Saturday Jun 08, 2019

3:00 PM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
3:00 PM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
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Sunday Jun 09, 2019

6:00 AM  2019 OHBM OPEN SCIENCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP – OPEN SCIENCE ROOM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space   Presenter: Emily Baker
7:00 AM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
7:00 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
7:00 AM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
An Introduction to Network Neuroscience: How to build, model, and analyse connectomes   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
Basic Concepts of Network Neuroscience  
Defining Network Nodes and Extracting Timeseries  
Functional Connectivity: Methods and measures  
Quantifying Structural Connectivity  
Network Statistics and Null Models  
Questions and Answers  
Communication in Brain Networks  
Hubs, Rich Clubs and Neural Integration  
Modules in Structural and Functional Brain Networks  
Multilayer Brain Networks: Construction and analysis  
Applications of Network Neuroscience  
Questions and Answers  
Deep Learning for Human Brain Mapping   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Deep Learning Approaches: Brief Introduction and Application to NeuroImaging  
Hands-on Introduction to Deep Learning with Keras  
Revamped CNNs for Brain-Age Analyses  
Hands-on Segmentation of Histological Sections in the BigBrain  
Attention and Modeling of Cognitive Processes  
Questions and Answers  
Synthesizing fMRI: Applications, Promises, and Pitfalls  
GANs for Cross-Modality Image Synthesis  
Solving the Field-to-Source Inversion Problem for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with Deep Learning  
Segmenting Tracts in Diffusion MRI  
Looking Inside the Black Box  
Questions and Answers  
FMRI at the Resolution Scale of Cortical Columns and Layers   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 2 
From Spins to Laminar Function: The physics of high-field, high resolution MRI  
Choices of Imaging Readout at 7 Tesla  
Analysis of the spatial specificity of BOLD and cerebral blood volume fMRI: reliable, optimized detection, decoding, and high-resolution imaging of cortical columns  
Non-BOLD Contrasts to Improve the Interpretability of High-resolution fMRI in Humans  
Preprocessing and Analysis Strategies for Laminar fMRI  
Revealing Detailed Neural Correlates of Human Perception and Cognition using Ultra-high Field fMRI  
Questions and Answers  
Functional MRI in Clinical Practice: Applications, Methods, and Controversies   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
General Introduction: The role of fMRI in clinical practice  
Choosing Activation Tasks and Control Conditions in Language Mapping  
Memory Mapping with fMR  
Panel and Group Discussion: Different approaches to task and baseline choices  
Statistical Methods for Single-subject fMRI  
Caveats for Single-subject fMRI Statistics  
Different Approaches to Analysis and Case Examples  
Panel Questions and Answers  
Functional MRI and DTI Pipeline for a Clinical Environment  
Structured Reporting of Clinical fMRI Exams - An illustrated neuroradiologist's perspective  
In the Operating Room: Integrating intraoperative electrocortical and fiber stimulation mapping with pre-surgical maps  
Panel Questions and Answers  
Resting-state fMRI in Language Mapping: Promises and pitfalls  
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping - Promises and pitfalls  
Questions and Panel/Attendee General Discussion: Future directions and cross-discipline integration  
MR Diffusion Imaging: From Theory to Applications   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Diffusion MRI Data Acquisition  
Methodological Considerations on Analyzing Diffusion MRI Data  
Diffusion Imaging Models 1: From DTI to HARDI models and beyond  
Diffusion Imaging Models 2: From DTI to microstructure quantification  
Group Comparisons with Diffusion and Microstructure Imaging  
Questions and Answers  
Diffusion Tractography  
Tract Analysis and Connectomics  
Pre-Clinical and Post Mortem Diffusion Imaging  
Imaging Connectivity  
Questions and Answers  
Population Neuroscience: How to responsibly handle big data in the age of biobanks   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Choir 
Basic Epidemiology, Confounding, and Other Biases: Why does it matter?  
Applied Epidemiological Concepts and Analysis Considerations: Population neuroscience in action  
Scaling Up Neuroimaging Statistical Tools for Big Data  
Imaging Genetics: Important considerations with data, big and small  
Imaging Garbage In… Results Garbage Out: Or is there something you can learn by looking through one’s garbage?  
Replication: What, when, why, and how?  
