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Chemical Senses: Olfaction, Taste Chemical Senses: Olfaction, Taste
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M332 Wanting and liking of food and social rewards: the role of dopamine and opioids Giorgia Silani1, Sebastian Korb1, Claudia Massaccesi1, Sebastian Götzendorfer1, Matthäus Willeit2, Christoph Eisenegger1 M340 Kisspeptin enhances brain processing in response to olfactory and visual cues of attraction in men Lysia Demetriou1, Lisa Yang1, Matthew Wall2, Edward Mills1, David Zargaran1, Mark Sykes1, Joulia Prague1, Ali Abbara1, Eugenii Rabiner2, Alex Coomninos1, Waljit Dhillo1 T019 Hungry brains: A meta-analytical review of brain activation imaging studies on food perception Francantonio Devoto1, Laura Zapparoli2, Rolando Bonandrini1, Manuela Berlingeri3, Anna Ferrulli4, Livio Luzi4, Giuseppe Banfi5, Eraldo Paulesu1
W411 The smell of babies – natural reward for the maternal brain Laura Schäfer1, Marie Michael2, Ilona Croy2
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