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Perception: Tactile/Somatosensory Perception: Tactile/Somatosensory
Poster No Title Authors
M162 Machine-learning predictions of stroke recovery using quantitative tractography-based connectivity Chun-Hung Yeh1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Chia-Lin Koh1, Leeanne Carey1,2,3, Alan Connelly1,2
M267 A Neural Basis for Embodied Emotion Marianne Reddan1, Luke Chang2, Philip Kragel1, Tor Wager3
M332 Wanting and liking of food and social rewards: the role of dopamine and opioids Giorgia Silani1, Sebastian Korb1, Claudia Massaccesi1, Sebastian Götzendorfer1, Matthäus Willeit2, Christoph Eisenegger1
M343 Central Processing of Affective Penile Touch — An fMRI Study Gerben Ruesink1,2, Francis McGlone3, Håkan Olausson4,5, Camilla De Jong2, Marcel Waldinger6,7, Remco Renken2,1, Jan-Bernard Marsman2,1, Janniko Georgiadis1,2
M696 Somatosensory Maps to Sensory Profiles in ASD: a Normative Gradient Mapping Christina Isakoglou1,2, Thomas Wolfers1,2, Andre Marquand1,2,3, Koen Haak1,2, Jan Buitelaar4,5, Christian Beckmann1,2,6
T807 Age-related differences in the neural correlates of social affective touch Federica Riva1, Giorgia Silani1, Helena Hartmann1, Claus Lamm1
Th099 Dissociating the role of dorsal and ventral streams in object lifting and weight perception Vonne van Polanen1,2, Guy Rens1,2, Marco Davare1,2
Th240 Revealing metabolic alterations in spinal cord injury patients with and without neuropathic pain Dario Pfyffer1, Patrik Wyss2, Eveline Huber1, Armin Curt1, Anke Henning2, Patrick Freund1
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