Questions and Answers  
Taking Control Of Your Neuroimaging Data: Understanding artefacts and quantifying quality   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
Overview of Workshop, and Anatomical MRI Artefacts and QC Use-cases  
Identifying and Correcting Physiological and Systematic Artifacts in Diffusion MRI  
Functional MRI QC and QA  
QC of Functional MRI at 7T  
Dataset QC  
Questions and Answers  
Time-varying Connectivity in Resting-state fMRI: Methods, interpretations, and clinical use   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 1- 3 
Going Beyond the Static Functional Connectome: A theoretical and methodological framework  
Null Models for Brain Dynamics and Time-Varying Functional Connectivity  
Time-varying Connectivity: Data-driven approaches and clinical applications  
The Neural Basis of Spontaneous Functional Dynamics  
Modelling the Multiscale Nature of Dynamic Functional Connectivity  
Controversies and Open Questions in the Study of "Resting-state" Time-varying Functional connectivity  
Questions and Answers  
9:45 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
12:00 PM  Open Science SIG Meeting   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
Brain Parcellations and Functional Territories   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 1 
From Post-mortem to in Vivo Parcellations  
Structural Connectivity Parcellation  
Brain Variability Parcellation  
Multi-modal Parcellation  
Functional Connectivity-based Parcellation  
Theoretical Applications  
Question and Answers  
MRS of GABA and Other Metabolites: Methods and applications for understanding human brain function   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 2 
An Introduction to MRS and Editing  
Limitations and Considerations for Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Quantification  
Faster Editing and Universal Sequences  
The Neurochemistry of GABA, glutamate, and Their Relation to Brain Function  
Changes in GABA, Neuroplasticity and Learning  
MRS and Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders  
Questions and Answers  
Researchers' Guide to the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Choir 
The ABCD Cohort  
Physical, Behavioral and Environmental Phenotypes  
Neuroimaging Processing Pipeline and Baseline Data  
Scientific Approaches and Tools in ABCD - Statistical inferences  
Scientific Approaches and Tools in ABCD - Integrating genetics and neuroimaging  
Scientific Approaches and Tools in ABCD - Twins and structural equation modeling  
Questions and Answers  
The Missing Link: How to Combine Neuroimaging Data with Computational Models of Behavior   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
Defining the Missing Link: Introduction to combining neural data with cognitive models of behavior  
Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience  
Reinforcement Learning Models and Integration with fMRI  
Model-based Assessment of Brain-behavior Relationships  
A Tutorial on Joint Models of Neural and Behavioral Data  
Questions and Answers  
2:15 PM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
5:30 PM  Opening Ceremonies and Talairach Lecture   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
5:30 PM  Talairach Lecture: Timing Matters   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Riita Hari, prof. emerita
7:00 PM  WELCOME RECEPTION   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Hanging Gardens located outside of the Auditorium 
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Monday Jun 10, 2019

6:00 AM  2019 OHBM OPEN SCIENCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP – OPEN SCIENCE ROOM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
7:00 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
7:00 AM  Morning Coffee with The Exhibitors!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
7:30 AM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
7:30 AM  OHBM ART EXHIBIT: Ars Cerebri: Creativity stemming from, and at the service of, neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Ticket Office Area  
7:30 AM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
Clinical Applications of Time-varying Neuroimaging   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Biomarkers: Potential and limitations  
Anterior insula time-varying functional connectivity in healthy older adults and patients with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia  
Rapid Time-scale Alterations in the Natural Patterns of Spontaneous Brain Network Synchronizations in Healthy Aging and Neurological Disease States  
Using Topological Data Analysis to Capture and Quantify Transitions in Intrinsic Brain Activity in Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome  
Questions and Answers  
Cognitive Atlasing: From brain images to the mind   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Behavioral Profiling of Brain Regions Across Large-scale Activation Data to Understand the Organization of Information Processing in the Human Brain  
Thinking Pragmatically about Atlases  
State-specific Parcellation of the Human Brain  
Cognitive-domain Decoding  
Questions and Answers  
Imaging Experience-dependent Plasticity in Humans   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
DW-MRI Reveals Rapid Formation of Memory Engrams in the Neocortex  
Time Course of Structural Plasticity in Motor Learning: Tracking differences and commonalities between motor skill learning and visuomotor adaptation using DWI  
Imaging Structural Plasticity in the Sensorimotor System  
The Plasticity of the Connectome  
Questions and Answers  
New Approaches for Probing the Neurobehavioral Basis of Development   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Child Brains  
New Approaches to Examining Personalized Network Organization in Studies of Brain Development: An ABCD study  
7T MRSI Evidence for Changes in GABA/Glu Ratios Through Adolescent Development  
Integrating Complex Data to Study Brain Development  
Questions and Answers  
8:00 AM  NIH BRAIN Initiative Funding Opportunities   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Chair Room 
