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Classification and Predictive ModelingClassification and Predictive Modeling
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M002 Machine Learning Guided Neurofunctional Markers for High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder Sheeba Arnold Anteraper1,2, Kaustubh Patil3,4, Xavier Guell2,5, Gagan Joshi2,6
M071 Using ROI functional connectivity during attention to classify schizophrenia and its familial risk Linda Antonucci1, Nora Penzel1, Giulio Pergola2, Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic1, Shalaila Haas1, Joseph Kambeitz1, Leonardo Fazio2, Grazia Caforio3, Giuseppe Blasi2, Alessandro Bertolino2, Nikolaos Koutsouleris1
M081 Comparison of two brain parcellations in functional-connectivity-based classification of psychosis Johanna Weiske1, Shalaila Haas1,2, Anne Ruef1, Linda Betz1, Giulio Pergola3, Nikolaos Koutsouleris1, Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic1, Linda Antonucci1,3 M158 Patterns of cortical thickness in prodromal stage of synucleinopathies: a cluster analysis study Malo Gaubert1, Shady Rahayel1, Ron Postuma1, Jacques Montplaisir1, Pierre-Alexandre Bourgouin1, David Rémillard-Pelchat1, Carrier Julie1, Oury Monchi2, Jean-François Gagnon1
M162 Machine-learning predictions of stroke recovery using quantitative tractography-based connectivity Chun-Hung Yeh1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Chia-Lin Koh1, Leeanne Carey1,2,3, Alan Connelly1,2
M176 Resting state effective connectivity extracts clinically relevant prognostic information in Stroke MOHIT ADHIKARI1, Joseph Griffis2, Joshua Siegel2, Gustavo Deco1, Andrea Insabato1, Matthieu Gilson1, Maurizio Corbetta3
M202 Deep Learning-based Detection of DSC-Defined Penumbral Tissue on pCASL in Acute Ischemic Stroke Kai Wang1, Qinyang Shou2, Samantha Ma1, David Liebeskind3, Xin Qiao4, Fabien Scalzo3, Jeffrey Saver3, Noriko Salamon4, Danny Wang5
M230 Random Forest Regression to find White Matter Pathways Implicating Working Memory Scores in mTBI Jhimli Mitra1, Chitresh Bhushan1, Soumya Ghose1, Radhika Madhavan2, Ek Tsoon Tan1, Luca Marinelli1, Joseph Masdeu3, Pratik Mukherjee4, Roland Lee5, Michael McCrea6, Gillian Hotz7, Michael Collins8, Anthony Kontos8, Teena Shetty9
M233 Longitudinal changes in apparent diffusion coefficient value predicts prognosis for mTBI patients Soumya Ghose1, Radhika Madhavan2, Chitresh Bhushan1, Jhimli Mitra1, Ek Tsoon Tan1, Luca Marinelli1, Joseph Masdeu3, Pratik Mukherjee4, Roland Lee5, Michael McCrea6, Gillian Hotz7, Michael Collins8, Anthony Kontos8, Teena Shetty9
M294 Representations of emotion from the face, body and voice in the brain, an fMRI decoding study Maarten Vaessen1, Kiki Van der Heijden1, Rebecca Watson1, Beatrice de Gelder1,2
M416 Predicting response to motor therapy in chronic stroke patients using Machine Learning ceren tozlu1, Dylan Edwards2, Aaron Boes3, Douglas Labar4, K. Zoe Tsagaris5, Joshua Silverstein5, Heather Lane5, Mert Sabuncu6, Charles Liu7, Amy Kuceyeski8
M419 High-order Laplacian Regularized Low-rank Representation for Brain Disease Diagnosis Aimei Dong1,2, Mingliang Wang2,3, Mingxia Liu*2, Dinggang Shen*2
M422 Intuitive visualization for convolutional neural networks detecting brain diseases in MRI scans Eman Marzban1,2, Stefan Teipel2,3, Martin Dyrba2
M429 Discriminating neurofibromatosis and healthy children with multimodal MRI and machine learning Federico Nemmi1, Fabien Cignetti2, Christine Assaiante3, Stéphanie Maziero1, Frederique Audic4, Patrice Péran1, Yves Chaix5
M430 A whole-brain multimodal discrimination of Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy and Controls Federico Nemmi1, Anne Pavy-Le Traon2, Phillips Owen3, Monique Galitzky3, Wassilios Meissner4, Olivier Rascol3, Patrice Péran1
