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Aging Aging
Poster No Title Authors
M025 Accelerated decline of homotopic sensorimotor connections in older adults with ASDs Janice Hau1, Jiwandeep Kohli1, Chris Fong1, Annika Linke1, Mikaela Kinnear1, Alan Lincoln2, Ruth Carper1, Ralph-Axel Müller1
M241 Loss of hemispheric asymmetry in neural sources of visual activity in aging following concussion. Martine Desjardins1, Jean-Marc Lina2, Louis De Beaumont3, Jean-François Gagnon4, Pierre Jolicoeur5
M449 Longitudinal prediction of cognitive decline using multimodal MRI Tijn Schouten1,2, Frank de Vos1,2, Sanneke van Rooden2, Mark Bouts1,2, Rogier Feis1,2, Jessica Foster-Dingley2, Justine Moonen2, Roos van der Mast2, Mark de Rooij1, Jeroen van der Grond2, Serge Rombouts1,2
M451 Using Machine Learning to Predict Age and Dementia from Neural Frequency and Complexity Measures Aleksi Ikkala1, Tristan Bekinschtein2, Richard Henson1, Daniel Bor2
M476 Brain Age, A New Biomarker Feng Sang1, Yaojing Chen1, Jianan Xia1, Zhanjun Zhang1
M691 Characterization of brain connectivity patterns of MCI patients in comparison to healthy elderly Laia Farràs-Permanyer1, Núria Mancho-Fora1, Marc Montalà-Flaquer1, Geisa Bearitz Gallardo-Moreno2, Daniel Zarabozo-Hurtado3, Esteve Gudayol-Ferré4, Maribel Peró-Cebollero1, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos1
T004 Accelerated epigenetic aging as a predictor of vulnerability to depression Klara Mareckova1, Anna Pačínková2, Anja Klasnja3, Lenka Anrýsková4, Kateřina Stano Kozubik5, Milan Brazdil6, Tomáš Paus7
T368 QMRI grey matter microstructural changes predict healthy aging and identify Multiple Sclerosis Asier Erramuzpe1, Roey Schurr1, Aviv Mezer1
T398 Neuroimaging-Derived Brain-Age in Midlife Relates to CAIDE Dementia Risk Scores Andreana Haley1, James Cole2, Evan Pasha3, Brennan Hickson1, Drew Gourley1, Hirofumi Tanaka1
T409 A clinical fMRI protocol for cognitive-motor dual task Oana Rus-Oswald1,2, Julia Reinhardt1,3, Céline Bürki2, Stephanie Bridenbaugh2, Christoph Stippich1, Reto Kressig2, Maria Blatow1
T411 4-week Intranasal Oxytocin Increases Insula Volume and Associated Empathy Scores in Aging Elisha Myers1, Desiree Lussier1, Marilyn Horta1, Ian Frazier1, Rebecca Polk2, David Feifel3, Natalie Ebner4
T416 Graph mining on Aging using Brain Structural Networks Haoteng Tang1, Lei Guo1, Heng Huang1, Olusola Ajilore2, Hiroko Dodge3,4, Paul Thompson5, Alex Leow2, Liang Zhan1
T427 Brain metabolites assessed by 1H-MRS in healthy aging and mild cognitive impairment. Antoine Hone-Blanchet1, Lisa Krishnamurthy2, Qixiang Lin1, Salman Shahid1, Candace Fleischer1, Allan Levey1, James Lah1, Deqiang Qiu1, Bruce Crosson1
T428 The Relationship between Loneliness and Cognitive Function in The Elderly Chao Du1, Xin Li1, Xia Jianan1, Zhanjun Zhang1
T430 Reduced Hippocampal Volume in Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study Giovanna Bubbico1, Mariella Lauriola2, Gianna Sepede3, Angelo Di Iorio4, Roberto Esposito5, Mauro Gianni Perrucci6, Armando Tartaro3
T604 Age and gender effects on resting-state networks after mild traumatic brain injury Mayra Bittencourt-Villalpando1, Harm van der Horn2, Edith Liemburg2, Natasha Maurits2, Joukje van der Naalt2
T807 Age-related differences in the neural correlates of social affective touch Federica Riva1, Giorgia Silani1, Helena Hartmann1, Claus Lamm1
Th110 Lasting improvement of associative memory and altered brain activity in older adults Weicong Ren1, Rui Li2, Zhiwei Zheng2, Hanlin Wang1, Juan Li2
Th137 The Behavioral Correlates of Resting-state Brain Entropy Changes in Late-life Depressed Elderly Chemin Lin1, Shwu-Hua Lee2, Chih-Mao Huang3, Guan-Yen Chen4, Pei-Shan Ho4, Ho-Ling Liu5, Yao-Liang Chen6, Tatia Lee7, Shun-Chi Wu3
