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Poster No Title Authors
M160 How many different lesion sites can cause selective impairments in verbal short-term memory? Sharon Geva1, Teodros Truneh1, Hayley Woodgate1, Sophie Roberts1, Kate Ledingham1, Rachel Bruce1, Shamima Khan1, Megan Docksey1, Storm Anderson1, mohamed Seghier2,1, Thomas Hope1, Jennifer Crinion1, Alex Leff1, Cathy Price3
M161 Real Time fMRI with Novel MR-Compatible Robotic Device Assesses Neuroplasticity in Chronic Stroke Shasha Li1, Mark Ottensmeyer1, Gianluca De Novi1, Zeba Qadri1, Loukas Astrakas1, A. Aria Tzika1
M162 Machine-learning predictions of stroke recovery using quantitative tractography-based connectivity Chun-Hung Yeh1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Chia-Lin Koh1, Leeanne Carey1,2,3, Alan Connelly1,2
M164 Behavioural profiles & neural correlates of higher-level vision in posterior cerebral artery stroke Grace Rice1, Sheila Kerry2, Ro Julia Robotham3, Alex Leff2, Matthew Lambon Ralph1, Randi Starrfelt3
M166 Changes in motor planning after Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in chronic hemiplegia Philip Dean1, Annette Sterr1
M167 The Synchronization Lag in Post-stroke: Insights into Motor Function and Structural Connectivity Xin Wang1, Caio Seguin2, Andrew Zalesky2,3, Wan-wa Wong1, Raymond Kai-yu Tong1
M168 Increased intrinsic connectivity for structural atrophy and functional maintenance after stroke Yiru Yang1, Yaojing Chen1, Shudan Gao1, Zhanjun Zhang1
M169 Transcallosal structural connectivity predicts response to bimanual force-coupled training. Ronan Denyer1, Jennifer Ferris1, Mahta Khoshnam2, Beverley Larssen1, Kaitlin Attard1, Lara Boyd1
M170 Recovery of stroke-induced aphasia using a novel BCI-based training: a resting state study Mariachristina Musso1, Pierre LeVan2, Maria Bernodusson3, David Hübner4, Sarah Schwarzkopf15, Cornelius Weiller5, Michael Tangermann34
M174 Localisation-dependent effects of White Matter Hyperintensities on the Structural Human Connectome Marvin Petersen1, Benedikt Frey1, Eckhard Schlemm1, Marvin Petersen1, Bastian Cheng1, Götz Thomalla1
M175 Aberrant Functional Connectivity of Default Mode Network in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack Lingyu Li1,2,3, Yulin Song3, Yu Han4, Chengshu Zhou3, Dan Zhou3, Fuding Zhang3, Qiming Xue5, Jinling Liu6, Lijuan Zhao3, Cairong Zhang3, Xiujie Han3, Yating Lv1,2,3
M176 Resting state effective connectivity extracts clinically relevant prognostic information in Stroke MOHIT ADHIKARI1, Joseph Griffis2, Joshua Siegel2, Gustavo Deco1, Andrea Insabato1, Matthieu Gilson1, Maurizio Corbetta3
M180 Fixel-based analysis reveals remote fibres impairment in stroke patients with somatosensory deficits Chia-Lin Koh1, Chun-Hung Yeh1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Alan Connelly1,2, Leeanne Carey1,2,3
M181 Task-Free and Task-Relevant Differential Brain Functional Network Reconfiguration in Stroke Patients Hsiao-ju Cheng1,2, Kwun Kei Ng1, Xing Qian1, Mengjiao Hu1,3, Fang Ji1, Zhong Kang Lu4, Fatima Narsrallah5,4, Kai Keng Ang4, Kai-Hsiang Chuang5,4, Cuntai Guan3,4, Haoyong Yu2, Effie Chew6,2, Juan (Helen) Zhou1,4
M186 Alterations in fALFF in mirror neuron system after motor imagery training in stroke patients Xu Wang1, Hewei Wang2, Xin Xiong1, Changhui Sun2, Bing Zhu2, Yiming Xu2, Zheng Jin3, Mingxia Fan4, Shanbao Tong1, Limin Sun2, Xiaoli Guo1
M189 Botulinum Toxin-A-Related Changes of the Brain Functional Connectivity in Post-Stroke Spasticity Tomas Veverka1, Pavel Hok1, Petr Kaňovský1, Petr Hluštík1
M190 Identifying individual functional profiles for a frontoparietal network in aphasic stroke patients Romy Lorenz1,2, Michelle Johal3, Fred Dick4, Adam Hampshire3, Robert Leech5, Fatemeh Geranmayeh3