8:00 AM  Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group Mentoring Space   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
9:15 AM  Break  
9:30 AM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: Human Brains Mapping   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Danielle Bassett
10:15 AM  Break  
10:25 AM  Best Paper Award Presentations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
10:50 AM  LOC Symposium: Back to the Future: The legacy of Italian neuroscientists for the current brain mapping challenges   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chairs: Pietro Pietrini, Daniela Perani
11:30 AM  Exhibits Open!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
12:00 PM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space and Poster Hall 
12:00 PM  Lunch On Own  
12:30 PM  Scientific Advisory Board Symposium: A Retrospective Look Back at OHBM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chair: Peter Bandettini
12:30 PM  SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS Lunch Symposia: Exploring New Frontiers in MRI   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
12:45 PM  Poster Session   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Exhibit Hall  
Software Demonstrations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
STATION 1: A FAIR Approach to Neuroimaging Analysis with Boutiques  
STATION 2: A Method for Automatic Demarcation of Sulcal and Gyral Regions on the Cortical Surface  
STATION 3: A toolbox for fMRI co-activation pattern analysis: description and illustration  
STATION 4: Advancements in the CBRAIN platform through the integration of community-based tools and standards  
STATION 5: AUTOMAGIC: Standardized Preprocessing of Big EEG Data  
STATION 6: Automated Online Code Generation for Training and Testing Machine Learning Models Using PHOTON  
STATION 7: BIDScoin: an easy toolkit to convert your data according to the Brains Imaging Data Standard (BIDS)  
STATION 8: Biomedical imaging ANAlysis iN Arcana (Banana): collaborative development of analysis workflows  
STATION 9: BrainX3: A Tool for Multi-Modal Data Integration and Visualization  
Decoding Brain Heterogeneity in Psychiatry: Concepts, challenges, and methods   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Brain Heterogeneity in Psychiatry: Challenges and opportunities  
Methodological Challenges of Heterogeneity Decomposition for Neuroimaging Data  
Using Novel Machine Learning Methods to Decompose Neuroanatomical Heterogeneity in Multi-site Studies  
Questions and Answers  
Diversity Round Table: Using insights from social psychology and neuroscience to address gender bias   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Gender in Neuroscience Research  
Gender Bias in (Neuro)Science: Facts, consequences and solutions  
Diversity Round Table: Using Insights from Social Psychology and Neuroscience to Address Gender Bias  
Questions and Answers  
Fetal foundation of neurocognition   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
The preterm brain between nature and nurture  
Set to change? Early life factors influencing neurocognitive characteristics and trajectories through the lifespan  
The cortical sulcal patterns : a window on fetal life  
Fetal motor network integrity relates to motor ability in infancy  
Questions and Answers  
Lifespan Network Neuroscience: A new frontier in human brain mapping   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Brain Networks and the Development of Human Memory Across the Lifespan.  
Brain Signal Variability: A novel network neuroscience- and behaviourally-relevant marker of human development.  
Longitudinal Research in the Network Neuroscience of Human Development.  
The Shifting Architectures of Cognition and Brain Function: A lifespan network neuroscience perspective  
Questions and Answers  
4:00 PM  Break  
4:15 PM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: Multimodal Investigation of Spontaneous BOLD Fluctuations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Catie Chang
5:00 PM  Break  
ORAL SESSION: Emotion, Motivation and Social Neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chairs: Michael Hanke, Ajay Satpute
Motivated Performance While Sleep Deprived: Reduced ACC and insula recruitment and effort-preference  
Emotional Experience Timecourse Explains Brain Connectivity Dynamics During Naturalistic Stimulation  
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of the Cerebral Representations of Emotion in Voice  
Mapping the Cytoarchitectonic Basis of Socio-emotional and Cognitive Processing in the Insula  
Neural Response Patterns to Experienced and Empathic Pain and Links to Altruism  
Emotional Tagging During Hippocampal Reactivation Retrospectively Promotes Memory Integration  
ORAL SESSION: Modeling and Analysis Methods - Uni/multi-variate analysis   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall  Chair: Jeanette Mumford
Cluster Failure or Power Failure? Evaluating Sensitivity in Cluster-Level Inference  
Towards Universal Brain Encoding with Multivariate Regression and Large Scientific Corpora  
Multi-Scale Network Regression: A new low-rank and sparse multivariate connectivity analysis method  
Early Personalized Treatment Prediction Model Derived from Subgroups in Depression  
Multivariate Meta-analytic Tools to Explore Associations Between Cognitive Functions & Brain Regions  
Sequential Encoding and Decoding of Dynamic Task Data  
ORAL SESSION: Neurodevelopmental Disorders   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall   Chairs: Mirella Dapretto, PhD, Andrew Michael
Neuroanatomical Underpinnings of ASD-symptomatology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Idiopathic ASD  
Thalamic GABA:Glu Ratio is Related to Thalamic Connectivity and Sensory Over-Responsivity in ASD  
Characterizing Individual Variation in Neural Connectivity and Behavior in the Psychosis Spectrum  
Spatial Patterning of Brain Tissue Volume Deformation in Schizophrenia Reflects Network Architecture  
Multimodal Neuromarkers in Schizophrenia via Cognition-guided MRI Fusion  
