Targeting dysfunctional circuits using brain stimulation

Robin Cash, PhD Presenter
University of Melbourne
Torquay, VIC 
Emerging research indicates that many psychiatric disorders are characterized by dysfunctional brain circuits. In this talk I will briefly describe how this circuit-based framework has recently reshaped and improved the capacity to identify optimal brain stimulation targets for psychiatric disorders. I will discuss how these circuits can be targeted on a personalized basis and briefly overview the evidence for this approach from basic and clinical research, including our recent clinical outcomes. I will describe new research where we have employed network communication models based on structural connectivity to understand and predict propagation of a TMS pulse through the human connectome. I will present our recent findings from TMS performed in the MRI scanner illustrating differential circuit activation at distinct DLPFC TMS targets (all personalized). Lastly, I will briefly highlight our novel hardware solution that provides a cheaper, simpler and faster alternative to neuronavigation for circuit-based or personalised targeting where desired.