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Neural Plasticity and Recovery of FunctionNeural Plasticity and Recovery of Function
Poster No Title Authors
M194 Serotonergic Modulation of Behavioural and Neural Responses During Motor Learning Eoin Molloy1, Karsten Mueller2, Bernhard Sehm3, Ahmad Kanaan4, André Pampel4, Christopher Steele5, Vadim Nikulin2, Pierre-Louis Bazin6, Nathalie Beinhölzl4, Gergana Zheleva4, Fabian Piecha4, Kristin Ihle7, Maria Blöchl4, Ulrike Scharrer4, Ralf Regenthal8, Harald Möller9, Arno Villringer2, Julia Sacher2
M627 Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease – is there a role for network connectivity measures? Evelien Nackaerts1, Nicholas D'cruz1, Bauke Dijkstra1, Moran Gilat1, Thomas Kramer1, Alice Nieuwboer1
M749 Precuneal Functional Connectivity Predicts Visual Restitution Training Effects in Chronic Hemianopia Hinke Halbertsma1, Joris Elshout2,3, Douwe Bergsma2,3, Frans Cornelissen1, Koen Haak2, Albert van den Berg2
T028 Longterm impact of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on attentional neurodevelopment: an ERP study Jeroen Blommaert1, Rob Zink1, Sabine Deprez1, Ivan Myatchin1, Patrick Dupont1, Tineke Vandenbroucke1, Charlotte Sleurs1, Kristel Van Calsteren1, Frédéric Amant2, Lieven Lagae1
W344 A multi-target motor imagery training using EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback: an exploratory study on stroke Simon Butet1, Giulia Lioi2, Mathis Fleury2, Anatole Lécuyer3, Christian Barillot2, Isabelle Bonan1
W396 Efficacy of EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback in stroke in relation to the DTI structural damage: a pilot study Giulia Lioi1, Simon Butet2, Mathis Fleury1, Anatole Lécuyer3, Isabelle Bonan2, Christian Barillot1
W701 Stroke induced damage leads to localized de-differentiation of neural representations. Jeremy Purcell1, Celia Litovsky2, Robert Wiley2, Brend Rapp2
W707 Imaging mechanisms of brain plasticity underlying the early stages of functional recovery in MS Eleonora Patitucci1, Ilona Lipp1,2,3, Catherine Foster1, Rachael Stickland1, Alison Davidson1, Richard Wise1, Valentina Tomassini1,3,4
W864 Energetics of brain plasticity in the healthy and MS brain: a quantitative fMRI study. Eleonora Patitucci1, Rachael Stickland1, Hannah Chandler1, Michael Germuska1, Catherine Foster1, Shona Bhome-Dhaliwal1, Sharmila Khot1,2, Neeraj Saxena1, Valentina Tomassini1,3,4, Richard Wise1
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