ORAL SESSION: Neuroinformatics and Data Sharing   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio   Chairs: Alejandro De La Vega, Lei Wang
Detecting and harmonizing scanner differences in the ABCD study  
The UK Biobank Data Parser: a tool with built in and customizable filters for brain studies  
Neuroscout: a cloud-based platform for flexible re-analysis of naturalistic fMRI datasets  
Orchestrating cloud networks for discoverable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable neuroscience  
The MNI-NOEL 3D Myeloarchitectonic atlas of the human cerebral cortex  
Mechanical Properties of the Human Brain: Development of an MR Elastography Template  
6:30 PM  ITALIAN THEMED POSTER RECEPTION   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
8:00 PM  MONDAY NIGHT SOCIAL AND GALA   Vyta Villa Borghese, Vyta Villa Borghese 
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Tuesday Jun 11, 2019

6:00 AM  2019 OHBM OPEN SCIENCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP OPEN SCIENCE ROOM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
7:00 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
7:00 AM  Morning Coffee with The Exhibitors!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
7:30 AM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
7:30 AM  OHBM ART EXHIBIT: Ars Cerebri: Creativity stemming from, and at the service of, neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Ticket Office Area  
7:30 AM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
Advances in Understanding Rapid Temporal Processing the Human Brain   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
The Temporal Dynamics of Neuronal Responses in Human Visual Cortex  
An Encoding Model of Temporal Processing in Human Visual Cortex  
Chronotopic Maps in Human Medial Premotor Cortex  
A Hierarchy of Topographic Maps for Visual Event Timing in Human Association Cortex  
Questions and Answers  
Longitudinal MRI approaches for Investigating Brain and Psychological Development   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
The Necessity of Longitudinal Imaging for Characterizing Brain Maturation  
Trajectories of Structural Brain Development and the Emergence of Psychopathology during Adolescence  
Developmental Trajectories of Functional Connectivity though Adolescence  
Longitudinal MRI-based Maturational Coupling Approach as Indicator of Individual Brain Variability  
Questions and Answers  
Multi-modal Imaging Approach for Human Neuroanatomy: Integration across scales   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Multi-modal Imaging Approach for Visual White Matter Pathways  
Mapping Brain Circuitry Across Scales and Modalities  
Linking Cortical Microstructure to in Vivo Measures of Cortical Structure  
A Tale of Two Hemispheres: MRI methods for crossing scales  
Questions and Answers  
8:00 AM  Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group Mentoring Space   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 1- 3 
The Global Signal Strikes Back: Understanding and Addressing Widespread Signal Fluctuations in fMRI   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Influences on Global fMRI Signals  
More than Meets the Eye: Methods for characterizing and removing large-scale structured signals from resting-state fMRI data  
Global Signal vs. Large-scale Spatiotemporal Patterns: Sorting out contributions to individual differences  
Using Temporal ICA to Selectively Remove Global Noise While Preserving Global Signal in Functional MRI Data  
Questions and Answers  
9:15 AM  Break  
9:30 AM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: Integrative Neuroimaging of the Developing Brain in Health and Disease   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Armin Raznahan
10:15 AM  Break  
ORAL SESSION: Language   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall   Chair: Riitta Salmelin
Links between White Matter Microstructure and Components of Reading vary in Reading-Related Tracts  
Overlapping Connectivity Gradients Underlie Functional Multiplicity in the Anterior Temporal Lobe  
Morse Code: A window on language encoding in the brain  
Constructing Meanings of Objects from Bits of Information  
Brain Circuit for Word Processing Differentiate Children with Distinct Reading and Spelling Deficits  
Resting-State Perisylvian Beta-Gamma MEG Power Predicts Words-in-Noise Recognition  
ORAL SESSION: Lifespan Development   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chairs: Armin Raznahan, Rosanna Olsen, PhD
Using fNIRS to Study Fronto-temporoparietal Connectivity in Awake Infants  
Associations Between Neighborhood SES and Functional Brain Network Development  
Longitudinal Analysis of Intracortical Microstructure Profiles During Adolescent Development  
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Age-Related Gene Expression and Cortical Morphology  
Predicting Deviations from the Norm in the Developing Brain using Cortico-genetic Fingerprinting  
Functional Differentiation of Transmodal Cortices Across the Lifespan  
ORAL SESSION: Mapping Sensation, Perception, and Attention   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio   Chairs: Franco Pestilli, Kalanit Grill-Spector
The "Creatures" of the Human Cortical Somatosensory System  
Human Visual Cortex is Organized along Two Genetically Opposed Hierarchical Gradients  
The Temporal Dynamics of Neuronal Responses in Human Visual Cortex  
Selective Enhancement of Visual Perceptual Learning by Tactile Sensation during Sleep  
A New Attention Node in Macaque and Human Temporal Cortex Connects to Fronto-parietal Areas  
How Input Modality and Visual Experience Affect the Neural Encoding of Categorical Knowledge  
ORAL SESSION: Modeling and Analysis Methods - Multi-dimensional atlasing   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall  Chairs: B. T. Thomas Yeo, Cameron Craddock
Construction of 4D Cortical Surface Atlases for the Baby Connectome Project  
Non-invasive Soma Imaging with Diffusion MRI  
Ultra-high-order ICA: fine overlapping functional parcellations and spatiotemporal reconfiguration  
