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Poster No Title Authors
M563 Family history of alcoholism affects task-switching in human brain networks Enrico Amico1,2, Mario Dzemidzic3, Claire Carron3, Jaroslaw Harezlak4, Joaquín Goñi1,2,5,6, David Kareken3,6
M672 Dynamic Frontostriatal Peak Connectivity in Alcohol Use Disorder Martin Fungisai Gerchen1, Franziska Weiss1, Patrick Halli1, Falk Kiefer2, Peter Kirsch1
T649 Resting state community structure in cocaine dependence Amardeep Kedia1, Nalin Abrol1, Eduardo Garza-Villarreal2, Vinoo Alluri1
Th264 Alcohol-money compared to money discounting increases functional connectivity in heavy drinkers Zikai Lin1, Mario Dzemidzic2, Evgeny Chumin3, Elizabeth Lungwitz1, Jaroslaw Harezlak4, Brandon Oberlin1
Th444 Response inhibition deficits predictive of substance use relapse in an incarcerated sample J. Maurer1,2, Nathaniel Anderson2, Vaughn Steele3, Eric Claus2, Brandi Fink4, Vincent Clark1,2, Vince Calhoun2,5, Kent Kiehl1,2
W001 A dual-process exploration of binge drinking: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Pierre Maurage1, Séverine Lannoy1, Valerie Dormal1, Joel Billieux2, Melanie Brion1, Fabien D'Hondt3
W003 Gray matter volume abnormalities in compulsive sexual behavior, gambling and alcohol use disorder Małgorzata Draps1, Guillaume Sescousse2, Artur Marchewka3, Jacek Mateuszewski3, Agnieszka Duda4, Michał Lew-Starowicz5, Maciej Kopera6, Andrzej Jakubczyk6, Marcin Wojnar6, Mateusz Gola1
W005 The difference of brain structural changes induced by heroin and methamphetamine Yunxia Shen1, Mingwu Lou2, Wenbin Liang2, Xinjun Sun3, Lin Lu2, Yanyi Chen2
W012 Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer is associated with hazardous alcohol use in young adults Hao Chen1, Stephan Nebe2, Sören Kuitunen-Paul1, Maria Garbusow3, Daniel Schad4, Michael Rapp4, Quentin Huys5, Andreas Heinz3, Michael Smolka1
W016 Sex Differences in the Neural Substrates of Cigarette Craving, Withdrawal, and Relief Maylen Perez Diaz1, Dara Ghahremani1, Paul Faulkner1, Joseph O'Neill1, Jeffrey Alger2, Edythe London1
W017 Decreased connectivity in the default mode network in heavy drinkers after acute alcohol exposure Xiaojing Fang1, Yacila Deza Araujo2, Johannes Petzold2, Philipp Riedel2,3, Maik Spreer2, Michael Marxen2, Ulrich Zimmermann2, michael smolka4
W026 Identification of imaging biomarkers in Internet Gaming Disorder using random forest classifier Min Seob Kim1, Do hyun Kim1, Bumseok Jeong1
W028 Over-learning of prediction errors in early relapsers with cocaine addiction Ju-Chi Yu1, Vincenzo Fiore2, Richard Briggs3, Jacquelyn Braud4, Bryon Adinoff4,5, Xiaosi Gu2,6,7,8,8
W032 Sex-dependent role of dopamine receptor D2 during adolescent development Rachel Schroeder1, Marissa Laws2, Shady El Damaty2, Veronica Mucciarone3, Benson Stevens4, Valery Darcey2, Emma Rose5, Diana Fishbein5, John VanMeter3
W033 Longitudinal Changes in Dorsal Attention Network in Patients With Gaming Disorder Deokjong Lee1, Junghan Lee2, Kee Namkoong2, Young-Chul Jung2
W036 Neural Subcomponents of Response Inhibition in ADHD and Alcohol Use Disorder Sarah Gerhardt1, Mathias Luderer2, Rahila Nuriyeva1, Georg Meyer zu Schwabedissen1,3, Johanna Seidt4, Oliver Hennig4, Barbara Alm4, Derik Hermann1, Wolfgang Sommer1,5, Falk Kiefer1, Esther Sobanski6,4, Sabine Vollstaedt-Klein1
W037 Nicotine alters intra-and inter-regional resting-state fMRI of the vmPFC and hippocampus Lauren Hill-Bowen1, Michael Tobia2, Angela Laird2, Betty Jo Salmeron3, Thomas Ross3, Elliot Stein3, Matthew Sutherland1
W043 Effects of cannabis use disorder on cognition, brain structure, and function Marinka Koenis1, Joke Durnez2, Amanda Rodrigue1, Samuel Mathias1, Aaron Alexander-Bloch1, Jennifer Barrett3, Emma Knowles1, Josephine Mollon1, Joanne Curran4, John Blangero4, Russel Poldrack2, Godfrey Pearlson1,3, David Glahn1,3,5
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