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Implicit MemoryImplicit Memory
Poster No Title Authors
W098 Disentangling Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive frailty: A paired associates oddball task in MEG Ece Kocagoncu1, David Nesbitt1,2, Rebecca Beresford2, Rik Henson2, . Cam-CAN2, James Rowe1,2
W640 Event Related Potentials of cross-modal sensory predictions during task-irrelevant stimuli Antonino Greco1, Giuseppe Gallitto1, Andrea Caria1
W847 Dynamic Causal Modelling for EEG Pinpoints Behaviourally-Relevant Memory Circuit Dropout in AD Ashley Tyrer1, Jessica Gilbert2, Sarah Adams3, Azziza Bankole4, Ian Gilchrist1, Rosalyn Moran5
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