The Architecture of Functional Lateralisation and its Relationship to Callosal Connectivity  
Atlases of Cognition with Large-scale Human Brain Mapping  
Precision Mapping of the Human Subcortex Reveals Integrative and Network-Specific Functional Zones  
11:30 AM  Exhibits Open!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
11:45 AM  Lunch On Own  
12:00 PM  CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORING SYMPOSIUM – SECRETS BEHIND SUCCESS VOL . 2   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
12:00 PM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space and Poster Hall 
12:00 PM  PHILIPS NEURO DIAGNOSITCS Lunch Symposia: Break Diagnostic Boundaries with Speed, Comfort, and Confidence   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
12:00 PM  Publishing Roundtable: Aperture: The OHBM publishing platform roundtable   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Chair Room 
12:45 PM  Poster Session   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Exhibit Hall  
Software Demonstrations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
STATION 1: Clustering the brain with "CluB": A new toolbox for quantitative meta-analysis of neuroimaging data  
STATION 2: Cortical parcellation using Surface-based Melbourne Children's Regional Infant Brain atlases  
STATION 3: DMRIprep: a Robust, Scalable Preprocessing Pipeline for diffusion MRI  
STATION 4: FitLins: Reproducible model estimation for fMRI  
STATION 5: FMRIflows: a consortium of fully automatic univariate and multivariate fMRI processing pipelines  
STATION 6: GiraffeTools: a web application for interactive data analysis  
STATION 7: Interactive Tool for Visual Quality Control of Cortical Parcellations  
STATION 8: LISA as a general tool for statistical inference in fMRI  
STATION 9: Mask_explorer and movement_info: User friendly tools for fMRI quality control  
STATION 10: MegaTrack Atlas: An online tool for visualisation of large tractography datasets and lesion analysis  
1:10 PM  LUNCH WITH MENTORS   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 2 
From "Open Science" to "Science": Shifting the status quo in data sharing, software, and publishing   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Open Science Today: Current best practices and emerging standards  
Technology and Platforms Enabling Reproducible and Open Publishing  
Will Open Science Help Your Career? Why I do it regardless  
Diversity and Inclusion as Core Values of Open Science  
Questions and Answers  
Human Brain Mapping in the Face of Functional Heterogeneity and Functional Multiplicity   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Large-scale Gradients in Cortical Organization  
Divergent Correspondences: Matching continuous functional relationship patterns across individuals and species  
Understanding Brain-behaviour Relationships using Connectopic Mapping and Spatial Statistical Modelling  
Mapping Dopamine-specific Projections in the Human Striatum with Resting-state fMRI  
Questions and Answers  
Specialized Functional Networks in Social Behavior: Life trajectories, sex differences, diversity   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Cross-sectional Investigation of Affect Sharing and Self-Other Distinction: Understanding empathy from a developmental perspective  
The Social Cerebellum: New sequencing tasks and cerebello-cortical connections  
Rich Mental Representations for Human Sociality: From affordances to abstract concepts  
The Neural Basis of Human Sexual Behavior: Sex differences, sexual preferences, manipulations  
Questions and Answers  
The dynamic interplay between neuromodulation and whole brain network structure   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
Modelling the Dynamical Neuromodulation of Functional Network States  
Human cognition involves the dynamic integration of neural activity and neuromodulatory systems  
Sculpting large-scale brain dynamics through neuromodulation  
Pushing Beliefs, Neuromodulators and Computational Psychiatry  
Question & Answer  
4:15 PM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: Generative Models for Brain Parcellation, Disorder and Dynamics   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: B. T. Thomas Yeo
Chinese Young Scholars Meeting   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
Keynote Speech: Russell A. Poldrack  
Keynote Speech: Simon B. Eickhoff  
Keynote Speech: Yu-Feng Zang  
Keynote Speech: Yan-Chao Bi  
Panel Discussion  
Academic Networking  
5:00 PM  ITALIAN THEMED POSTER RECEPTION   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
5:30 PM  WORKSHOP – CONSENT FIRESIDE CHAT   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
Back To Top

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019

6:00 AM  2019 OHBM OPEN SCIENCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP - OPEN SCIENCE ROOM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
Lightning Talks: Machine learning in neuroscience  
7:00 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
7:00 AM  Morning Coffee with The Exhibitors!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
7:30 AM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
7:30 AM  OHBM ART EXHIBIT: Ars Cerebri: Creativity stemming from, and at the service of, neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Ticket Office Area  
7:30 AM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
A Tough Nut to Crack: Neurodevelopmental Connectopathies   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Characterizing Resting-state BOLD Brain Signal Variability in Typical and Atypical Individuals Across Development  
Atypical Neural Network Hierarchies and Cross-network Coordination in ASD  
Mirror Effects of 4 Neurodevelopmental CNVs on General Functional Connectivity and Implications for Idiopathic Autism  
Mapping the Neuro-connectional Landscape in Autism with Cross-species fMRI  
Questions and Answers  
Advanced Image Analytics for Clinical Neuroimaging   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Environmental Risk Factors and Brain in Severe Mental Illness: How can we deal with heterogeneity?  
