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M012 Atypical brain correlates of automatic change-detection in facial expression in Autism Marie Gomot1, Klara Kovarski1, Monika Szymanska1, Sylvie Roux1, Emmanuelle Houy-Durand1, Magali Batty1, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault1
M107 Electrophysiological and Cognitive Asymmetries Underlying Schizotypy Francesco Di Gregorio1, Jelena Trajkovic2, Cristina Roperti2, Vincenzo Romei3
M241 Loss of hemispheric asymmetry in neural sources of visual activity in aging following concussion. Martine Desjardins1, Jean-Marc Lina2, Louis De Beaumont3, Jean-François Gagnon4, Pierre Jolicoeur5
M320 Intranasal Oxytocin Attenuates the Neural Circuitry and Its Connectivity to Dynamic Angry Faces Xu Chen1, Yuanxiao Ma1
M375 Methylphenidate Normalizes Patterns of Premotor Beta Desynchronization in ADHD Children Cecilia Mazzetti1, Niels ter Huurne1, Jan Buitelaar2, Ole Jensen3
T028 Longterm impact of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on attentional neurodevelopment: an ERP study Jeroen Blommaert1, Rob Zink1, Sabine Deprez1, Ivan Myatchin1, Patrick Dupont1, Tineke Vandenbroucke1, Charlotte Sleurs1, Kristel Van Calsteren1, Frédéric Amant2, Lieven Lagae1
T063 Neurofunctional Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine in ADHD during Sustained Attention Olivia Kowalczyk1, Ana Cubillo1, Anna Smith1, Nadia Barrett1, Vincent Giampietro1, Michael Brammer1, Andrew Simmons1,2, Katya Rubia1
T657 Spatiotemporal dynamics of exogenous attention: evidence from human intracerebral recordings Tal Seidel Malkinson1, Dimitri Bayle2, Alexia Bourgeois3, Katia Lehongre4, Vincent Navarro5, Claude Adam5, Paolo Bartolomeo6
T668 Residual correlations reveal top-down selective attention mechanisms in healthy and depressed adults Arielle Keller1,2, Tali Ball2, John Cocjin3, Akshay Jagadeesh4, Lior Bugatus4, Kalanit Grill-Spector4,5, Leanne Williams2
T672 Right hemisphere dominance in unconscious visual attention in hemianopic patients. Javier Sanchez-Lopez1, Caterina Pedersini1, Nicolo’ Cardobi1, Giorgia Parisi1, Silvia Savazzi1, Carlo Marzi1
T673 Dissecting “Spatial Neglect” with the EEG Fabrizio Doricchi1, Mario Pinto2, Francesco Tomaiuolo3, Stefano Lasaponara4
T675 Concurrent TMS-fMRI and MVPA reveals a causal role of right dlPFC in driving selective attention Jade Jackson1, Eva Feredoes2, Anina Rich3, Michael Linder2, Alexandra Woolgar4,5
T826 State anxiety influences P300 and P600 ERP over parietal regions in the hollow mask illusion Vasileios Ioakeimidis1, Nareg Khachatoorian1, Corinna Haenschel1, Thomas Papathomas2,3, Attila Farkas2, Marinos Kyriakopoulos4,5, Danai Dima1,6
Th422 Diminished Engagement of Attentive Brain States to Faces Predicts Later Autism Spectrum Disorder Anna Gui1, Giorgia Bussu2, Charlotte Tye3, Mayada Elsabbagh4, Greg Pasco5, Tony Charman5, Mark Johnson6, Emily Jones1
W001 A dual-process exploration of binge drinking: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Pierre Maurage1, Séverine Lannoy1, Valerie Dormal1, Joel Billieux2, Melanie Brion1, Fabien D'Hondt3
W223 The Decrease of EEG Theta Power in Longitudinally Followed Patients with Parkinson's Disease Tuba Aktürk1,2, Ebru Yıldırım3,2, Lütfü Hanoglu4, Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz4, Görsev Yener5,6, Bahar Güntekin3,2
W339 Corticostriatal Reward Sensitivity Predicts Weight Loss Following a 12-Month Intervention Jamie Peven1, Shannon Donofry1, John Jakicic1, Renee Rogers1, Jennifer Watt1, Kirk Erickson1
W469 A 3T fMRI study of cognitive-emotion modulation in young subjects with and without psychotic risk. Eleonora Maggioni1, Maddalena Mauri2, Marco Garzitto3, Carolina Bonivento4, Sara Piccin3, Gabriele Dossi1, Filippo Arrigoni5, Vaibhav Diwadkar6, Massimo Molteni2, Maria Nobile2, Paolo Brambilla7
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