M194 Serotonergic Modulation of Behavioural and Neural Responses During Motor Learning Eoin Molloy1, Karsten Mueller2, Bernhard Sehm3, Ahmad Kanaan4, André Pampel4, Christopher Steele5, Vadim Nikulin2, Pierre-Louis Bazin6, Nathalie Beinhölzl4, Gergana Zheleva4, Fabian Piecha4, Kristin Ihle7, Maria Blöchl4, Ulrike Scharrer4, Ralf Regenthal8, Harald Möller9, Arno Villringer2, Julia Sacher2
M196 The effect of language tasks on neural activation patterns in chronic stroke Rajani Sebastian1, Zhuonan Yang1, Emily Sherry1, Amy Wright1, Argye Hillis1
M200 White-matter connectome neuroplasticity in perinatal stroke relates to clinical motor function Brandon Craig1, Alicia Hilderley1, Xiangyu Long1, Adam Kirton1, Helen Carlson1
M201 Characterizing Direct and Indirect Descending Cortical Projections in Post-stroke Individuals Alejandro Lopez1, Jiang Xu1, Justin Liu1, Steven Eicholtz1, Michael Borich1, Trisha Kesar1
M202 Deep Learning-based Detection of DSC-Defined Penumbral Tissue on pCASL in Acute Ischemic Stroke Kai Wang1, Qinyang Shou2, Samantha Ma1, David Liebeskind3, Xin Qiao4, Fabien Scalzo3, Jeffrey Saver3, Noriko Salamon4, Danny Wang5
M204 Cortical Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) as a Potential Biomarker for Post-Stroke Motor Dysfunction. Tarushi Tanaya1, Lisa Krishnamurthy2, Erin King1, Trisha Kesar1, Michael Borich3
M207 Atrophy in hippocampal subfields in the first year after ischemic stroke Mohamed Salah Khlif1, Emilio Werden1, Laura Bird1, Amy Brodtmann1
M208 MI-4p is a Motor fMRI Biomarker of Intravenous Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Efficacy in Stroke Assia Jaillard1, Marc Hommel2, Thomas Zeffiro3, Anaick Moisan4, Issa Goundous5, Fabrice HANNANU5, Laurent Lamalle1, Olivier Detante1
M416 Predicting response to motor therapy in chronic stroke patients using Machine Learning ceren tozlu1, Dylan Edwards2, Aaron Boes3, Douglas Labar4, K. Zoe Tsagaris5, Joshua Silverstein5, Heather Lane5, Mert Sabuncu6, Charles Liu7, Amy Kuceyeski8
M637 Visualization of Human Connectome in Stroke Syndromes Jae-Sung Lim1, Choong-Wan Woo2, Jae-Joong Lee2, Hee-Joon Bae3, Mi Sun Oh1, Kyung-Ho Yu1, Byung-Chul Lee1
M659 Individual and group-level multivariate resting state fMRI profiles in vascular cognitive impairment Derek Beaton1, Mojdeh Zamyadi1, Stephen Arnott1, Robert Bartha2, Jennifer Mandzia3, Christopher Scott4, Richard Swartz4, Stephen Strother1,5
M749 Precuneal Functional Connectivity Predicts Visual Restitution Training Effects in Chronic Hemianopia Hinke Halbertsma1, Joris Elshout2,3, Douwe Bergsma2,3, Frans Cornelissen1, Koen Haak2, Albert van den Berg2
T205 Investigating white matter hyperintensities in ischemic stroke using advanced diffusion MRI Will Khan1, Natalia Egorova2, Mohamed Salah Khlif3, Remika Mito4, Thijs Dhollander5, Amy Brodtmann6
T248 Neural basis of irony in patients with Multiple Sclerosis : an exploratory fMRI study Quentin Duché1, Florian Chapelain2,3, Elise Bannier1,4, Jean-Christophe Ferré1,4, Philippe Allain5,6, Philippe Gallien2, Virginie Dardier3, Christian Barillot1
T250 The Neural Network for Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Aphasia Sabrina Beber1, Rita Capasso2, Chiara Maffei3, Gabriele Miceli4
T296 Delineating the cognitive-neural substrates of writing Haobo Chen1, Xiaoping Pan2, Wai-Ling Bickerton3, Johnny King L Lau4, Jin Zhou2, Beinan zhou5, Lara Harris6, Pia Rotshtein3
T304 Critical Neural Correlates of Lexicality, Consistency, and Imageability Effects in Reading Aloud Olga Boukrina1, Bing Yao1, Mateusz Kowalczyk2, A.M. Barrett1, William Graves3
T344 Critical Networks for Competitive Selection and Compensatory Activation in Aphasic Picture Naming Grant Walker1, Julius Fridriksson2, Gregory Hickok1