Novel Neuroanatomical Measures for Longitudinal Investigations of the Cortex  
Trans-diagnostic Imaging Biomarkers at Different Scales  
Deep Learning Technology: Concepts and applications in clinical neuroimaging  
Questions and Answers  
Do we Really Think Differently about MEG-EEG Mapping?   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
OHBM-COBIDAS MEEG Guidelines for Mapping of MEG and EEG Source Activity and Connectivity in Brain Research  
IFCN Guidelines for Mapping of EEG Source Activity and Connectivity in Clinical Research  
ILAE Guidelines for Mapping of MEG and EEG Signals in Epilepsy Research  
General Interactive Discussion and Concluding Remarks  
Questions and Answers  
8:00 AM  Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group Mentoring Space   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 1- 3 
The Pulsatile Integration at Multiple Time Scales in the Resting Brain   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Temporal Modes of Synchronization in the Dynamic Core Network at Rest  
Effects of Task on the Spectral and Temporal Dynamics of Centrality at Rest  
Dynamical Effects of a Hierarchy of Timescales in the Brain  
Dynamics of large-scale Brain Network Activity at High Spatial Resolution: Methods and applications  
Questions and Answers  
9:15 AM  Break  
9:30 AM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: The Human Brainnetome Atlas and its Applications Understanding of Brain Functions and Disorders   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Tianzi Jiang
10:15 AM  Break  
ORAL SESSION: Imaging Genetics   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Chair Room  Chairs: Jessica Turner, Anqi Qiu
Genetic Influences on Cortical Functional Connectivity during Longitudinal Adolescent Development  
A Molecular Gradient along the Longitudinal Axis of the Human Hippocampus informs Brain Function  
Multimodal Gradients across Mouse Cortex and Their Human Correspondence  
A BIN1 Genetic Risk Variant is Associated with Higher Tau and Worse Memory Independent of Amyloid  
The Oscillatory Neural Dynamics of Selective Attention are Predicted by Epigenetic Measures of Aging  
Brain Mediates Association between Methylation and AUDIT Score: A longitudinal study  
ORAL SESSION: Imaging Methods - BOLD signal imaging   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio   Chairs: Peter Fox, MD, Shella Keilholz
BOLD deactivations are not the metabolic opposite of activations: Evidence from hybrid PET/fMRI  
Neurovascular Coupling: Intra- & cross-modal negative BOLD responses in visual & sensorimotor cortex  
The Relationship between BOLD and Neural Activity may Arise from Temporally Sparse Events  
FMRI Correlates of Stimulus-triggered Changes in Systemic Physiology  
7T Combined fMRI-fMRS, Multiscale Investigation of the Motor Cortex during Active and Resting States  
Estimating Laminar Neuronal Response using a Hemodynamic Model of Depth-dependent BOLD Signal  
ORAL SESSION: Learning and Memory   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall   Chairs: Russel Poldrack, PhD, Shaozheng Qin
Pulses of Spontaneous Activity Drive Functional Connectivity Changes in Disused Brain Networks  
Reorganization in Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortices is not Restricted by Somatotopy  
Navigating a Semantic Space with a Distance and a Direction Code in the Human Brain  
Cross-task Evidence for Language Recruiting an Episodic Buffer located in the Visual Word Form Area  
Neurochemical Modulation in the Anterior Temporal Lobe: A combined MRS, fMRI and TMS approach  
Layer-dependent Activity in Human Prefrontal Cortex during Working Memory  
ORAL SESSION: Modeling and Analysis Methods - Network Modeling   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall  Chair: Juan (Helen) Zhou, PhD
Large-scale Synchronization of Cortical Oscillations in the Human Connectome  
Estimating Directed Functional Connectivity using Echo-State Networks  
Inferring Whole-brain Effective Connectivity from fMRI Data  
Fractal dimension enables the functional differentiation of resting state networks  
Reliability of dynamic network reconfiguration: impact of data length and cognitive states  
Classifying Patients with scDOC using Multislice Modularity of Brain Networks from fMRI Data  
ORAL SESSION: Neurodegenerative and Vascular Disorders   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chairs: Jessica Damoiseaux, PhD, Michael Greicius
Imaging the Locus Coeruleus in Parkinson’s Disease with Ultra-high 7T MRI  
Modulating the Human Functional Connectome by Means of Deep Brain Stimulation  
Comparison Between Alzheimer's & Lewy Body Disease-Related Atrophy Patterns Across the Disease Span  
Functional Connectivity Associated with Tau Levels in Aging, Alzheimer's, and Small-vessel Disease  
Predicting Novel Definitions of Neurodegenerative Disease from CSF Protein Levels and Genotype  
Machine-learning Predictions of Stroke Recovery using Quantitative Tractography-based Connectivity  
11:00 AM  Exhibits Open!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
11:45 AM  Lunch On Own  
