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Univariate ModelingUnivariate Modeling
Poster No Title Authors
M328 Incentive processing modulates activity in a ventral striatum-hippocampus network: Data from the HCP Filip Grill1,2, Lars Nyberg1,2,3, Anna Rieckmann1,2,3
M442 Classification of Multiple Sclerosis patients using a histogram-based K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm Sana REBBAH1,2, Daniel Delahaye2, Stéphane Puechmorel2, Pierre Maréchal3, Florence Nicol2, Isabelle Berry1,4
T009 The predictive value of neural reward processing in exposure therapy outcome Silvia Papalini1, Iris Lange2, Jindra Bakker2, Stijn Michielse3, Machteld Marcelis2, Marieke Wichers4, Bram Vervliet5, Jim van Os6, Therese Van Amelsvoort2, Liesbet Goossens2, Koen Schruers2
Th225 Neural signatures of developmental dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder Fabien Cignetti1,2,3, Federico Nemmi4, Marianne Vaugoyeau2,3, Nadine Girard5, Yves Chaix4, Patrice Péran4, Christine Assaiante2,3
Th600 To Smooth or not to smooth – Threshold-free cluster enhancement revisited Christian Gaser1, Robert Dahnke1
W028 Over-learning of prediction errors in early relapsers with cocaine addiction Ju-Chi Yu1, Vincenzo Fiore2, Richard Briggs3, Jacquelyn Braud4, Bryon Adinoff4,5, Xiaosi Gu2,6,7,8,8
W049 Structural correlation networks of hippocampal subfields: hubs changes in Alzheimer’s disease Alessia Sarica1, Aldo Quattrone1
W131 Impaired fMRI response in sub-hippocampal structures: how prior knowledge impairs memory in AD Pierre-Yves Jonin1,2,3, Quentin Duché2, Elise Bannier2,3, Isabelle Corouge2, Jean-Christophe Ferré2,3, Serge Belliard3,4, Emmanuel Barbeau1, Christian Barillot2
W260 Disentangling gray matter neural correlates of apathy domains in Huntington’s disease Audrey De Paepe1,2, Clara Garcia-Gorro1,2, Saul Martinez-Horta3,4, Jesus Perez3,4, Jaime Kulisevsky3,4,5, Nadia Rodriguez-Dechicha6, Irene Vaquer6, Susana Subira6,7, Matilde Calopa8, Esteban Muñoz9,10,11, Pilar Santacruz9, Jesus Ruiz-Idiago12,13, Celia Mareca13, Ruth de Diego-Balaguer1,14,15,16, Estela Camara1
W508 Longitudinal tau-PET uptake and atrophy in atypical Alzheimer’s disease Irene Sintini1, Peter Martin1, Jonathan Graff-Radford1, Matthew Senjem1, Christopher Schwarz1, Mary Machulda1, Daniel Drubach1, Val Lowe1, Clifford Jack1, Keith Josephs1, Jennifer Whitwell1
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