regions Using Image Quality Transfer
1416 Brain-based classification of 17 diagnostic groups in the UK Biobank
1432 Stacking pre-trained classifiers across subjects improves fMRI task decoding accuracy
1445 Predicting post-stroke functional deficits through structural disconnection mapping
1447 Generalization performance of sex classification models to multiple datasets
1448 Variability of brain-age estimates in MS within and between three different MR scanners
1450 Using Neurotransmitter Vulnerability to Discriminate Schizophrenia Patients from Healthy Controls
1455 Leveraging periodic activation functions in deep neural network to predict fMRI signals from EEG
1458 Shape matters: Unsupervised Exploration of Glioblastoma Imaging Survival Predictors
1465 Structural Brain Abnormalities of Childhood Trauma: An ENIGMA Transdiagnostic Mega-Analysis Sutdy
1490 Can function be predicted from structure at individual level?
1495 Gray and white matter functional organization and their individual variabilities in normal aging
1506 A Connectional Gradient of Individual Variability across Functional Connectome Edges
1507 Assessing the Generalizability of an HCP Connectome Harmonization Model
1510 An investigation of changes in motor and memory networks in patients with transient ischemic attack
1518 Disrupted brain subnetworks in early demyelinating clinically isolated syndrome
1526 Intra-hemishperic functional reorganization in ischemic stroke
1528 Calculating dynamic connectivity around EEG seizure onset based on nonlinearity and nonstationarity
1529 Brain connectivity and microstructure in COVID-19 patients with cognitive or olfactory dysfunction.
1531 The hippocampus as a network epicentre for distant cortical thinning in neurocognitive aging
1533 Estimating Connectional Brain Templates with Augmented Federated Learning
1538 The impact of early life stress on whole-brain functional connectivity during emotion regulation
1541 Dynamic functional connectivity in mouse widefield calcium activity relates to future learning rates
1545 Eigenvector Dynamics Analysis (EiDA): a mathematical framework for dynamic Functional Connectivity
1552 Exploring Default Mode Network Association with Naturalistic Stimuli Using Topological Data Analysis
1553 Effects of excessive smartphone use on sensory processing and developing brain
1560 How to shape connectivity in task-evoked functional MRI data: An examination
1561 Modelling subject variability in dynamic functional brain networks using embedding vectors.
1562 Intrinsic dynamic effective connectivity analysis of the resting-state network in COPD
1563 Differential impact of sleep deprivation conditions on resting-state effective connectivity.
1570 Integrative Role of Attention Networks in Multi-Frequency Modular Organization of Human Brain
1571 A PET study on raphe connectivity alteration in Parkinson disease depression
1572 How much is enough? Optimizing data collection for pediatric functional connectivity research
1574 How does structure inform the function of the nucleus accumbens in the context of chronic pain?
1575 Post-natal development of the rat connectome and the impacts of early life and adult stress
1576 Brain functional connectivity predicts emotional awareness
1583 Learning and dysfunctional higher order functional connectivity in schizophrenia
1586 Investigating the properties of hippocampal subfield networks.
1591 Evaluating the impact of denoising on diffusion MRI-based tractometry on glaucoma patients
1595 Exploring the Links Between Lexical Production and Track-Weighted Imaging in Middle-Aged Adults
1597 Studying new axial diffusion properties at high diffusion-weighting for the at-risk aging brain
1599 Optimizing Diffusion MRI Strategies: Gradient Sampling Schemes and b-Values for Infants
1600 A mesoscale ex vivo macaque white matter atlas using high-performance computing global tractography
1604 Assessing substantia nigra pars compacta connections with 3T and 7T multi-shell diffusion MRI
1613 Bootstrapped disconnection-symptom mapping and decoding in stroke patients with motor deficits
1614 The Relationship Between DTI-ALPS, Sleep Quality, and WM Integrity in Patients with Focal Epilepsy
1618 Evaluating Accuracy and Reliability of Brain-Behavior Models Using Diffusion MRI
1621 Localized Microstructural Alterations of the Dentatorubrothalamic Tract in Dystonia
1624 Signal propagation tracking unveils Distinct Properties of Resting-State Network Dynamics
1629 The correlation between Subjective Well-Being and EEG Frontal Asymmetry in different frequency bands
1632 Problem of vertical microstate topography in simultaneous EEG/fMRI data
1634 Multiverse analysis on depression biomarkers from EEG
1644 Benchmarking M/EEG inverse solutions to noise level misspecifications
1650 How to Detect the Depth of Anesthesia in Human Brain Waves Utilizing Relative Phase Dynamics