12:00 PM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space and Poster Hall 
12:45 PM  Posters Session   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Exhibit Hall  
Software Demonstrations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
STATION 1: MicroLearn: Framework for machine learning, reconstruction and microstructure modeling  
STATION 2: Neuroimaging PheWAS: a free cloud computing platform for big brain-wide imaging association studies  
STATION 3: Nideconv: a Python package for hierarchical, Bayesian linear deconvolution of neural signals  
STATION 4: Notizia dell'AFNI: Even easier FMRI QC, with's automatic HTML review  
STATION 5: Notizia dell'AFNI: Meet–Your New Best Friend  
STATION 6: One thing to bind them all: A complete RAW data structure for auto-generation of BIDS datasets  
STATION 7: PyActigraphy, a comprehensive toolbox for actigraphy data analysis  
STATION 8: PyParadigm - A Python library to create paradigms  
STATION 9: QDECR: A flexible, extensible vertex-wise analysis framework in R  
STATION 10: QFib: Fast and Accurate Compression of White Matter Tractograms  
1:30 PM  LABMAN Meeting   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Conference Hall  
2:00 PM  1-ON-1 DISCUSSION OFFICE HOURS WITH EMMA KAYWIN   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
Connectivity Formation and Reconfiguration in the Brain: Empirical and in silico insights   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Generative Models of Connectomes  
Computational Modeling of Development and Plasticity of Brain Connectomes  
Twin Fingerprints: Optimal mapping of heritable and environmental traits in the human connectome  
Integrative Analysis in Network Neuroscience  
Questions and Answers  
Data Science in Neuroscience: Denser phenotyping across levels of observation   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Network Models to Chart the Behavioral Repertoire: Brain structure, function, and control  
Computational Models to Simulate and Emulate Cognitive Processes across Modalities  
Machine Learning the Waveform Shapes in Highly Sampled Temporal Dynamics  
Pattern-learning Hidden Population Variation in Deeply Phenotyped Neuroimaging Cohorts  
Questions and Answers  
EEG potentials evoked by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: methodological issues   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
Realistic sham control for TMS-evoked potentials recordings  
Reliable recording and interpretation of EEG signals elicited by TMS  
TMS-EEG an integrative approach for future implementation  
A procedure to foster the reproducibility and the reliability of TEPs across laboratories  
Questions and Answers  
The Transcriptomics of Brain Function: From circuitry and networks through psychiatric illness   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Connecting Large-scale Brain-network Topology to the Transcriptome Reveals Multiscale Principles of Brain Organization  
Transcriptional Properties of Hub Connectivity  
Transcriptional Landscape of Cortical Interneurons Underlies In-vivo Brain Function and Schizophrenia Risk  
Whole-brain connectivity variation associated with transdiagnostic dimensions reflecting general psychopathology, cognitive dysfunction and impulsivity  
Questions and Answers  
4:15 PM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: PET Imaging in Dementia: Mapping the Path from Protein Aggregation to Neurodegeneration   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Gil Rabinovici
5:00 PM  Break  
5:15 PM  GENERAL ASSEMBLY & FEEDBACK FORUM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
6:15 PM  ITALIAN THEMED POSTER RECEPTION   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
8:00 PM  CLUB NIGHT! 20:00-02:00   Atlantico Disco, Atlantico Disco 
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Thursday Jun 13, 2019

12:00 AM  Club Night Continued!   Atlantico Disco, Atlantico Disco 
6:00 AM  2019 OHBM OPEN SCIENCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP - OPEN SCIENCE ROOM   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
7:00 AM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space 
7:00 AM  Morning Coffee with The Exhibitors!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
7:30 AM  Charging Station Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Foyer + Auditorium Expo  
7:30 AM  OHBM ART EXHIBIT: Ars Cerebri: Creativity stemming from, and at the service of, neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Ticket Office Area  
7:30 AM  Registration Open   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Cloakroom Santa Cecilia 
Dissociating the Cognitive and Motor Functions of Circuits through the Subthalamic Nucleus in Humans   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio  
Anatomical Connections of Subregions of Subthalamic Nucleus  
Testing Functional Subregions of the Subthalamic Nucleus with Model-based 7T fMRI  
Multi-modal Diffusion MRI, DBS and Computational Modeling to Understand Network Mechanisms of Basal Ganglia Circuit Modulation in Parkinson's disease.  
