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Brain AtlasesBrain Atlases
Poster No Title Authors
M404 Elevated cortical glutamate levels after TBS in TRD: A surface-based MRS analysis approach Benjamin Spurny1, Philipp Moser2, Rene Seiger1, Eva Heckova2, Mathis Godbersen1, Paul Michenthaler1, Patricia Handschuh1, Jakob Unterholzner1, Murray Reed1, Georg Kranz3, Pia Baldinger-Melich1, Siegfried Kasper1, Wolfgang Bogner2, Rupert Lanzenberger1
M564 Differentiating Implicit and Explicit Theory of Mind and Associated Neural Networks in CHR youth Teresa Vargas1, Katherine Damme1, Vijay Mittal1
M651 Molecular Mechanisms of Resting State Functional Networks in Postoperative Delirium Patients Norman Zacharias1, Ganna Androsova2, Georg Winterer1, Reinhard Schneider2, Roland Krause2
M691 Characterization of brain connectivity patterns of MCI patients in comparison to healthy elderly Laia Farràs-Permanyer1, Núria Mancho-Fora1, Marc Montalà-Flaquer1, Geisa Bearitz Gallardo-Moreno2, Daniel Zarabozo-Hurtado3, Esteve Gudayol-Ferré4, Maribel Peró-Cebollero1, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos1
Th659 Integrating dMRI Structural Connectivity with Functional data from Direct Electrical Stimulation Maciej Jedynak1,2, Lena Trebaul1,2, Jean-Didier Lemarechal1,2,3, Nicole Labra4,5, Pierre Deman1,2, Viateur Tuyisenge1,2, François Tadel1,2, Blandine Chanteloup-Forêt1,2, Carole Saubat1,2, Gina Reyes Mejia1,2, Cyril Poupon4,5, Jean-François Mangin4,5, Olivier David1,2, F-Tract Consortium1,2
Th749 A novel 11.7T ultra-high field diffusion MRI structural connectivity atlas of the Japanese quail Raïssa Yebga Hot1,2,3, Marine Siwiaszczyk4, Justine Beaujoin1,2,3, David Barrière1,3, Ivy Uszynski1,5, Scott Love4, Ludovic Calandreau4, Baptiste Mulot6, Elodie Chaillou4, Cyril Poupon1,2,3
W086 Sleep-disordered Breathing and Alzheimer’s disease; A Voxel-based Morphometry and BrainAGE study Esmaeil Mohammadi1, Bahram Mohajer1, Nooshin Abbasi1, Habibolah Khazaie2, Mojtaba Zarei3, Simon B. Eickhoff4, Ivana Rosenzweig5, Ricardo Osorio6, Claudia Eickhoff7, Masoud Tahmasian8
W558 Anatomical fiducials for quantifying template creation convergence: application to a 7T dataset Jonathan Lau1, Greydon Gilmore1, Yiming Xiao1, Andrew Parrent1, John Demarco1, Geetika Gupta1, Patrick Park1, Kayla Ferko1, Terry Peters1, Ali Khan1
W566 Assessing multisite reproducibility of parcellation methods using traveling subjects Giuseppe Lisi1, Ayumu Yamashita1, Noriaki Yahata2, Takashi Itahashi3, Takashi Yamada1, Naho Ichikawa4, Masahiro Takamura4, Yujiro Yoshihara5, Akira Kunimatsu6, Naohiro Okada7, Hirotaka Yamagata8, Koji Matsuo9, Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto10, Go Okada4, Yuki Sakai11, Jin Narumoto11, Yasuhiro Shimada12, Kiyoto Kasai7, Nobumasa Kato10, Hidehiko Takahashi5, Yasumasa Okamoto4, Saori Tanaka1, Okito Yamashita1, Hiroshi Imamizu13, Mitsuo Kawato1, Jun Morimoto1
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