T347 The Role of the Frontal Aslant Tract in Speech and Language Processing Allison Zhong1, Maria Ivanova2, Brian Curran3, And Turken3, Nina Dronkers2
T625 Functional interactions in hemianopics: a node-based connectivity study of resting fMRI signal. Caterina Pedersini1, Joan Guardia-Olmos2, Marc Montala-Flaquer2, Nicolo’ Cardobi1, Javier Sanchez-Lopez1, Giorgia Parisi1, Silvia Savazzi1,3,4, Carlo Marzi1,4
T672 Right hemisphere dominance in unconscious visual attention in hemianopic patients. Javier Sanchez-Lopez1, Caterina Pedersini1, Nicolo’ Cardobi1, Giorgia Parisi1, Silvia Savazzi1, Carlo Marzi1
T673 Dissecting “Spatial Neglect” with the EEG Fabrizio Doricchi1, Mario Pinto2, Francesco Tomaiuolo3, Stefano Lasaponara4
Th056 Mapping sensorimotor activation hotspots during cortical stimulation (MOSAICS) in perinatal stroke Helen Carlson1, Hsing-Ching Kuo2, Adrianna Giuffre2, Jeffrey Grab3, Liu Shi Gan4, Ephrem Zewdie2, Adam Kirton5
Th063 Functional connectivity evoked by saltatory pneumotactile stimuli on the glabrous hand Yingying Wang1, Fatima Sibaii2, Hyuntaek Oh2, Steven Barlow2
Th370 Songs as a verbal learning tool after stroke: behavioural and structural neuroimaging evidence Teppo Särkämö1, Aleksi Sihvonen2, Vera Leo1, Tanja Linnavalli1, Matti Laine3, Mari Tervaniemi1, Seppo Soinila4
Th442 Brain connectivity modulation after exoskeleton gait in chronic stroke survivors: a pilot study Emanuela Formaggio1, Alessandra Del Felice1, Franco Molteni2, Anna Bosco1, Elena Guanziroli2, Francesco Piccione3, Stefano Masiero1
Th735 Thalamic contributions to visually-guided actions: a behavioral and fMRI study in stroke patients Carsten Schmidt-Samoa1, Kristina Miloserdov1, Peter Dechent1, Shirin Mahdavi1, Kathleen Williams1, Manfred Holzgraefe2, Jan Liman1, Igor Kagan3, Mathias Bähr1, Melanie Wilke1,3
Th748 Using Vascular Territories to Predict Disconnection Profiles in Post-Stroke Aphasia Natalie Busby1, Ajay Halai2, Ying Zhao3, Geoff Parker4, Matthew Lambon Ralph2
Th758 Structural Connectivity Changes in Post-stroke Patients after Rehabilitation Pradeepa Ruwan Wanni Arachchige1, Atsushi Senoo1
Th804 Using Simulation to Estimate Damage to White Matter Tracts with High Reliability Anouk Smits1,2, Martine van Zandvoort2,3, Laura Heezen2, Nick Ramsey2, Edward de Haan1, Mathijs Raemaekers2
W344 A multi-target motor imagery training using EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback: an exploratory study on stroke Simon Butet1, Giulia Lioi2, Mathis Fleury2, Anatole Lécuyer3, Christian Barillot2, Isabelle Bonan1
W396 Efficacy of EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback in stroke in relation to the DTI structural damage: a pilot study Giulia Lioi1, Simon Butet2, Mathis Fleury1, Anatole Lécuyer3, Isabelle Bonan2, Christian Barillot1
W465 Vascular reactivity measured with high temporal resolution fMRI in hereditary and sporadic CAA Thijs van Harten1, Sabine Voigt1, Emma Koemans1, Anna van Opstal1, Sanneke van Rooden2, Mark van Buchem1, Gisela Terwindt1, Jacco Zwanenburg3, Marianne Walderveen1, Jeroen van der Grond2, Marieke Wermer1, Matthias van Osch1
W701 Stroke induced damage leads to localized de-differentiation of neural representations. Jeremy Purcell1, Celia Litovsky2, Robert Wiley2, Brend Rapp2
W725 Neural Correlates for Temporal Context in Verbal Working Memory: A Neuropsychological Study Yingxue Tian1, Simon Fischer-Baum1
W749 Voxel-based lesion analysis of brain regions underlying visual working memory and episodic memory. Selma Lugtmeijer1, Linda Geerligs2, Edward de Haan3, Frank Erik de Leeuw4, Roy Kessels5
W777 The degree to which ischemic stroke affects network hubs predicts cognitive recovery Hugo Aben1, Yael Reijmer2, Nick Weaver2, Jacoba Spikman3, Johanna Visser-Meily2, Geert Jan Biessels2, Paul de Kort1
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