Increasing international collaboration opportunities for early career researchers

Katie Moran Organizer
University of Manchester
Manchester, Greater Manchester 
United Kingdom
Joseph Chen Co Organizer
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 
United States
Patcharaporn Srisaikaew, Dr. Co Organizer
University Health Network
Krembil Brain Institute
Toronto, Ontario 
Brendan Williams Co Organizer
University of Reading
Reading, Berkshire 
United Kingdom
Tuesday, Jun 25: 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Hall D 2 
Early career researchers form a large body of the academic workforce, and forming collaborations is important for developing professional skills and enhancing career prospects. In this symposium, we will highlight how to increase international collaboration opportunities for early career researchers. Our symposium will feature speakers with significant experience working collaboratively with other researchers from across the globe. The speakers will share their academic journey and their experiences of international collaboration, including some reflection on the challenges they faced and some insight as to how ECRs can begin, increase, and maintain international collaboration opportunities. This symposium will offer attendees the opportunity to discuss specific questions they may have regarding international collaboration with our speakers through a Q&A and panel discussion. This symposium provides important learning opportunities for trainees and ECRS to find out more about expanding and maintaining their network and building international collaborations.


1. Understand the strategies to increase international collaboration opportunities for trainees and early career researchers.
2. Explore the common challenges faced by trainees and ECRs in maintaining international collaborations.

Target Audience

Trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows) and ECRs, although we welcome more senior investigators to attend as well. 


1. Cultivating collaborations that complement your postdoc-to-faculty research program

It is well known that establishing fruitful collaborations is key to unlocking unique opportunities and accelerating career growth in academia. Reflecting on my own experiences navigating the postdoc-to-faculty transition, I will discuss how the postdoctoral training period presents an excellent opportunity to cultivate strong research networks that have lasting implications. Drawing on personal experiences, I will discuss the practical strategies for cultivating meaningful collaborations that not only amplify research impact but also foster professional development.  


Stephanie Noble, Northeastern University Boston, MA 
United States

2. International collaboration: the view from the southern hemisphere

In my talk, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages to working in research academia from the southern hemisphere. I will focus on practical tips for young scientists to engage in international collaborations, both from the perspective of those in relatively isolated parts of the world, as well as those that live in more densely-populated regions. 


Mac Shine, University of Sydney Sydney, NA 

3. Empowering the next generation of investigators through open solutions

As founder of the International Neuroimaging Data-sharing Initiative (INDI), Dr. Milham will provide a brief overview of disruptive strategies for promoting open resource sharing and collaboration that he and his collaborators have taken over the years, highlighting lessons learned and future opportunities. Beyond data sharing, he will emphasize the importance of novel mechanisms for interaction, such as competitions (e.g., Brain Art Competition, ADHD-200 Global Competition), gatherings (e.g., Brainhacks, Open Science Gala, Prime-DRE Global Collaboration Workshop), and consortia (e.g., Functional Connectomes Project, ADHD-200, ABIDE, CoRR, NMIND, PRIME-DRE). He will also discuss more recent efforts to train and empower investigators from diverse and disadvantaged populations, including low and middle-income countries. 


Michael Milham, Child Mind Institute New York, NY 
United States