Luis Concha, PhD - Connections and Disconnections in Epilepsy

Luis Concha Presenter
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Queretaro, Please select an option below 
Wednesday, Jun 26: 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Keynote Lectures 
Room: Hall D 2 
Epilepsy is a very common neurological disorder with different causes and manifestations. While neuroimaging helps locate lesions that cause seizures, some epilepsies reveal widespread morphological and functional abnormalities. In the last decades there have been considerable advances that allowed us to appreciate epilepsy as a network disorder. Diffusion-weighted MRI and analyses of structural connectivity derived from tractography have shown how these alterations have far-reaching neurological and cognitive consequences, and are related to prognosis. This talk will provide an overview of this active field of research, indicate its applications in the clinic, and identify the next challenges that need to be addressed by the community with the overall goal to better serve patients afflicted with epilepsy.