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Working Memory Working Memory
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M004 Network differences during an n-back working memory task in adults with autism spectrum disorder Veronica Yuk1,2, Benjamin Dunkley1,2, Evdokia Anagnostou3,2, Margot Taylor1,2
M075 Neural correlates of cognition in early-onset schizophrenia: a meta-analysis Vasileios Ioakeimidis1, Kielan Yarrow1, Corinna Haenschel1, Marinos Kyriakopoulos2,3, Danai Dima1,4
M088 Neurocognitive Correlates of Working Memory in Postpartum Psychosis Olivia Kowalczyk1, Astrid Pauls1, Montserrat Fusté1,2, Steven Williams1,3, Katie Hazelgrove1, Costanza Vecchio1, Gertrude Seneviratne1, Carmine Pariante1,3, Paola Dazzan1, Mitul Mehta1
M109 ENIGMA Schizophrenia DTI findings: Replicating & Explaining Cognitive Deficit & Treatment Resistance Meghann Ryan1, Neda Jahanshad2, Paul Thompson2, Yunlong Tan3, L. Elliot Hong1, Peter Kochunov1
M135 Working memory in patients with a first-episode psychosis: a longitudinal fMRI study Lara Martin-Garcia1, Auria Albacete2, Leire Vazquez1, Silvia Alonso-Lana2, Raymond Salvador2, Paola Fuentes-Claramonte2, Amalia Guerrero-Pedraza1, Salvador Sarró2, Peter McKenna2, Edith Pomarol-Clotet2
M136 Alpha power in visuospatial working memory reveals possible inhibitory deficit in schizophrenia Ruben Perellón-Alfonso1, Indre Pileckyte2, Grega Repovš3, Borut Škodlar1, Jurij Bon4 M156 Changes in cerebellum and parietal cortex associated with obstructive sleep apnea Pablo Reyes1,2, Catalina Moncaleano1, Vanessa Riveros1, Liliana Otero2, Felipe Uriza1,2, Patricia Hidalgo1,2, Andrea del Pilar Rueda2
M160 How many different lesion sites can cause selective impairments in verbal short-term memory? Sharon Geva1, Teodros Truneh1, Hayley Woodgate1, Sophie Roberts1, Kate Ledingham1, Rachel Bruce1, Shamima Khan1, Megan Docksey1, Storm Anderson1, mohamed Seghier2,1, Thomas Hope1, Jennifer Crinion1, Alex Leff1, Cathy Price3
M213 Cell energy status and cognition: physiological and behavioural effects of creatine supplementation Philip Dean1, Annette Sterr1, Bertram Opitz1
M226 The differential impact of network disconnection on working memory and reasoning after TBI Amy Jolly1, Gregory Scott1, David Sharp2, Adam Hampshire1
M230 Random Forest Regression to find White Matter Pathways Implicating Working Memory Scores in mTBI Jhimli Mitra1, Chitresh Bhushan1, Soumya Ghose1, Radhika Madhavan2, Ek Tsoon Tan1, Luca Marinelli1, Joseph Masdeu3, Pratik Mukherjee4, Roland Lee5, Michael McCrea6, Gillian Hotz7, Michael Collins8, Anthony Kontos8, Teena Shetty9
Th387 Impaired short-term memory in congenital amusia: encoding and retrieval of music and speech Lesly Fornoni1, Anne CACLIN1, Yohana Lévêque1, Barbara Tillmann1
W184 Hippocampal functional connectivity associations with cognitive skills in temporal lobe epilepsy Alfonso Fajardo-Valdez1, Raúl Rodriguez-Cruces1, Luis Concha1
W223 The Decrease of EEG Theta Power in Longitudinally Followed Patients with Parkinson's Disease Tuba Aktürk1,2, Ebru Yıldırım3,2, Lütfü Hanoglu4, Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz4, Görsev Yener5,6, Bahar Güntekin3,2
W723 Working memory task anticipation and task performance in depressed individuals and healthy controls Anna Manelis1, Erin Rodgers2, Holly Swartz1, Mary Phillips1
W725 Neural Correlates for Temporal Context in Verbal Working Memory: A Neuropsychological Study Yingxue Tian1, Simon Fischer-Baum1
W737 Dissociating the causal roles of frontal and parietal cortex in working memory: A Registered Report Anastasia Kiyonaga1, Jason Scimeca1, Mark D'Esposito1
W749 Voxel-based lesion analysis of brain regions underlying visual working memory and episodic memory. Selma Lugtmeijer1, Linda Geerligs2, Edward de Haan3, Frank Erik de Leeuw4, Roy Kessels5
W824 Suicide spectrum of Major Depressive Disorder in Cortical-Striatal-Thalamo-Cortical circuit Siqi Zhang1,2, Rongxin Zhu3, Zhilu Chen3, Pinhua Lin3, Hongliang Zhou3, Zhijian Yao3,4, Qing Lu1,2
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