1651 The effects of personalized tPBM based on Machine Learning-based QEEG phenotypes
1655 Normalized connectome explains frequency-dependent cortical activity in MEG
1656 The virtual multiple sclerosis patient: on the clinical-radiological paradox
1657 Group-level current source reconstruction of the MNI iEEG atlas
1659 Global nonlinear approach for mapping parameters of neural mass models
1663 Different Electroencephalographic Profiles of Remimazolam and Propofol after Anesthesia
1665 Connectome spectrum electromagnetic tomography: application in focal epilepsy source localization
1668 Decoding Newly Learned Sound Categories from Neuroimaging Signals: Towards an Optimal Pipeline
1671 Two-brain EEG microstates: a novel method for quantifying task-driven interbrain asymmetry
1675 EEG microstate repertoire & dynamics captured by linear statistics or Gaussian stationary twin
1687 Evaluation of Respiratory and Cardiac Peak Detection Using Interactive AFNI Tools
1696 Reconsidering reliability for brain-wide association studies under normative modeling
1700 When There Are No Better Solutions: Characterizing Optimal Communication in the Human Brain Network
1702 Distance-Based Metrics of Time-Varying Functional Connectivity
1703 An open-source Julia package for estimating whole-brain effective connectivity
1706 Comparing dynamic functional connectivity models in fMRI
1710 Harmonizing Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity: A Graph Neural Network Approach
1711 Intraindividual variability in functional cortical organization relates to hormone levels and stress
1714 Integrating brainstem and cortical functional architectures
1716 Functional connectivity changes across the whole brain in newborns and children
1717 Neurodynamic Impacts of Meditation Combined with Ayahuasca Constituents DMT and Harmine
1722 Evaluating the repeatability and validity of community detection in functional brain networks
1724 Motion Effects in Procrustes Aligned Individual-Level Gradients
1731 Biophysical models reveal distinct role of parietal lobe and sensory regions in the emergence of FC
1732 Reduced functional connectivity in autoimmune encephalitis is explained by BOLD pattern incongruency
1739 Evaluation of Structural-Functional Coupling Mechanism on Human Connectome Project Using HoloBrain
1741 Quantitative Assessment of ML-Based Feature Attribution Methods for ASD Biomarker Discovery in fMRI
1749 Impact of Individualized Parcellation on State and Network Specific Brain-Behavior Relationships
1766 Multi-Scale Analysis Framework Integrating Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity
1768 Quantifying multiplexing in the brain using functional connectivity embedding
1771 Brain Large-scale Networks and Language Modeling during Spoken Narrative Listening
1801 Dynamic network properties from mesoscale iEEG and macroscale BOLD signals link heart rate changes
1803 Macroscale angioarchitectural properties of functional and structural networks
1824 Functional Network Connectivity Dynamics in the Human Fetal Brain
1825 Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity States, Head Motion, and Mental Health Symptoms in Children
1826 Less is more: Importance of long-range exceptions in brain architecture
1829 The Heritability of Edge-centric Functional Network in Human Brain Activity
1834 Uncovering the asymmetry of common temporal lobe folding variants
1839 Multi-Study Longitudinal Tensor-Based Morphometry Processing Pipelines for Mapping Neurodegeneration
1843 Longitudinal MRI in asymptomatic degenerative cervical cord compression
1850 Volumetric Fetal Brain Reconstruction from Sensor-free Freehand Ultrasound Videos
1853 MultiPAD: a multimodal network biomarker for predicting Amyloid positivity in healthy elderly
1855 An integrated Bayesian normative and outcome model for brain reserve in MS
1857 Evaluating the Nonlinear Dynamics of Cerebrovascular Reactivity with Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
1860 FastSurfer-HypVINN: Automated sub-segmentation of the hypothalamus and adjacent structures on HiRes
1866 In-vivo high-resolution χ-separation (chi-separation) at 7T
1869 Multiresolution orthonormal projective nonnegative matrix factorization for large surface data
1871 Localized Cluster Enhancement: TFCE revisited with valid error control
1875 A Computational Ontology Framework and Diagnostic Reporting of Brain Atrophy Profiles in Dementia
1878 Physics-informed vessel segmentation for χ-separation (chi-separation)
1879 Application of 3D-FFDNet technique for Image Denoising in functional MRI
1886 Improving MS lesion segmentation by alleviating the class imbalance and conformal risk control
1887 How to Properly Select Covariates in Neuroimaging Data Analysis
1902 FEMA: Fast and efficient mixed-effects algorithm for large sample whole-brain imaging data
