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Emotional PerceptionEmotional Perception
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M012 Atypical brain correlates of automatic change-detection in facial expression in Autism Marie Gomot1, Klara Kovarski1, Monika Szymanska1, Sylvie Roux1, Emmanuelle Houy-Durand1, Magali Batty1, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault1
M037 Alexithymia and Neural Activity of Empathy Networks in Children with ASD During Observation of Faces Christiana Butera1, Emily Kilroy2, Laura Harrison3, Aditya Jayashankar3, Priscilla Ring3, Ryann MacMurdo3, Lisa Aziz-Zadeh3
M228 Neural Correlates of Emotion Recognition in Concussed Athletes Edith Léveillé1, Martine Desjardins1, Gaëlle Dumel1, Dave Saint-Amour1, Caroline Blais2, Peter Scherzer1, Louis De Beaumont3
M252 Transient Valence-Dependent Shifts in Intrinsic Network Organization Mediate Mood Congruency Effects Julian Provenzano1, Philippe Fossati2,3, Philippe Verduyn4, Peter Kuppens1
M262 High Primary psychopathy traits reveal specific cortical connectivity during emotional stimulation Silvia Polver1, Antonio Maffei1, Alessandro Angrilli1
M288 ALE Meta-Analysis of Audiovisual Affective Processing Svetlana Shinkareva1, Chuanji Gao1, Christine Weber1
M290 Emotional experience timecourse explains brain connectivity dynamics during naturalistic stimulation Giada Lettieri1, Giacomo Handjaras1, Emiliano Ricciardi1, Andrea Leo1, Monica Betta1, Paolo Papale1, Pietro Pietrini1, Luca Cecchetti1
M294 Representations of emotion from the face, body and voice in the brain, an fMRI decoding study Maarten Vaessen1, Kiki Van der Heijden1, Rebecca Watson1, Beatrice de Gelder1,2
M295 Comparing emotional modulation of picture-, face-, and word-elicited hemodynamic activity Lea Marie Stieghorst1, Martin Wegrzyn2, Friedrich Wörmann1, Christian Bien1, Johanna Kissler2
M298 Tune in to the right frequency. EEG time frequency effects during emotion regulation Alessandro Grecucci1,2, Simone Sulpizio3,2, Remo Job4,2
M300 Cortico-subcortical interactions underlying anxiety elicitation and regulation during driving Takafumi Sasaoka1, Tokiko Harada2, Daichi Sato3, Nanae Michida4, Hironobu Yonezawa3, Masatoshi Takayama3, Takahide Nouzawa3, Shigeto Yamawaki1
M304 Neurobehavioral response to acute psychosocial stress is a valid measure for clinical interventions Adam Goodman1, M. David Diggs1, Neha Balachandran1, Pranav Kakulamarri1, Jane Allendorfer1, Jerzy Szaflarski1
M306 The affective auditory network and symptoms severity in schizophrenia: A meta-analytic and VBM study Veronika Mueller1, Edna-Clarisse Cieslik1, Pia Barisch1, Andre Aleman2, Birgit Derntl3, Oliver Gruber4, Lydia Kogler3, Iris Sommer5, Renaud Jardri6, Simon Eickhoff1
M307 Visual processing of emotional stimuli following right temporal lobe resection – an fMRI study Johanna Kissler1, Lea Marie Stieghorst2, Malena Mielke1, Martin Wegrzyn3, Friedrich Wörmann2, Christian Bien2
M311 Kangaroo Care Intervention Effect on Preterm Adolescents Emotional Empathy Neural Activation Pattern Adi Ulmer Yaniv1, Roy Salomon2, Ruth Feldman3
M313 Dynamic human and avatar facial expressions elicit different cortical but not subcortical responses Lorena Kegel1,2, Julia Bauer1,2, Peter Brugger3, Sascha Frühholz2, Thomas Grunwald1, Peter Hilfiker1, Martin Kurthen1, Miriam Loertscher4,5, Dieter Mersch6, Anton Rey5, Teresa Sollfrank1, Bettina Steiger1, Joerg Sternagel6, Michel Weber5, Hennric Jokeit1,2
M317 The Impact of the strategy used to create facial emotional stimuli on the neural basis of observers Cristina Scarpazza1, Giuseppe Sartori2, Alessio Miolla2
M318 Alexithymia, not Autistic Traits, Predicts Eye Gaze and Emotional Face Integration: Behavioral + ERP Ka Lon Sou1, Fun Lau1, Hong Xu1
M319 Effects of left versus right temporal lobe resection on emotional stimuli processing - An EEG-study Malena Mielke1, Alexandra Mehlmann1, Lea Marie Stieghorst2, Christian Bien2, Johanna Kissler1
M320 Intranasal Oxytocin Attenuates the Neural Circuitry and Its Connectivity to Dynamic Angry Faces Xu Chen1, Yuanxiao Ma1 M340 Kisspeptin enhances brain processing in response to olfactory and visual cues of attraction in men Lysia Demetriou1, Lisa Yang1, Matthew Wall2, Edward Mills1, David Zargaran1, Mark Sykes1, Joulia Prague1, Ali Abbara1, Eugenii Rabiner2, Alex Coomninos1, Waljit Dhillo1
M347 Alterations of Heartbeat Evoked Magnetic Fields (HEFs) during Disgusting Sound Listening Yutaka Kato1, Yuichi Takei2, Satoshi Umeda3, Hajime Tabuchi4, Masaru Mimura4, Masato Fukuda2
M680 Amygdala Functional Connectivity in Depression – Disentangling Pathology, Risk, and Resilience Carolin Wackerhagen1, Ilya Veer1, Susanne Erk1, Torsten Wüstenberg2, Sebastian Mohnke1, Tristram Lett1, Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth1, Kristina Schwarz2, Janina Schweiger2, Heike Tost2, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg2, Andreas Heinz3, Henrik Walter1
T226 White matter in low back pain patients with depression and anxiety: a preliminary DTI study Liliana Jorge1, Liana da Rocha2, Pedro Paulo de Oliveira Jr1, Edson Amaro Jr.3
T411 4-week Intranasal Oxytocin Increases Insula Volume and Associated Empathy Scores in Aging Elisha Myers1, Desiree Lussier1, Marilyn Horta1, Ian Frazier1, Rebecca Polk2, David Feifel3, Natalie Ebner4
T652 Reinterpreting the P3a to distracting sounds: an index of their arousing properties Rémy Masson1, Aurélie Bidet-Caulet1
Th153 Early neural responses as treatment markers in depression with combined structural and fMRI Rebecca Williams1, Elliot Brown1, Darren Clark1, G. Bruce Pike1, Rajamannar Ramasubbu1
Th188 Pharmaco-fMRI challenge before and after short-term treatment of MDD patients Somayeh Jooyandeh1, Thomas Baghai2, Rainer Rupprecht2, Mark Greenlee3
Th452 Effect of Emotional Stimuli on Cognitive Functions in Adult ADHD Samet Hakan Uzunlar1, Ece Ruşen1, Umut Mert Aksoy2, Barış Elmaslar3, Lütfü Hanoglu4,5, Bahar Güntekin6,5
Th821 Effects of local placebo analgesia on somatosensory responses during first-hand and empathy for pain Helena Hartmann1, Markus Rütgen1, Ronald Sladky1, Claus Lamm1
Th827 Effects of local placebo analgesia on picture-based pain empathy Helena Hartmann1, Markus Rütgen1, Ronald Sladky1, Claus Lamm1
Th833 Individual Differences in Empathy Reflected in Brain’s Intrinsic and Functional Network Dynamics Teodora Stoica1, Lindsay Knight2, Karisa Hunt1, Brendan Depue1
Th836 The role of the endogenous opioid system in emotion identification Yili Zhao1, Markus Rütgen1, Claus Lamm1
Th843 Mapping the cytoarchitectonic basis of socio-emotional and cognitive processing in the insula Julian Quabs1, Svenja Caspers2,3,4, Francesca Iannilli3, Hartmut Mohlberg3, Sebastian Bludau3, Katrin Amunts1,3,4
Th879 Imaging Aggression Using a Naturalistic Output Eva Mishor1, Tali Weiss1, Danielle Honigstein1, Lior Gorodisky1, Aharon Weissbrod1, Ethan Livne1, Noam Sobel1
W293 ENIGMA task-based fMRI: A workgroup studying the genetic basis of task-evoked brain activity Ilya Veer1, Lea Waller1, Tristram Lett1, Susanne Erk1, Henrik Walter1
W358 Increased dorsolateral PFC-recruitment during emotion regulation in anxiety-prone individuals Anne-Kathrin Brehl1, Nils Kohn1, Aart Schene2, Guillen Fernandez3
W411 The smell of babies – natural reward for the maternal brain Laura Schäfer1, Marie Michael2, Ilona Croy2
W469 A 3T fMRI study of cognitive-emotion modulation in young subjects with and without psychotic risk. Eleonora Maggioni1, Maddalena Mauri2, Marco Garzitto3, Carolina Bonivento4, Sara Piccin3, Gabriele Dossi1, Filippo Arrigoni5, Vaibhav Diwadkar6, Massimo Molteni2, Maria Nobile2, Paolo Brambilla7
W663 Functional Brain Correlates of Emotional and Social Memory Daphne Stam1, Yun-An Huang1, Jan Van den Stock1,2,3
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