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M227 Impaired neurovascular coupling in diffuse axonal injury following severe TBI: a resting state study Chloé Jaroszynski1, Lydia Oujamaa2, Sophie Achard3, Chantal Delon Martin4
M272 A meta-analytic connectivity modelling and functional decoding study of emotional processing in OCD Maria Picó-Pérez1, Pedro Moreira1, Patrício Costa1, Pedro Morgado1, Carles Soriano-Mas2
M403 A multi-regional neuroinflammatory factor that characterises HIV-infected children at 11 years Amy Graham1, Martha Holmes1, Francesca Little1, Els Dobbels2, Mark Cotton2, Barbara Laughton2, Andre van der Kouwe3,4, Ernesta Meintjes1,5, Frances Robertson1,5
M430 A whole-brain multimodal discrimination of Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy and Controls Federico Nemmi1, Anne Pavy-Le Traon2, Phillips Owen3, Monique Galitzky3, Wassilios Meissner4, Olivier Rascol3, Patrice Péran1
M808 The co-alteration profile of the cingulate cortex Jordi Manuello1, Lorenzo Mancuso2, Linda Ficco2, Greta Polchi2, Alessia Teneggi2, Donato Liloia3, Andrea Nani3, Tommaso Costa3, Sergio Duca4, Franco Cauda2 T019 Hungry brains: A meta-analytical review of brain activation imaging studies on food perception Francantonio Devoto1, Laura Zapparoli2, Rolando Bonandrini1, Manuela Berlingeri3, Anna Ferrulli4, Livio Luzi4, Giuseppe Banfi5, Eraldo Paulesu1
T416 Graph mining on Aging using Brain Structural Networks Haoteng Tang1, Lei Guo1, Heng Huang1, Olusola Ajilore2, Hiroko Dodge3,4, Paul Thompson5, Alex Leow2, Liang Zhan1
Th070 The effect of feedback latency on the effectiveness of training in neurofeedback paradigm Anastasia Belinskaya1, Nikolai Smetanin2, Alexei Ossadtchi2 Th072 Modeling Transcranial Nonlinear Wave Propagation on Head Models for Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Shakthi Visagan1, Martin Monti1, David Shattuck1
Th108 The Difference of fMRI ALFF and MEP between Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed Ying Jing1, Hai-Jiang Meng2, Hong-Xiao Wang1, Na Zhao1, Zi-Jian Feng1, Xin-Ping Deng1, Jue Wang1, Yu-Feng Zang1
Th140 Trajectory of brain maturation in adolescent individuals at familial risk of mood disorder Laura de Nooij1, Mathew Harris1, Emma Hawkins1, Xueyi Shen1, Toni-Kim Clarke1, Stella Chan1, Tim Ziermans2, Andrew McIntosh1, Heather Whalley1
Th214 Multiparameter MR quantification of microstructural tissue alterations in multiple sclerosis Emilie Lommers1,2, Gilles Reuter1, Jessica Simon3, Christian Degueldre1, Evelyne Balteau1, Christophe Phillips1, Pierre Maquet1,2
Th246 Clinical investigation of MEG evoked field potentials and topographical mappings in arthrogryposis Russell Chan1, Liya Merzon1, Olga Agranovich2, Maria Nazarova1, Anna Shestakova1
Th695 Topological Organization of Large-Scale Cortical Networks in Impaired and Nonimpaired Fighters Virendra Mishra1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, Xiaowei Zhuang1, Zhengshi Yang1, Sarah Banks2, Dietmar Cordes1, Charles Bernick1
W055 Association between fMRI connectomes and plasma biomarkers in subjective memory complainers Patrizia Andrea Chiesa1,2,3,4, Marion Houot5,4, Andrea Vergallo1,2,3,4, Enrica Cavedo1,2,3,4, Simone Lista6,2,3,4, Marie Claude Potier7, Henrik Zetterberg8,9,10,11,12, Kaj Blennow13,14, Eugeen Vanmechelen11, Ann De Vos12, Bruno Dubois5,3,4, Harald Hampel1,2,15,4
W062 Structural Covariance Networks among Normal, High Risk, and Cognitively Impaired Older Individuals Neda Rashidi-Ranjbar1,2, Sanjeev Kumar3, Benoit H. Mulsant3, Nathan Herrmann4, Linda Mah5, Alastair J. Flint6, Corrine E. Fischer7, Bruce G. Pollock3, Tarek K. Rajji3, Aristotle Voineskos3, on behalf of the PACt-MD Study Group2
W137 MRI texture analysis of the hippocampus in healthy controls and patients with MCI or AD Julia Reinhardt1,2, Bram Stieltjes2, Sabine Krumm3, Andreas Monsch3, Christoph Stippich1, Maria Blatow1,4
W169 Localizing value on sublobar scale of statistical SPECT analysis in intractable TLE: ISAS vs SISCOM Jeongsik Kim1, Seungbong Hong1
W189 Hemodynamic Response Function Modelling from Generalized Spike-wave Discharges Event Related Data Nikodem Hryniewicz1, Rafał Rola2, Marcin Sińczuk1, Ewa Piątkowska-Janko1,3, Bartosz Kossowski1,3, Piotr Bogorodzki1,3
W225 Brain Abnormalities Detection in de novo Parkinsonian Patients Verónica Muñoz Ramírez1, Florence Forbes2, Alexis Arnaud2, Michel Dojat1
W701 Stroke induced damage leads to localized de-differentiation of neural representations. Jeremy Purcell1, Celia Litovsky2, Robert Wiley2, Brend Rapp2
W777 The degree to which ischemic stroke affects network hubs predicts cognitive recovery Hugo Aben1, Yael Reijmer2, Nick Weaver2, Jacoba Spikman3, Johanna Visser-Meily2, Geert Jan Biessels2, Paul de Kort1
W865 Cerebrovascular reactivity and its correlation with age in patients with multiple sclerosis Laura Pelizzari1, Maria Laganà1, Laura Mendozzi1, Niels Bergsland1,2, Chiara Pagliari1, Pietro Cecconi1, Stefano Viotti1, Luigi Pugnetti1, Raffaello Nemni1,3, Mario Clerici1,3, Francesca Baglio1
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