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Motor Planning and ExecutionMotor Planning and Execution
Poster No Title Authors
M166 Changes in motor planning after Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in chronic hemiplegia Philip Dean1, Annette Sterr1
M169 Transcallosal structural connectivity predicts response to bimanual force-coupled training. Ronan Denyer1, Jennifer Ferris1, Mahta Khoshnam2, Beverley Larssen1, Kaitlin Attard1, Lara Boyd1
M204 Cortical Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) as a Potential Biomarker for Post-Stroke Motor Dysfunction. Tarushi Tanaya1, Lisa Krishnamurthy2, Erin King1, Trisha Kesar1, Michael Borich3
M354 Protracted beta activity in left IFG/AI and delayed response inhibition in anxiety: An MEG study Ariel Roxburgh1, Brian Cornwell2
M521 Simulated TMS-EEG Biofeedback Using Automated Neural Architecture Search and Transfer Learning Scott Heston1, Michael Borich2
Th034 Transcranial direct current stimulation over frontopolar cortex drives reward-based motor learning Maria del Carmen Herrojo Ruiz1, Tom Maudrich2, Daniela Sammler2, Rouven Kenville2, Arno Villringer2,3, Bernhard Sehm2, Vadim Nikulin2,4,5
Th044 The effects of rTMS on motor signs and resting state fMRI in freezing of gait in Parkinson’s diseas Mevhibe Sarıcaoğlu1,2, Lütfü Hanoglu3, Zübeyir Bayraktaroğlu2, