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Reward and PunishmentReward and Punishment
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M275 Impersonal causality orientation impacts frontostriatal connectivity during personal choice Liana Romaniuk1, Anca-Larisa Sandu2, Gordon Waiter3, Christopher McNeil4, Xueyi Shen5, Mathew Harris5, Jennifer MacFarlane6, Stephen Lawrie7, Ian Deary8, Alison Murray4, Mauricio Delgado9, Douglas Steele10, Andrew McIntosh5, Heather Whalley5
M284 Bad intentions: Resistance to change in neural pattern similarity in response to deliberate harm Irem Undeger1, Reneé Visser2, Armita Golkar1, Andreas Olsson1
M325 De-coupling feedback valence and information-gain in reinforcement learning Ido Toren1, Rony Paz1
M328 Incentive processing modulates activity in a ventral striatum-hippocampus network: Data from the HCP Filip Grill1,2, Lars Nyberg1,2,3, Anna Rieckmann1,2,3
M330 Neural Activation in the Reward Network is Associated with Inattentive Symptoms of ADHD Max Owens1, James MacKillop2, Shannon McNally3, Iris Balodis2, Lawrence Sweet3 M331 Intranasal insulin decreases dopamine signaling in the striatum -a combined PET/MRI study Stephanie Kullmann1, Dominik Blum2, Benjamin Jaghutriz3, Benjamin Bender4, Hans-Ulrich Haering3,1, Christian la Fougère2, Andreas Fritsche3,1, Matthias Reimold2, Martin Heni3,1, Hubert Preissl1
M332 Wanting and liking of food and social rewards: the role of dopamine and opioids Giorgia Silani1, Sebastian Korb1, Claudia Massaccesi1, Sebastian Götzendorfer1, Matthäus Willeit2, Christoph Eisenegger1
M336 Emotional instability trait is associated with negative correlations in ventral striatal activation Frida Bayard1, Nathalie Wrobel1, Christoph Abé1, Eva Henje Blom2, Predrag Petrovic1
M337 Anatomical and functional signatures “at rest” of the human habenula in subclinical traits Jesús Adrián-Ventura1, Anastasia Cherednichenko1, Lidon Marin-Marin1, Esteban Villar-Rodríguez1, Víctor Costumero1,2, Cesar Avila1
T009 The predictive value of neural reward processing in exposure therapy outcome Silvia Papalini1, Iris Lange2, Jindra Bakker2, Stijn Michielse3, Machteld Marcelis2, Marieke Wichers4, Bram Vervliet5, Jim van Os6, Therese Van Amelsvoort2, Liesbet Goossens2, Koen Schruers2
T445 Developmental trajectory of striatal reward processing and the modulatory role of urban upbringing Ren Ma1, Gabriela Gan1, Markus Reichert1,2, Urs Braun1, Kristina Schwarz1, Carolin Mößnang1, Iris Reinhard1, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer2, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg1, Heike Tost1
T520 Sexual Dimorphism in Human Newborn Functional Connectivity of the Reward System Jerod Rasmussen1, Alice Graham2, Sonja Entringer3, Philipp Töpfer3, Damien Fair4, Pathik Wadhwa5, Claudia Buss3
T623 Understanding the function of human amygdala using connectopic mapping. Izabela Przezdzik1, Koen Haak1, Guillen Fernandez2, Christian Beckmann1
T807 Age-related differences in the neural correlates of social affective touch Federica Riva1, Giorgia Silani1, Helena Hartmann1, Claus Lamm1
Th034 Transcranial direct current stimulation over frontopolar cortex drives reward-based motor learning Maria del Carmen Herrojo Ruiz1, Tom Maudrich2, Daniela Sammler2, Rouven Kenville2, Arno Villringer2,3, Bernhard Sehm2, Vadim Nikulin2,4,5
Th127 Ventral striatal activity during reward anticipation in mood disorders: an fMRI Study. Etienne Allauze1, Ludovic Samalin1, Daniel Smith2, Xavier Caseras3
Th133 Neural Substrates for Anticipation and Consumption of Social and Monetary Incentives in Depression Zhenhong He1, Dandan Zhang2, Nils Muhlert1, Rebecca Elliott1
Th263 Suppressing random exploration enables optimizing decision under social threat Jaejoong Kim1, Minchul Kim1, Bumseok Jeong2, Haeorm Park1
Th264 Alcohol-money compared to money discounting increases functional connectivity in heavy drinkers Zikai Lin1, Mario Dzemidzic2, Evgeny Chumin3, Elizabeth Lungwitz1, Jaroslaw Harezlak4, Brandon Oberlin1
Th269 Genetic effects on neural encoding of computational markers of impulsivity and decision-making David Cole1, Lionel Rigoux2, Swen Schwarz1, Andreea Diaconescu3, Christoph Mathys4, Zoltan Nagy1, Katharina Wellstein5, Andrea Schote6, Boris Quednow7, Klaas Enno Stephan8
Th274 Reward and Fictive Prediction Error signals in the Ventral Striatum Aniol Santo-Angles1,2,3, Paola Fuentes-Claramonte1,2, Isabel Argila1, Maria Guardiola Ripoll1, Carmen Almodovar1, Peter McKenna1,2, Edith Pomarol-Clotet1,2, Joaquim Radua1,2,4,5,6
Th327 Attention to reward modulates dynamics in the rostrolateral PFC during sequential monitoring Theresa McKim1, Theresa Desrochers1
Th371 The prediction game: how music balances predictability and uncertainty to engage the reward system Benjamin Gold1, Marcus Pearce2, Ernest Mas-Herrero1, Alain Dagher1, Robert Zatorre1
Th424 The cortical oscillatory patterns associated with varying levels of cognitive effort. Adam Byrne1, Aikaterini Kokmotou1, Hannah Roberts1, Vicente Soto1, John Tyson-Carr1, Timo Giesbrecht2, Andrej Stancak1
Th640 Exploration of cortical hemodynamic signals related to golf-putting performance: An fNIRS study Hiroki Sato1, Kodai Takano1
Th886 Fairness is Associated with Increased Connectivity between the Executive Control Network and MPFC David Smith1, Nicole Henninger1, Katherine Hackett1, Victoria Kelly1, Dennis DeSalme1, Benjamin Muzekari1, Srikar Katta1, Tania Giovannetti1, Dominic Fareri2
W001 A dual-process exploration of binge drinking: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Pierre Maurage1, Séverine Lannoy1, Valerie Dormal1, Joel Billieux2, Melanie Brion1, Fabien D'Hondt3
W339 Corticostriatal Reward Sensitivity Predicts Weight Loss Following a 12-Month Intervention Jamie Peven1, Shannon Donofry1, John Jakicic1, Renee Rogers1, Jennifer Watt1, Kirk Erickson1
W640 Event Related Potentials of cross-modal sensory predictions during task-irrelevant stimuli Antonino Greco1, Giuseppe Gallitto1, Andrea Caria1
W900 Dopamine-Opioid Interactions in the Human Reward System Daniëlle Jongen1, Nathalie Weltens1, Patrick Dupont1, Huynh Giao Ly1, Koen Van Laere1, Elske Vrieze1, Jenny Ceccarini1, Lukas Van Oudenhove1
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