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Deep Brain StimulationDeep Brain Stimulation
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T204 Declarative memory improvement with perforant path integrity and proximity of deep brain stimulation Tyler Wishard1, Zahra M. Aghajan1, Emily Mankin1, Diane Villaroman1, Taylor Kuhn1, Itzhak Fried1, Nanthia Suthana1
T556 A Fully Convolutional Network-based Segmentation of the Deep Cerebellar Dentate Nucleus from 7T MRI Jinyoung Kim1, Rémi Patriat1, Jordan Kaplan1, Noam Harel1 Th001 Modulating the human functional connectome by means of deep brain stimulation Andreas Horn1, Gregor Wenzel1, Friederike Irmen1, Julius Hübl1, Wolf-Julian Neumann1, Patricia Krause1, Ningfei Li1, Georg Bohner1, Michael Scheel1, Andrea Kühn1
Th002 Structural networks predict clinical outcome to GPI-DBS for dystonia Gabriel Gonzalez-Escamilla1, Muthuraman Muthuraman2, Martin Reich3, Nabin Koirala1, Christian Riedel4, Martin Glaser1, Florian Lange5, Guenther Deuschl4, Jens Volkmann3, Sergiu Groppa1
Th004 Structural connectivity impacts depression in Parkinson’s patients with subthalamic stimulation Friederike Irmen1,2, Andreas Horn3, Christof Brücke4, Gerd-Helge Schneider4, Andrea Kühn3
Th005 Distinct functional connectivity maps reveal regional specialization within the subthalamic nucleus Bernadette van Wijk1,2,3, Daniel Kroneberg2, Andreas Horn2, Friederike Irmen2, Vladimir Litvak3, Wolf-Julian Neumann2, Tilmann Sander4, Qiang Wang2, Andrea Kühn2
Th456 Subcortical dynamics are detectable with high-density EEG source imaging Martin Seeber1, Lucia Cantonas1, Mauritius Hoevels2, Thibaut Sesia2, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle2, Christoph Michel1
W257 Cortical activity time locked to oscillatory events in the STN of Parkinson patients Matthias Sure1, Jan Vesper2, Alfons Schnitzler1,3, Esther Florin1
W558 Anatomical fiducials for quantifying template creation convergence: application to a 7T dataset Jonathan Lau1, Greydon Gilmore1, Yiming Xiao1, Andrew Parrent1, John Demarco1, Geetika Gupta1, Patrick Park1, Kayla Ferko1, Terry Peters1, Ali Khan1
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