Th524 Assessment of Cognitive Reserve using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Andrei Medvedev1
W055 Association between fMRI connectomes and plasma biomarkers in subjective memory complainers Patrizia Andrea Chiesa1,2,3,4, Marion Houot5,4, Andrea Vergallo1,2,3,4, Enrica Cavedo1,2,3,4, Simone Lista6,2,3,4, Marie Claude Potier7, Henrik Zetterberg8,9,10,11,12, Kaj Blennow13,14, Eugeen Vanmechelen11, Ann De Vos12, Bruno Dubois5,3,4, Harald Hampel1,2,15,4
W061 Effect of Age and APOE on Hippocampal Subfields in Cognitively Normal Subjects (N=1168, single site) Greg Operto1, Jordi Huguet1, Carles Falcón1,2, José Luis Molinuevo1,3,4, Juan Domingo Gispert1,2
W062 Structural Covariance Networks among Normal, High Risk, and Cognitively Impaired Older Individuals Neda Rashidi-Ranjbar1,2, Sanjeev Kumar3, Benoit H. Mulsant3, Nathan Herrmann4, Linda Mah5, Alastair J. Flint6, Corrine E. Fischer7, Bruce G. Pollock3, Tarek K. Rajji3, Aristotle Voineskos3, on behalf of the PACt-MD Study Group2
W086 Sleep-disordered Breathing and Alzheimer’s disease; A Voxel-based Morphometry and BrainAGE study Esmaeil Mohammadi1, Bahram Mohajer1, Nooshin Abbasi1, Habibolah Khazaie2, Mojtaba Zarei3, Simon B. Eickhoff4, Ivana Rosenzweig5, Ricardo Osorio6, Claudia Eickhoff7, Masoud Tahmasian8
W098 Disentangling Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive frailty: A paired associates oddball task in MEG Ece Kocagoncu1, David Nesbitt1,2, Rebecca Beresford2, Rik Henson2, . Cam-CAN2, James Rowe1,2
W099 Left frontal connectivity attenuates the negative effect of tau pathology on memory performance Julia Neitzel1,2, Anna Rubinski1, Nicolai Franzmeier1, Michael Ewers1
W102 Functional signature of conversion in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment Stefano Delli Pizzi1, Miriam Punzi1, Stefano L Sensi1,2
W103 Decreased Default Mode Network Connectivity in Patients with Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction Norman Zacharias1, Wolf-Rüdiger Brockhaus1, Friedrich Borchers1, Saya Speidel1, Florian Lammers1, Sophie Piper2, Claudia Spies1, Georg Winterer1
W114 Network Diffusion Model Predicts the Progression of Brain Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease Yuchen Liu1, Peng Ji1, Jiajia Zhao1, Yi-Chia Kung2, Pei-Ning Wang3,4, Ching-Po Lin1,2,5, Chun-Yi Zac Lo1
W147 Brain network dynamics in older age cognitive frailty and dementia - a MEG resting-state study David Nesbitt1,2, Roni Tibon1, Darren Price1, James Rowe1,2, Richard Henson1
W149 Estimating Alzheimer’s Risk from Memory Performance: A Behavioural Partial Least Squares Analysis Sheida Rabipour1, Elsa Yu1, Sricharana Rajagopal2, Stamatoula Pasvanis2, John Breitner3, M. Natasha Rajah4, PREVENT-AD Research Group5
W152 Functional connectivity in older age cognitive frailty and dementia - a MEG resting-state study David Nesbitt1,2, Ece Kocagoncu1, Richard Henson1, James Rowe1,2
W422 Supplementary motor network connectivity is associated with motor performance and frailty Florian Lammers1, Norman Zacharias2, Friedrich Borchers2, Insa Feinkohl3, Claudia Spies2, Georg Winterer2
W716 Effects of Motor Learning and tDCS on Sensorimotor GABA Levels in Older Adults Bradley King1, Jost-Julian Rumpf2, Kirstin Heise1, Nina Dolfen1, Nicolaas Puts3, Richard Edden3, Julien Doyon4, Joseph Classen2, Genevieve Albouy1, Stephan Swinnen1
W847 Dynamic Causal Modelling for EEG Pinpoints Behaviourally-Relevant Memory Circuit Dropout in AD Ashley Tyrer1, Jessica Gilbert2, Sarah Adams3, Azziza Bankole4, Ian Gilchrist1, Rosalyn Moran5
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