M431 Trans-diagnostic/cross-stage neuroimaging markers for risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Hugo Schnack1, Julia Binnewies1, Nikita Setiaman1, Neeltje van Haren2, Rene Kahn2, Manon Hillegers3
M432 Can (un)supervised feature extraction classify Alzheimer patients better than whole-brain analysis? Tom Wilderjans1, Jeffrey Durieux1, Marisa Koini2, Frank de Vos1, Tijn Schouten1, Reinhold Schmidt2, Mark de Rooij1, Serge Rombouts1
M434 Early personalized treatment prediction model derived from subgroups in depression Xinyi Wang1,2, Yurong Sun1,2, Huan Wang1,2, Rui Yan3, Shui Tian1,2, Hao Tang3, Zhijian Yao3,4, Qing Lu1,2
M438 Quantitative radiomic features in multisite AD: classification, longitude progress, biological basis Kun Zhao1,2, Yanhui Ding1, Ying Han3, Yong Fan2, Tong Han4, Dan Jin2,5, Bing Liu2,5,6, Jie Lu7, Chengyuan Song8, Pan Wang9,10, Dawei Wang11, Qin Wang11, Kaibin Xu2, Hongwei Yang7, Hongxiang Yao12, Yuanjie Zheng1, Chunshui Yu13, Bo Zhou10, Xinqing Zhang3, Yuying Zhou9, Tianzi Jiang2,5,6, Xi Zhang10, Yong Liu2,5,6
M442 Classification of Multiple Sclerosis patients using a histogram-based K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm Sana REBBAH1,2, Daniel Delahaye2, Stéphane Puechmorel2, Pierre Maréchal3, Florence Nicol2, Isabelle Berry1,4
M449 Longitudinal prediction of cognitive decline using multimodal MRI Tijn Schouten1,2, Frank de Vos1,2, Sanneke van Rooden2, Mark Bouts1,2, Rogier Feis1,2, Jessica Foster-Dingley2, Justine Moonen2, Roos van der Mast2, Mark de Rooij1, Jeroen van der Grond2, Serge Rombouts1,2
M451 Using Machine Learning to Predict Age and Dementia from Neural Frequency and Complexity Measures Aleksi Ikkala1, Tristan Bekinschtein2, Richard Henson1, Daniel Bor2
M455 Altered structure of cerebellum in autism spectrum disorder: a new evidence from deep neural network Chin-Hsuan Huang1, Tien-Ruey Hsiang1, Yi-Ping Chao2
M475 Deep Chronnectome Learning Via Full Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Schizophrenia Diagnosis Weizheng Yan1,2, Vince Calhoun3, Tianzi Jiang1,2, Jing Sui1,2
M476 Brain Age, A New Biomarker Feng Sang1, Yaojing Chen1, Jianan Xia1, Zhanjun Zhang1
M483 Classifying Major Depression Using GAN Based on Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity Jianlong Zhao1,2, Dongmei Zhi1,2, Weizheng Yan1,2, Xiaohong Ma3,4, Luxian Lv5,6, Qing Ke7, Yongfeng Yang5,6, Miao Pan3,4, Xiao Yang3,4, Vince Calhoun8, Jing Sui1,2,9
M486 Detecting Abnormal Functional Connectivity Patterns Using Stacked Autoencoders Miguel Fernandes1, Lília Jorge2, Nádia Canário2, Catarina Duarte2, Miguel Castelo-Branco2, Susana Novais-Santos1, Pedro Almeida1, Alexandre Andrade1
M488 Prediction of depression using multiple volumetric measures, subcortical regions and subfields Thomas Vanicek1, Alexander Kautzky1, Gregor Gryglewski1, Rene Seiger1, Manfred Klöbl1, Mathis Godbersen1, Jakob Unterholzner1, Murray Reed2, Paul Michenthaler1, Andreas Hahn1, Siegfried Kasper1, Rupert Lanzenberger1
M491 Multimodal integration of brain images for MRI based prediction of schizophrenia diagnosis Raymond Salvador1, Amalia Guerrero-Pedraza2, Salvador Sarró3, Peter McKenna3, Edith Pomarol-Clotet4
M504 Response To Treatment In Depression: Multi-class Predictive Utility Of Morphometric Features Pradeep Reddy Raamana1, Jee-su Suh2, Stephen Arnott3, Benicio Frey2, Stefanie Hassel4, Jacqueline Harris4, Mojdeh Zamyadi5, Raymond Lam6, Roumen Milev7, Daniel Mueller8, Susan Rotzinger9, Sidney Kennedy9, Glenda McQueen4, CAN-BIND Investigator Team10, Stephen Strother11