1909 MiDeFace: A FreeSurfer tool for Minimally Invasive DeFacing of MRI and PET data
1911 Rsbids: Rapid Indexing of BIDS Datasets with Rust
1912 Network Level Analysis Toolbox for connectome-wide association studies
1916 The Brain Imaging Statistics (BIS) toolset: C++ libraries and programs for handling brain MRI data
1923 A Generative Model for Missing Data in Large Epidemiological Cohorts
1934 Recon-any: A FreeSurfer-based cortical reconstruction tool for any MRI
1935 Discovering gain modulation dynamics with dynamic causal modelling
1944 The dynamic FCT highlights the structure-function association within white matter
1947 Disentangling global brain states from local activity for better classification accuracy
1949 Adaptive Denoising of 3D Structural MR Images using Deep Learning
1962 Associations between Drinking, Smoking with Psychotic, Depressive and Developmental Disorders
1963 Genetic variation shapes modes of population covariation linking brain and behavior
1968 Optimizing intersubject alignment of imaging data using anatomical and functional landmarks
1970 Deep independent vector analysis learns linked and identifiable sources from multimodal data
1973 Neural dynamics in the middle temporal gyrus predicts behavioral performance in spatial navigation
1974 Morphometricity is Biased by Image Smoothness
1977 Multimodal Dynamic Fusion Captures Flexible, Time-Sensitive Structure-Function Linkages in MRI Data
1980 Mostly normal, but also different: Individualised predictions from normative modelling in depression
1985 Evaluation of imputation methods for missing values in large-scale neuroimaging data
1988 Hierarchical Multivariate Bayesian Reference Tissue Modelling of PET Data
1989 Bloodstream: a BIDS App for Processing of Blood Data for Analysis of PET Data
1995 UniFed: A unified segmentation framework for partially labelled, distributed neuroimaging data
1996 3D assessment of fetal brain development in the second trimester from ultrasound volumes
2000 Developing a secure, browser-based and interactive image segmentation system for medical images
2019 Core time – The rich club’s role in shaping the intrinsic cortical timescales
2020 Altered structural connectivity and functional brain dynamics in individuals with heavy alcohol use
2023 Feasibility of Localizing Epileptogenic Tissue with Naturalistic Stimulation in fMRI
2025 Drowsiness increases slow oscillations in rs-fMRI signal before sleep onset
2030 Exploring moment-to-moment brain signal variability before and after pregnancy: preliminary results
2035 Altered functional connectivity in children with depressive tendency and problematic smartphone use
2037 Neural and vascular resting-state cortical network dynamics
2049 Neuronal avalanches as potential features for Brain-Computer Interfaces
2062 Brain mechanisms of self-recognition from kinematic cues
2070 Ipsilateral premotor cortex complements complex finger movement in young but not in aging brains
2071 Single-trial anticipatory beta activity predicts the maintenance of efficient motor plans
2073 Exploring the underlying mechanism of Autonomic Nervous Systems of impulsive action
2077 Cortical and subcortical proprioceptive contribution to oculomotor control in humans
2078 Interceptive sports exhibit stronger connectivity strength in the frontoparietal network during rest
2086 Multivariate association between risk factors for non-communicable diseases and cortical thickness
2088 Novel functional network-level glymphatic clearance associated with network connectivity in human
2094 Organisation of higher-order cognitive functions in the posterior parietal cortex
2098 Exploring the brain-eye connection: MRI-visible perivascular spaces, intraocular pressure and tau
2102 To BMI, or not to BMI? Adiposity estimation from head T1-weighted MR images
2107 Comparative Analysis of Brain Connectivity and Gene Expression Divergence in Chimpanzees and Humans
2110 Designing Consistent Graph Theory: Sulcal Pattern Analysis in Schizophrenia
2117 Neuroanatomical Correlates of Cognitive Phenotypes in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors
2135 Computational correlation between the International 10-20 positioning and underlying cortical areas
2139 Investigation and validation for cortical laminar structures of myelin and iron using χ-separation
2140 Evolution and ontogeny of cortical microstructure facilitating hand movements
2146 Gender Effects on Cortical Alterations in infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
2149 Comparison of subcortical regions in macaque and marmoset monkeys using multimodal MRI and histology
2151 High-resolution 3D Mapping of the Human Hypothalamus:Towards a Comprehensive Cytoarchitectonic Atlas
2152 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Associated with Greater Bilateral Medial Thalamic Nuclei Volume
