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Speech ProductionSpeech Production
Poster No Title Authors
M190 Identifying individual functional profiles for a frontoparietal network in aphasic stroke patients Romy Lorenz1,2, Michelle Johal3, Fred Dick4, Adam Hampshire3, Robert Leech5, Fatemeh Geranmayeh3
M196 The effect of language tasks on neural activation patterns in chronic stroke Rajani Sebastian1, Zhuonan Yang1, Emily Sherry1, Amy Wright1, Argye Hillis1
M390 Lesions to Ventral and Dorsal Pathways Selectively Impair Object and Action Naming Lucia Amoruso1, Nicola Molinaro2, Shuang Geng3, Ileana Quiñones3, Polina Timofeeva3, Sandra Gisbert-Muñoz2, Santiago Gil-Robles4,5, Iñigo Pomposo5, Manuel Carreiras6
T344 Critical Networks for Competitive Selection and Compensatory Activation in Aphasic Picture Naming Grant Walker1, Julius Fridriksson2, Gregory Hickok1
T347 The Role of the Frontal Aslant Tract in Speech and Language Processing Allison Zhong1, Maria Ivanova2, Brian Curran3, And Turken3, Nina Dronkers2
Th098 Semantic and phonological contributions of the left inferior frontal gyrus to language production Jana Klaus1, Gesa Hartwigsen1
W144 Labeled Cortical Distance Mapping Reveals Temporal Lobe Morphometry in Primary Progressive Aphasia Erin Meier1, Jennifer Crinion2, Shannon Cebron3, Margaret Chow3, Andreia Faria3, Argye Hillis1, Tilak Ratnanather3
W228 Voice Analysis in Early Parkinson's Disease and Correlation with Neuroimaging Laetitia Jeancolas1, Nicolas Villain2,3,4, Rahul Gaurav4, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz1, Badr-Eddine Benkelfat1, Graziella Mangone5,3,4, Marie Odile Habert6,7, Jean-Christophe Corvol3,5,4, Marie Vidailhet3,5,4, Stephane Lehéricy4,5, Habib Benali8
W238 The structural connectome of isolated task-specific focal dystonia Sandra Hanekamp1, Kristina Simonyan1
W277 Automatic Diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia with Structural MRI and Machine Learning Davide Valeriani1, Kristina Simonyan1
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