Using Simultaneous Cortical and Basal Ganglia ECoG Recordings to Test Dissociable Circuits for Conflict and Stopping  
Questions and Answers  
How do Current Predictive Connectivity Models Meet Clinicians' Needs?   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall  
Extracting Functional-connectome Biomarkers with Machine Learning  
Effective Connectivity Extracts Clinically Relevant Prognostic Information from Resting State Activity in Stroke  
Connectivity and Cell-specific Vulnerability Shape Disease Progression in Parkinson's Disease  
Connectivity-based Models in Stroke and Recovery of Function: A clinical researcher's viewpoint  
Questions and Answers  
Multimodal Neurofeedback: The next generation of Neurofeedback for advanced brain self-regulation   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall 
Real Time EEG-fMRI Integration for Advance Brain Self-regulation with EEG and fMRI Neurofeedback.  
fNIRS-EEG Neurofeedback Integration during Motor Task  
EEG-MEG Integration for Brain-computer Interfaces  
EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback Integration for Stroke Rehabilitation  
Questions and Answers  
Spatial Organization of Connectivity over Timescales: Multimodal insights on cognitive architectures   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
Human Intracranial Electrophysiology of the Default, Dorsal Attention and Salience Networks  
Coordinated Large-scale Brain Network Dynamics in Electrophysiology and fMRI  
Large-scale brain networks within and across oscillatory frequencies in MEG and SEEG  
Spatio-temporal Large-scale Organization of the Trimodal Connectome Derived from Concurrent EEG-fMRI and Diffusion MRI  
Questions and Answers  
8:00 AM  Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group Mentoring Space   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 1- 3 
9:15 AM  Break  
9:30 AM  KEYNOTE LECTURE: Chemistry of the Adaptive Mind   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Presenter: Roshan Cools
10:15 AM  Break  
ORAL SESSION: Epilepsy   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Theatre Studio   Chair: Neda Bernasconi
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks Support the Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasias  
Hierarchical Organization of the Cerebral Cortex is Disrupted in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy  
Distance-enriched Functional Connectomics in Drug-resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy  
NR4A1 Associated Multimodal Neuroimaging Patterns Impaired in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy  
Characterizing the Optimal Control Energy Trajectory in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy  
Deep Learning DWI connectome Improves Detection of Language Network Alteration in Epilepsy Children  
ORAL SESSION: Higher Cognitive Functions   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall   Chair: Cherie Marvel
Functional Connectivity Networks Supporting Attentional Control Differ in Term and Preterm Children  
Attentuating Neural Threat Expression with Imagination  
Self-controlled Decision-making Buffers Stress Response  
Basal Ganglia-Cerebellar Impact on Performance After Motor Imagery With Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback  
Toward group classification models for rtfMRI neurofeedback using data from a decision-making task  
ORAL SESSION: Population Neuroscience   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Giusepppe Sinopoli Hall   Chair: Tonya White
10,000 Social Brains: Charting sexual dimorphism in the UK Biobank  
Brain Networks in UKBiobank: Polygenic risk for schizophrenia and psychotic-like experiences  
Modelling Cognition, Aging, Cerebrovascular Health, and Brain Network Integrity in UK Biobank Data  
Parvalbumin Interneurons Underlie In-vivo Brain Function and Schizophrenia Risk  
Relationship Between Video Gaming and Brain Function in a Large Sample of Children  
Association Between Intelligence and Cortical Thickness in Adolescents: Evidence from the ABCD study  
ORAL SESSION: Recent Advances in Neuroanatomy   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Goffredo Petrassi Hall  Chairs: Claude Bajada, Anneke Alkemade
A New Sulcal Landmark in Human Prefrontal Cortex  
Anatomy and Function of Four New Cytoarchitectonic Areas in the Human Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex  
Evaluation of Functional Connectivity using Retrograde Tracers in the Macaque Monkey  
Inter-species Comparison and Alignment between Human and Non-human Primate  
Exploring the Relationship Between Quantitative 7T MRI, Cytoarchitectonics and Gene Expression  
Telomere Length Change over Nine Months Relates to Multimodal Measures of Brain Structure  
11:00 AM  Exhibits Open!   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Sinopoli + Petrassi Foyer spaces 
11:45 AM  Lunch On Own  
12:00 PM  Coffee / Tea Available   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Meeting Room Foyer Space and Poster Hall 
12:00 PM  WORKSHOP- LOOKING FOR JOBS OUTSIDE OF ACADEMIA   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Studio 3 
12:45 PM  Lightning talk: Collaborative research and team science   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Guest Hall and Foyer space  
12:45 PM  Poster Session   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Exhibit Hall  
Software Demonstrations   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
STATION 1: Rapid Acceleration of the Permutation Test via Slow Random Walks in the Permutation Group  
STATION 2: Real-time fMRI Motion Tracking: should I stop and restart the scan?  
STATION 3: RtQC: An open-source toolbox for real-time fMRI quality control (live software presentation at OHBM)  
STATION 4: SimNIBS 3: Simulation, Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification for Transcranial Brain Stimulation  
STATION 5: Simulated TMS-EEG Biofeedback Using Automated Neural Architecture Search and Transfer Learning  
STATION 6: Spatial normalization in fMRIPrep  
STATION 7: SwipesForScience: An open source gamified citizen science framework for scalable data annotation  
STATION 8: Tedana: Robust and extensible software for multi-echo denoising  
STATION 9: The effect of sample size on brain template variability  
2:45 PM  CLOSING COMMENTS AND MEETING HIGHLIGHTS   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Santa Cecilia Hall  
4:00 PM  ITALIAN THEMED POSTER RECEPTION   Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Auditorium Expo Hall 
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