2153 Simultaneous cortical, subcortical, and brainstem mapping of sensory activation
2169 Pregnancy alters the organization of the structural brain network
2171 Geometric deep learning for language prediction via pointwise tract microstructure analysis
2172 Sex-related variability of white matter tracts in the whole HCP cohort
2182 Deep Learning disconnectomes to accelerate & improve long-term predictions for post-stroke symptoms
2184 Fractional Anisotropy Varies with Age, Cognition, and Depression in Patients with Sickle Cell
2185 Assessment of U-Net in the segmentation of short tracts: transferring to clinical MRI routine
2188 The Diffusion Visualization Explorer (DiVE) Tool
2192 Can shape be as informative as microstructure for cognitive performance assessment?
2200 Multi-modal, multi-scale imaging shows that long-association systems are made of short relay fibers
2204 Three-dimensional Subcortical Atlas of the Marmoset (“SAM”) based on MRI and histology
2211 A High-Resolution In Vivo Atlas of the Human Brain’s Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) System
2219 Fetal developing Human Connectome Project functional MRI data release: methods and data structures.
2225 Extensions to EEGNet open data discovery, analysis and collaborative annotation EEG-BIDS ecosystem
2229 Manual Segmentation of Pituitary Gland and Surrounding Structures from T1-Weighed MR Images
2241 "TopUp Docker", an SPM extension for EPI distortion correction
2242 Integrating NiiVue into VS Code – A flexible image viewer for neuroimaging pipeline developers
2247 Synthesizing DWI with high b-values from low b-value datasets using deep learning
2253 An Analysis of Performance Bottlenecks in MRI Pre-Processing
2254 Fuzzy PyTorch: Rapid Numerical Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Learning Models
2259 NiCHART: A Software Suite to Translate Neuroimaging Big Data to Individualized Biomarkers in Disease
2265 NiSpace: Neuroimaging Spatial Colocalization Environment
2268 Next Move in Movement Disorders (NEMO): Imaging protocols for hyperkinetic movement disorders
2272 Snakebids: Flexible Input Interfaces for BIDS Apps
2279 Association between lifetime cannabis use and brain imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank
2281 Hormonal dynamics shape brain structure in women with and without endometriosis
2297 Multi-task Learning framework for Brain Tumor Analysis with Uncertainty Estimation in MRI Images
2299 Transformed domain NORDIC (tNORDIC) denoising improves mesoscopic, whole brain quantitative imaging
2300 Exploring the Relationship between Brain Tumors and Accelerated Aging by Disconnection Maps
2317 Precision individual difference with multi-echo functional MRI
2330 Effects of MR-Parameters on Relative BOLD-Sensitivity in the Striatum
2343 Differences in layered activation of the insula during interoceptive vs. exteroceptive attention
2348 Brain wide activation and connectivity analysis in awake mouse fMRI during forepaw force control
2353 Atypical joint density distribution of resting state dynamic spatial brain networks in Schizophrenia
2355 Jointly Learning in x-q space for Fiber ODF Estimation
2356 Associations between COVID-19 and neuroinflammation: A diffusion basis spectrum imaging study.
2358 Tract profiles predict cognitive outomes associated with surgery in glioblastoma patients
2374 Relationship between musical complexity, preference, and relative phase of brain network
2376 Inter-regional delays fluctuate in the human cerebral cortex
2383 Myelin water fraction in post-mortem brains: sequence comparison and behavior through fixation time
2387 Intervention-related changes in motor cortex GABA in children with perinatal stroke
2391 Comparison of STEAM and Semi-Laser for neurochemical separation at 7T
