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Perception: Multisensory and Crossmodal Perception: Multisensory and Crossmodal
Poster No Title Authors
M288 ALE Meta-Analysis of Audiovisual Affective Processing Svetlana Shinkareva1, Chuanji Gao1, Christine Weber1
M294 Representations of emotion from the face, body and voice in the brain, an fMRI decoding study Maarten Vaessen1, Kiki Van der Heijden1, Rebecca Watson1, Beatrice de Gelder1,2
T033 CBF and BOLD Responses in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Ping Zou1, Matthew Scoggins1, Jane Hankins1, Kathleen Helton1, Robert Ogg1
W640 Event Related Potentials of cross-modal sensory predictions during task-irrelevant stimuli Antonino Greco1, Giuseppe Gallitto1, Andrea Caria1
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