The effect of early, small-volume formula supplementation on brain growth as measured by ultra-low-field MRI: A pilot randomized controlled trial

Victoria Nankabirwa Presenter
Makerere University
Monday, Jun 24: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room: Grand Ballroom 104-105 
Infant growth impairment is common in LMICs and is associated with impaired school readiness and potentially reduced human capital. In a pilot randomized controlled trial, we investigated the effect of a once-daily, fixed small-volume of formula supplementation on: (1) Brain growth, i.e., total brain volume, white matter volume and gray matter volume as visualized by ultra-low-field MRI at 3, 6 and 12 months of age; and (2) Global scales for early development (GSED) scores. We also explored the relationship between ultra-low-field MRI findings and GSED scores.