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Bayesian ModelingBayesian Modeling
Poster No Title Authors
M134 Effects of Hierarchical Prediction Errors on Effective Connectivity during Social Learning Daniel Hauke1,2, Jakob Heinzle3, Dario Schöbi3, Vladimir Litvak4, Katharina Wellstein3, Sara Tomiello3, Christoph Mathys5,3,6, Lionel Rigoux7,3, Klaas Enno Stephan3,7,4, Andreea Diaconescu2,1,3
M190 Identifying individual functional profiles for a frontoparietal network in aphasic stroke patients Romy Lorenz1,2, Michelle Johal3, Fred Dick4, Adam Hampshire3, Robert Leech5, Fatemeh Geranmayeh3
M325 De-coupling feedback valence and information-gain in reinforcement learning Ido Toren1, Rony Paz1
M511 Severity of Symptoms Is Associated with Accelerated Brain Aging in Depressive Patients Nils Winter1, Marie Beisemann2, Ramona Leenings3, Daniel Emden3, Claas Kaehler3, Nils Opel3, Ronny Redlich2, Janik Goltermann2, Jonathan Repple2, Dominik Grotegerd2, Katharina Dohm2, Katharina Förster2, Dario Zaremba2, Elisabeth Leehr2, Joscha Böhnlein2, Susanne Meinert2, Verena Enneking2, Fanni Dzvonyar4, Hannah Lemke4, Lisa Sindermann4, Walter Heindel2, Harald Kugel2, Volker Arolt5, Tilo Kircher6, Igor Nenadić6, Jens Sommer7, Olaf Steinsträter7, Andreas Jansen7, Christian Gaser8, Marco Hermesdorf2, Klaus Berger2, Udo Dannlowski2, Tim Hahn9
M626 Directional Brain Connectivity Discrepancy Between Healthy Controls and Patients with Epilepsy Neeraja Mahalingam1,2, Arun Antony3,4, Anto Bagic3,4, J Fong-Isariyawongse3,4, Alexandra Urban3,4, Hoby Hetherington3,5, Jullie Pan3,5, Jing-Huei Lee1,2
M733 Aberrant effective connectivity in first-episode schizophrenia correlates with positive symptoms Martin Dietz1, Yuan Zhou2, Lotte Veddum3, Christopher Frith4, Vibeke Bliksted5
T538 Bayesian network change point detection for resting state fMRI Lingbin Bian1, Adeel Razi1, Tiangang Cui1, Jonathan Keith1
T543 Measuring and Suppressing M/EEG Connectivity Leakage Deirel Paz-Linares1,2, Eduardo Gonzalez-Moreira1,3, Adil Deniz Duru4, Pedro Valdes Sosa1,2
Th127 Ventral striatal activity during reward anticipation in mood disorders: an fMRI Study. Etienne Allauze1, Ludovic Samalin1, Daniel Smith2, Xavier Caseras3
Th263 Suppressing random exploration enables optimizing decision under social threat Jaejoong Kim1, Minchul Kim1, Bumseok Jeong2, Haeorm Park1
Th281 Neural correlates of moral learning Alessandra Nostro1, Kalliopi Ioumpa1, Selene Gallo1, Michael Spezio2,3, Christian Keysers1,4, Valeria Gazzola1,4
W116 Alzheimer's disease subtypes, a longitudinal perspective Konstantinos Poulakis1, Joana Braga Pereira2, Daniel Ferreira Padilla2, Eric Westman2
W508 Longitudinal tau-PET uptake and atrophy in atypical Alzheimer’s disease Irene Sintini1, Peter Martin1, Jonathan Graff-Radford1, Matthew Senjem1, Christopher Schwarz1, Mary Machulda1, Daniel Drubach1, Val Lowe1, Clifford Jack1, Keith Josephs1, Jennifer Whitwell1
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