M511 Severity of Symptoms Is Associated with Accelerated Brain Aging in Depressive Patients Nils Winter1, Marie Beisemann2, Ramona Leenings3, Daniel Emden3, Claas Kaehler3, Nils Opel3, Ronny Redlich2, Janik Goltermann2, Jonathan Repple2, Dominik Grotegerd2, Katharina Dohm2, Katharina Förster2, Dario Zaremba2, Elisabeth Leehr2, Joscha Böhnlein2, Susanne Meinert2, Verena Enneking2, Fanni Dzvonyar4, Hannah Lemke4, Lisa Sindermann4, Walter Heindel2, Harald Kugel2, Volker Arolt5, Tilo Kircher6, Igor Nenadić6, Jens Sommer7, Olaf Steinsträter7, Andreas Jansen7, Christian Gaser8, Marco Hermesdorf2, Klaus Berger2, Udo Dannlowski2, Tim Hahn9
M521 Simulated TMS-EEG Biofeedback Using Automated Neural Architecture Search and Transfer Learning Scott Heston1, Michael Borich2
M522 Patient-tailored prediction of neuropathology in cognitive impairment using neuroimaging biomarkers EunChong Lee1, Han Soo Yoo2, Byoung Seok Ye2, Joon-Kyung Seong1
M687 EEG microstate features predict BOLD-fMRI dynamic functional connectivity states Rodolfo Abreu1, João Jorge2, Alberto Leal3, Patrícia Figueiredo1
M689 Classification of epileptic states from fMRI dynamic functional connectivity using machine learning Joana Carmona1, Rodolfo Abreu1, Carlos Santiago2, Alberto Leal3, Jacinto C. Nascimento2, Patricia Figueiredo1
M741 Predicting task activation from resting connectivity in Schizophrenia patients Niv Tik1, Abigail Livny2, Mark Weiser2, Karny Gigi2, Galia Tzarfaty2, Ido Tavor1
M877 Multiblock Components Analysis for Brain Imaging Data Atsushi Kawaguchi1
T368 QMRI grey matter microstructural changes predict healthy aging and identify Multiple Sclerosis Asier Erramuzpe1, Roey Schurr1, Aviv Mezer1
T675 Concurrent TMS-fMRI and MVPA reveals a causal role of right dlPFC in driving selective attention Jade Jackson1, Eva Feredoes2, Anina Rich3, Michael Linder2, Alexandra Woolgar4,5
Th141 The Impacts of Anti-depressants on the Depression Functional Network: Improve or Worsen? Qunjie Zhou1, Dan Dai1,2, Ningning Ma2, Jianfeng Feng1,2
Th167 Classification of mood disorders using multiple kernel learning on multimodal neuroimaging data Benedetta Vai1, Sara Poletti1, Carlotta Bertocchi1, Irene Bollettini1, Cristina Colombo1, Francesco Benedetti2
Th178 Clustering of depression subtypes – Linking symptoms and morphology Lee Jollans1, Philipp Sämann1, Tanja Brückl1, Elisabeth Binder2
Th186 Covariates for the prediction of antidepressant treatment response from functional connectivity Manfred Klöbl1, Gregor Gryglewski1, Lucas Rischka1, Mathis Godbersen1, Jakob Unterholzner1, Murray Reed1, Paul Michenthaler1, Thomas Vanicek1, Edda Winkler-Pjrek1, Andreas Hahn1, Siegfried Kasper1, Rupert Lanzenberger1
Th218 Exploring multivariate functional signature of migraine and comorbid insomnia: An fMRI study Chen-Yuan Kuo1, Fu-Chi Yang2, Shuu-Jiun Wang3, Ching-Po Lin1,4,5, Kun-Hsien Chou4,5
Th366 Basal Ganglia-Cerebellar Impact on Performance After Motor Imagery With Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback Owen Morgan1, Jonathan Lisinski2, Stephen LaConte2, Cherie Marvel1
Th367 Attentuating Neural Threat Expression with Imagination Marianne Reddan1, Tor Wager2, Daniela Schiller1
W026 Identification of imaging biomarkers in Internet Gaming Disorder using random forest classifier Min Seob Kim1, Do hyun Kim1, Bumseok Jeong1
W056 Detection of Alzheimer's disease using paragraph vectors of spoken samples Gang Lyu1, Kim-Han Thung2, Dinggang Shen2
W079 Predicting conversion to Alzheimer’s with MRI Asymmetry Indices of Hippocampus subfields Alessia Sarica1, Aldo Quattrone1
W090 MRI-based frontotemporal dementia probability scores: a longitudinal presymptomatic biomarker study Rogier Feis1, Mark Bouts2, Frank de Vos2, Tijn Schouten2, Jessica Panman3, Lize Jiskoot3, Elise Dopper3, Jeroen van der Grond1, John van Swieten3, Serge Rombouts1
