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Language Comprehension and SemanticsLanguage Comprehension and Semantics
Poster No Title Authors
M190 Identifying individual functional profiles for a frontoparietal network in aphasic stroke patients Romy Lorenz1,2, Michelle Johal3, Fred Dick4, Adam Hampshire3, Robert Leech5, Fatemeh Geranmayeh3
T248 Neural basis of irony in patients with Multiple Sclerosis : an exploratory fMRI study Quentin Duché1, Florian Chapelain2,3, Elise Bannier1,4, Jean-Christophe Ferré1,4, Philippe Allain5,6, Philippe Gallien2, Virginie Dardier3, Christian Barillot1
T250 The Neural Network for Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Aphasia Sabrina Beber1, Rita Capasso2, Chiara Maffei3, Gabriele Miceli4
T275 The role of ATL and IPS in representing social and quantity concepts: a State-Dependent TMS study Eleonora Catricalà1, Francesca Conca1, Anna Fertonani2, Carlo Miniussi3,2, Stefano Cappa1,2
W084 Parcellation of the anterior temporal lobes in semantic variant PPA caused by TDP-43-C pathology Valentina Borghesani1, Giovanni Battistella1, Maria Luisa Mandelli1, Gil Rabinovici1, Lea Grinberg1, William Seeley1, Bruce Miller1, Zachary Miller1, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini1,2
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