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Sexual BehaviorSexual Behavior
Preview Poster No Title Authors M340 Kisspeptin enhances brain processing in response to olfactory and visual cues of attraction in men Lysia Demetriou1, Lisa Yang1, Matthew Wall2, Edward Mills1, David Zargaran1, Mark Sykes1, Joulia Prague1, Ali Abbara1, Eugenii Rabiner2, Alex Coomninos1, Waljit Dhillo1
M342 Effects of Pair bond Formation in Prairie vole brain Functional Connectivity Ma Fernanda Lopez1, Juan Ortiz1, Francisco Camacho1, N Diaz2, Larry Young3, Raul Paredes1, Wendy Portillo1, Sarael Alcauter1
M343 Central Processing of Affective Penile Touch — An fMRI Study Gerben Ruesink1,2, Francis McGlone3, Håkan Olausson4,5, Camilla De Jong2, Marcel Waldinger6,7, Remco Renken2,1, Jan-Bernard Marsman2,1, Janniko Georgiadis1,2
M344 Neural Correlates of Sexual Orientation in Men: Brain Activity During Mental Rotation. Monika Folkierska-Zukowska1, Dawid Droździel2, Marek Wypych2, Artur Marchewka2, Wojciech Dragan1
M345 Subcortical Brain Shapes and Cortical Networks Identify Premature Ejaculation Individuals Bing Zhang1, Jiaming Lu1, Jiaxuan Jin1, Huiting Wang1, Peng Han1, Yiming Ma1, Baibing Yang2, Xin Zhang1, Zhao Qing1, Lihua Yuan1, Ying Chen3, Zhishun Wang3, Yutian Dai2
M346 Structural brain differences related to gender and sexual orientation. Mikhail Votinov1,2, Katharina S. Goerlich3, Elke Smith1, Tobias Wensing1,4, Thomas Nickl-Jockschat5, Ute Habel1,2
W003 Gray matter volume abnormalities in compulsive sexual behavior, gambling and alcohol use disorder Małgorzata Draps1, Guillaume Sescousse2, Artur Marchewka3, Jacek Mateuszewski3, Agnieszka Duda4, Michał Lew-Starowicz5, Maciej Kopera6, Andrzej Jakubczyk6, Marcin Wojnar6, Mateusz Gola1
W263 Hypersexual impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease: a resting state fMRI study Jose Pineda Pardo1, David Mata-Marín1, Lydia Vela1, Fernando Alonso1, Jose Obeso1, Ignacio Obeso Martin2
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