Hanganga o ngā ahautanga whakmua o te Rangahau Rongoa me ngā Mahi Hou (Shaping the Future of Medical Research & Innovation)

Leigh Potter Presenter
Mātai Medical Research Institute
Gisbor, Outside America 
New Zealand
This talk will outline the inception, goals of Mātai, a research, education and innovation institute located in Tairāwhiti Gisborne, New Zealand. Established in October 2020 with the pivotal support from Kānoa Regional Development Unit, Mātai has become a leading force in medical imaging, with a state-of-the-art GE 3-Tesla MRI machine and a team of experts. The core focus of Mātai is to enhance the capabilities of medical imaging through advanced software, post-processing techniques, and artificial intelligence. By doing so, Mātai seeks to advance preventative and predictive approaches through medical innovation and discovery.

He aha ta tātou mahi (What we do):

– Translate advanced medical imaging technology
– Work alongside the local Māori community with transdisciplinary approaches
– Bridge knowledge gaps and improve health pathways
– Conduct imaging and predictive modelling
– Advance health equity for Māori, Pacific, and rural communities
– Uplift health and well-being globally

He aha ta tātou e takoha (What we contribute)
– Access to advanced medical imaging
– Novel health innovations, including predictive medicine

– Opportunities for rural, regional, and indigenous participation in research
– Equitable access to research, science, and innovation