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Segmentation and ParcellationSegmentation and Parcellation
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M081 Comparison of two brain parcellations in functional-connectivity-based classification of psychosis Johanna Weiske1, Shalaila Haas1,2, Anne Ruef1, Linda Betz1, Giulio Pergola3, Nikolaos Koutsouleris1, Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic1, Linda Antonucci1,3
M102 Progressive subcortical volume loss in treatment-resistant schizophrenia after commencing Clozapine Giulia Tronchin1, Mohamed Ahmed1, Theophilus Akudjedu1, Brian Hallahan1, Dara Cannon1, Colm McDonald1 M158 Patterns of cortical thickness in prodromal stage of synucleinopathies: a cluster analysis study Malo Gaubert1, Shady Rahayel1, Ron Postuma1, Jacques Montplaisir1, Pierre-Alexandre Bourgouin1, David Rémillard-Pelchat1, Carrier Julie1, Oury Monchi2, Jean-François Gagnon1
M404 Elevated cortical glutamate levels after TBS in TRD: A surface-based MRS analysis approach Benjamin Spurny1, Philipp Moser2, Rene Seiger1, Eva Heckova2, Mathis Godbersen1, Paul Michenthaler1, Patricia Handschuh1, Jakob Unterholzner1, Murray Reed1, Georg Kranz3, Pia Baldinger-Melich1, Siegfried Kasper1, Wolfgang Bogner2, Rupert Lanzenberger1
T034 Hippocampal Volume, Cognitive Reserve and Memory Problems in Breast Cancer Survivors Emmie Koevoets1,2, Annemarie Meijer1,3, Sanne Schagen1,3, Evelyn Monninkhof2, Anne May2, Lenja Witlox2, Mirjam Geerlings2, Petra Peeters2, Michiel de Ruiter4
T144 Hippocampal subfields alterations in terrorist attack survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder Charlotte Postel1, Alison Mary1, Jacques Dayan1, Florence Fraisse1, Bérengère Guillery-Girard1, Fausto Viader1, Vincent de le Sayette1, Denis Peschanski2, Francis Eustache1, Pierre Gagnepain1
T556 A Fully Convolutional Network-based Segmentation of the Deep Cerebellar Dentate Nucleus from 7T MRI Jinyoung Kim1, Rémi Patriat1, Jordan Kaplan1, Noam Harel1
T579 STUN: Spatial Transformer U-Net for segmentation of the hippocampus from MR images Nicola Dinsdale1, Naiara Demnitz1, Thomas Wassenaar1, Claire Sexton1, Janet Withall2, Afroditi Stathi3, Ana Namburete1, Mark Jenkinson1
T594 Efficient MRI segmentation of traumatic brain injury data using active learning Dominique Duncan1, Rachael Garner1, Deniz Erdogmus2
Th208 Regional Alterations of Structural Tissue Complexity in Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Stephan Krohn1,2, Christopher Madan3, Josephine Heine1, Carsten Finke1,2
Th221 Altered connectivity in borderline intellectual functioning: a network-based approach Valeria Blasi1, Alice Pirastru1, Maria Marcella Lagana1, Monia Cabinio1, Alice Giangiacomo1, Sonia Di Tella1, Gisella Baglio1, Monica Di Cesare1, Michela Zanette1, Mario Clerici1,2, Francesca Baglio1
Th242 Towards individual-level somatotopic mapping in chronic spinal cord injury using multimodal MRI Junqian Xu1, Joo-won Kim1, Benjamin Ely1, Matt Glasser2, Chung-Ying Tsai1, Miguel Escalon1, Vincent Huang1, Thomas Bryce1, Pierre Asselin3, Noam Harel1,3, Ann Spungen1,3
Th679 Cortical thickness and neuropsychological outcomes in HIV infected & uninfected children at 5 years Abdulmumin Ibrahim1, Emmanuel Nwosu1, Frances Robertson1, Francesca Little1, Mark Cotton2, Barbara Laughton2, Andre van der Kouwe3, Ernesta Meintjes1, Martha Holmes1
Th726 Smaller basal nuclei volumes at 1st month postnatal life in HIV-exposed uninfected children Abdulmumin Ibrahim1, Fleur Warton1, Samantha Fry2, Mark Cotton2, Sandra Jacobson3,1, Joseph Jacobson3,1, Christopher Molteno1, Francesca Little1, Andre van der Kouwe4, Barbara Laughton2, Ernesta Meintjes1, Martha Holmes1
Th760 Thalamo-cortical connectivity in epilepsy pediatric patients with unilateral thalamic lesions Ana Rita Oliveira1, Patrícia Figueiredo1, Alberto Leal2, Rita Nunes1
Th792 Robust Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in Multi-Scanner Pediatric T1-w MRI Using Transfer Learning Giammarco La Barbera1, Isabelle Bloch1, Gonzalo Barraza2, Catherine Adamsbaum2,1, Pietro Gori1
W005 The difference of brain structural changes induced by heroin and methamphetamine Yunxia Shen1, Mingwu Lou2, Wenbin Liang2, Xinjun Sun3, Lin Lu2, Yanyi Chen2
W144 Labeled Cortical Distance Mapping Reveals Temporal Lobe Morphometry in Primary Progressive Aphasia Erin Meier1, Jennifer Crinion2, Shannon Cebron3, Margaret Chow3, Andreia Faria3, Argye Hillis1, Tilak Ratnanather3
W199 Study of brain connectivity changes to characterize epileptic seizures after traumatic brain injury Marianna La Rocca1, Giuseppe Barisano1, Rachael Garner1, Paul Vespa2, Arthur Toga1, Dominique Duncan1
W211 Longitudinal Variations in Neuromelanin MRI Signal in Parkinson’s Disease Rahul Gaurav1,2, Lydia Yahia-Cherif1, Graziella Mangone3,4, Nadya Pyatigorskaya1,2,5, Romain Valabregue1, Claire Ewenczyk3,2,6, Matthew Hutchison7, Jean-Christophe Corvol3,5,8,6, Marie Vidailhet3,2,6, Stephane Lehéricy1,3,2,5
W215 No Structural Brain Differences in 'de novo' Parkinsonian Patients Verónica Muñoz Ramírez1, Florence Forbes2, Pierrick Coupé3, Michel Dojat1
W255 Common and specific subregional pathology in the striatum for Schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease Xiaojin Liu1,2, Simon B. Eickhoff1,2, Felix Hoffstaedter1,2, Svenja Caspers3,4, Kathrin Reetz5,6, Julia Heller6,7, Claudia R. Eickhoff3,8, Julian Caspers3,9, Christian Mathys9,10, André Aleman11, Renaud Jardri12, Valentin Riedl13, Iris Sommer14, Kaustubh Patil1,2
W260 Disentangling gray matter neural correlates of apathy domains in Huntington’s disease Audrey De Paepe1,2, Clara Garcia-Gorro1,2, Saul Martinez-Horta3,4, Jesus Perez3,4, Jaime Kulisevsky3,4,5, Nadia Rodriguez-Dechicha6, Irene Vaquer6, Susana Subira6,7, Matilde Calopa8, Esteban Muñoz9,10,11, Pilar Santacruz9, Jesus Ruiz-Idiago12,13, Celia Mareca13, Ruth de Diego-Balaguer1,14,15,16, Estela Camara1
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