W093 A data-driven staging of in-vivo tau deposition is consistent with Braak’s post-mortem staging Leon Aksman1, Daniel Alexander1, Frederik Barkhof2, Andre Altmann1
W095 Symptom-onset prediction in genetic frontotemporal dementia with multimodal MRI-based classification Rogier Feis1, Mark Bouts2, Frank de Vos2, Tijn Schouten2, Jessica Panman3, Lize Jiskoot3, Elise Dopper3, Jeroen van der Grond1, John van Swieten3, Serge Rombouts1
W113 Predicting future cognitive decline of memory clinic patients using multimodal MRI Frank de Vos1,2,3, Tijn Schouten1,4,3, Mark Bouts1,2,3, Rogier Feis5,3, Mark de Rooij1,3, Jeroen van der Grond5, Serge Rombouts1,2,3
W115 Characterization of a « Temporoparietal Junction » Subtype of Alzheimer’s Disease François Meyer1, Marie Wehenkel2, Christophe Phillips3, Pierre Geurts4, Christine Bastin3, Eric Salmon3
W132 Machine Learning Based Automated Staging of 18F-Florbetaben PET images Background Jun Pyo Kim1, Jeonghun Kim2, Yeshin Kim3, Seung Whan Moon1, Yu Hyun Park1, Sole Yoo4, Hee Jin Kim1, Duk L. Na1, Sang Won Seo1
W154 Prediction of 7-year progression from subjective cognitive decline to MCI Ling Yue1, Dan Hu2, Han Zhang2, Junhao Wen3, Ye Wu2, Tao Wang1, Dinggang Shen*2, Shifu Xiao1
W199 Study of brain connectivity changes to characterize epileptic seizures after traumatic brain injury Marianna La Rocca1, Giuseppe Barisano1, Rachael Garner1, Paul Vespa2, Arthur Toga1, Dominique Duncan1
W205 Conditional generative adversarial networks support the detection of focal cortical dysplasias Bastian David1, Sailesh Conjeti2, Fabiane Schuch1, Bernd Weber1, Elke Hattingen3, Christian Elger1, Martin Reuter2,4, Theodor Rüber1,5,6
W213 Robust detection of longitudinal white matter trajectories in premanifest Huntington's Disease Pablo Polosecki1, Eduardo Castro1, Dorian Pustina2, John Warner2, Andrew Wood2, Cristina Sampaio2, Guillermo Cecchi1
W225 Brain Abnormalities Detection in de novo Parkinsonian Patients Verónica Muñoz Ramírez1, Florence Forbes2, Alexis Arnaud2, Michel Dojat1
W228 Voice Analysis in Early Parkinson's Disease and Correlation with Neuroimaging Laetitia Jeancolas1, Nicolas Villain2,3,4, Rahul Gaurav4, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz1, Badr-Eddine Benkelfat1, Graziella Mangone5,3,4, Marie Odile Habert6,7, Jean-Christophe Corvol3,5,4, Marie Vidailhet3,5,4, Stephane Lehéricy4,5, Habib Benali8
W243 Resting-state connectivity stratifies premanifest Huntington’s disease by cognitive decline rate Pablo Polosecki1, Eduardo Castro1, Dorian Pustina2, John Warner2, Andrew Wood2, Cristina Sampaio2, Guillermo Cecchi1
W275 Robust multivariate models of longitudinal subcortical change in premanifest Huntington’s disease Eduardo Castro1, Pablo Polosecki1, Dorian Pustina2, John Warner2, Andrew Wood2, Cristina Sampaio2, Guillermo Cecchi1
W277 Automatic Diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia with Structural MRI and Machine Learning Davide Valeriani1, Kristina Simonyan1
W447 Disrupted resting-state effective connectivity of the thalamus in schizophrenic patients Minghui Hua1, Meng Liang1
W510 Multimodal Neuroimaging Biosignatures of Perinatally Acquired HIV/early ART in 7-year-old Children Isaac Khobo1, Frances Robertson1,2, Marcin Jankiewicz1,2, Martha Holmes1, Francesca Little1, Mark Cotton3, Andre van der Kouwe4,5, Barbara Laughton3, Emmanuel Nwosu1, Ernesta Meintjes1,2, Allison Moreau6
W843 Does change of frontal theta cordance predict depression treatment outcome? Barbora Bučková1,2, Jaroslav Hlinka1, Martin Brunovský3, Michal Vavrečka1, Vlastimil Koudelka3
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