A novice’s Guide to Neurofeedback

Ethan Murphy Presenter
Melbourne, VIC 
Educational Course - Half Day (4 hours) 
This presentation will overview the steps required for novice researchers including PhD students to justify the conduct of a fMRI-neurofeedback experiment following best practices, and the parameters required when designing all components of a fMRI-neurofeedback study, with a specific focus on substance use disorders. The application of fMRI-neurofeedback to addiction is a relatively new concept. The emerging evidence suggests that fMRI-neurofeedback may hold promise as a tool to mitigate the underlying neurobiological dysfunction. However, research to date is restricted by several methodological limitations. This presentation aims to describe how researchers or clinicians who are new to the field can use tools like systematic reviews to a) identify and b) overcome the key methodological limitations that might restrict their relative field.