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Poster No Title Authors
M014 Gaze perception, superior temporal sulcus and autism: an rTMS study. Ana Saitovitch1, Jean-Charles Lamy2, Elza Rechtman1, Traian Popa2, Nadia Chabane3, Anne Philippe4, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault5, Gilles Martinez6, Hervé Lemaître1, David Grévent1, Raphael Calmon1, Francis Brunelle1, Nathalie Boddaert1, Monica Zilbovicius1
M201 Characterizing Direct and Indirect Descending Cortical Projections in Post-stroke Individuals Alejandro Lopez1, Jiang Xu1, Justin Liu1, Steven Eicholtz1, Michael Borich1, Trisha Kesar1
M404 Elevated cortical glutamate levels after TBS in TRD: A surface-based MRS analysis approach Benjamin Spurny1, Philipp Moser2, Rene Seiger1, Eva Heckova2, Mathis Godbersen1, Paul Michenthaler1, Patricia Handschuh1, Jakob Unterholzner1, Murray Reed1, Georg Kranz3, Pia Baldinger-Melich1, Siegfried Kasper1, Wolfgang Bogner2, Rupert Lanzenberger1
M416 Predicting response to motor therapy in chronic stroke patients using Machine Learning ceren tozlu1, Dylan Edwards2, Aaron Boes3, Douglas Labar4, K. Zoe Tsagaris5, Joshua Silverstein5, Heather Lane5, Mert Sabuncu6, Charles Liu7, Amy Kuceyeski8
M612 Reliability of Frontostriatal Functional Connectivity: Towards Personalization of TMS in Psychiatry Jinglei Lv1, Luca Cocchi2, Andrew Zalesky3
T275 The role of ATL and IPS in representing social and quantity concepts: a State-Dependent TMS study Eleonora Catricalà1, Francesca Conca1, Anna Fertonani2, Carlo Miniussi3,2, Stefano Cappa1,2
T796 Motor system corticospinal reorganization in complex regional pain syndrome type 1 – a case report Marie-Philippe Harvey1, Marylie Martel1, Francis Houde1, Samuel Maher-Bussières2, Elysa Emery2, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme2, Guillaume Leonard1,2
Th042 Effects of a theta burst stimulation protocol on functional recovery in orthopedic trauma patients Marianne Jodoin1, Dominique Rouleau2, Catherine Provost2, Audrey Bellemare2, Louis De Beaumont3
Th044 The effects of rTMS on motor signs and resting state fMRI in freezing of gait in Parkinson’s diseas Mevhibe Sarıcaoğlu1,2, Lütfü Hanoglu3, Zübeyir Bayraktaroğlu2, Halil Aziz Velioğlu4, Ferda Berkman2
Th050 Modulation effects on putamen local activity induced by rTMS targeting at primary motor cortex Xinping Deng1, Zijian Feng1, Hongxiao Wang1, Yu Feng Zang1, Jue Wang1
Th053 Absolute and relative reliability of the motor somatotopy – how could we report the results of nTMS? Maria Nazarova1,2, Pavel Novikov1, Ekaterina Ivanina3, Ksenia Kozlova1, Evgeni Blagovechtchenski1, Vadim Nikulin4,1,5
Th078 The impact of chronotypes and time of the day on tDCS-induced motor cortex plasticity Mohammad Salehinejad1,2, Min-Fang Kuo3, Michael Nitsche3,4
Th093 Multifocal stimulation of the cerebello-cortical loop during motor skill acquisition Maximilian Wessel1, Chang-Hyun Park1, Philipp Koch1, Estelle Cuttaz1, Jan Timmermann2, Robert Schulz2, Friedhelm Hummel1
Th095 Influence of psychological factors on pain-induced corticomotor excitability variation Marylie Martel1,2, Arnaud Duport3, Marie-Philippe Harvey1,2, Francis Houde1,2, Nathaly Gaudreault4,2, Guillaume Leonard1,2
Th098 Semantic and phonological contributions of the left inferior frontal gyrus to language production Jana Klaus1, Gesa Hartwigsen1
Th099 Dissociating the role of dorsal and ventral streams in object lifting and weight perception Vonne van Polanen1,2, Guy Rens1,2, Marco Davare1,2
Th100 The Effect of Lateral Parietal Cortex TMS Stimulation on Memory function in Alzheimer Patients Halil Aziz Velioğlu1, Lütfü Hanoglu2, Zübeyir Bayraktaroğlu1, Güven Toprak2, Mevhibe Sarıcaoğlu3
Th101 Determining the stimulation site in TMS: Sensitivities with respect to uncertain model parameters Konstantin Weise1, Ole Numssen1, Axel Thielscher2, Gesa Hartwigsen3, Thomas Knoesche1
Th107 A New Protocol for Eight Muscles Mapping using TMS Fang Jin1,2,3, Sjoerd Bruijn1,2,3, Andreas Daffertshofer1,2,3
Th108 The Difference of fMRI ALFF and MEP between Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed Ying Jing1, Hai-Jiang Meng2, Hong-Xiao Wang1, Na Zhao1, Zi-Jian Feng1, Xin-Ping Deng1, Jue Wang1, Yu-Feng Zang1
Th110 Lasting improvement of associative memory and altered brain activity in older adults Weicong Ren1, Rui Li2, Zhiwei Zheng2, Hanlin Wang1, Juan Li2
Th114 FMRI-navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in borderline personality disorder Pavla Linhartová1, Tomáš Svěrák1, Adéla Látalová1, Matyáš Kuhn1, Tomáš Kašpárek1
Th118 Motor output trial-to-trial variability: corticospinal excitability and interhemispheric inhibition Maria Mitina1, Vadim Nikulin1,2, Sofya Kulikova3, Vadim Ushakov4, Sergey Kartashov4, Evgeny Blagoveshchensky1, Pavel Novikov1, Gorin Alexey1, Maria Nazarova1
Th298 Differential Effects of Set-maintenance and Rapid-adaptive networks on Dual-task Demand: a TMS Study Lok Hang Lam1, c. c. Chan2
Th323 A combined EEG-EMG-TMS study on the modulation of response inhibition by proactive control Liisa Raud1, Rene Huster1, Ludovica Labruna2, Mari Messel1, Vincent Ngo2, Richard Ivry2, Ian Greenhouse3
Th758 Structural Connectivity Changes in Post-stroke Patients after Rehabilitation Pradeepa Ruwan Wanni Arachchige1, Atsushi Senoo1
W687 Brain activity during unconstrained future and past thinking and its modulation by TMS. Ruud Berkers1, Şeyma Bayrak1, Paula Renz1, Gesa Hartwigsen1, Daniel Margulies2, Roland Benoit1
W737 Dissociating the causal roles of frontal and parietal cortex in working memory: A Registered Report Anastasia Kiyonaga1, Jason Scimeca1, Mark D'Esposito1
W858 Hidden Markov Modelling reveals relationship between MEG and TMS measures of GABA Catharina Zich1, Magdalena Nowak1, Emily Hinson2, Andrew Quinn3, Diego Vidaurre1, Mark Woolrich1, Charlotte Stagg2
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