2397 Simultaneous fPET/fMRI unveils nigrostriatal pathway mechanisms during optogenetic stimulation.
2398 Data-driven latent alignment in simultaneous EEG-fMRI to fuse and generalize brain states
2400 The Advanced BRain Imaging on ageing and Memory (ABRIM) data collection
2402 Whole-brain metabolic-effective coupling in healthy controls and its disruption in gliomas
2408 Individualised mapping of the language system using ultra high-field fMRI
2413 Consistency of resting-state correlations between fMRI networks and EEG features
2420 The Association of Mother-Infant Neural Synchrony and Bonding – Ad Interim Results
2436 DiSpect reveals modulation and redistribution of venous blood flow caused by neural activation
2442 Impact of Ageing on Memory and Dopaminergic Modulation: A Concurrent MR-PET Study with Fallypride
2444 3D MRI to PET Translation using Constrained Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model
2450 The Neural Correlates of Visual Attention in Virtual Reality
2452 Methylphenidate increases gamma-band oscillations power over parieto-occipital regions
2457 Visuo-Spatial Attention Development is Modulated by Local Computations in the Dorsal Stream
2467 Consciousness and the Cerebellum
2470 Frontoparietal contribution for conscious visual representations and related perceptual confidence
2480 Neural correlates of emotional response to paintings of Caravaggio
2483 Two Default Modes, Internal and External, Revealed through Whole-brain Synchrony
2491 Audiovision: activity in primary visual cortex is driven by musical information.
2498 Heritability of movie-evoked brain activity and connectivity
2501 Modulation effects of different treatments on PAG functional connectivity in KOA knee pain patients
2531 Facilitated hand proprioceptive processing in paraplegics with long-term wheelchair sports training
2546 Category-selectivity, again: Hand-selective Visual Areas Support Action-related Behavioural Goals
2553 Activation and deactivation map during smooth and saccadic tracking in humans
2554 Feedback and feedforward laminar modulation of human motion perception: a 7T fMRI study
2557 A 7T fMRI correlate of visual perceptual filling-in in human visual cortex
2560 The center-periphery bias in high level visual cortex follows a nonlinear topography
2566 Effects of mindfulness training on brain structure, depressive symptoms, and sleep in adolescence
2575 Exploring sleep problem, cognitive function, and frontal surface using human connectome project
2576 Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics are coupled to sleep brain oscillations during NREM and REM sleep
2577 Locus Coeruleus Activity during Wake Is Associated with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Intensity
2582 Neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep overheating: insights on the insular cortex connectivity
2593 ASL-derived cerebrovascular brain-age improves associations with cognitive decline
2597 Cerebrovascular reactivity mapping using resting-state functional MRI in infants aged 0 to 6 months
2601 Improved cerebrovascular brain-age accuracy by multi-sequence, multi-center harmonisation
2610 Predicting PETCO2 from RVT in Breath-Hold fMRI for Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping
2611 The Effect of Stimulus Timing and Hemodynamic Delay on Measured BOLD fMRI Cerebrovascular Reactivity
2614 Mapping Between fMRI and Electrophysiological Networks Encoding Depressive Symptoms
2620 Axial deoxy-hemoglobin variation as a source of BOLD lag structure: evaluation on HCP-lifespan data
2626 Ketamine treatment for MDD based on digital twin brain model
2632 Brain Iron and Neurotransmitter Analysis for PFAS-Linked Psychosis Risk by 3D UTE MRI and 1H-MRS
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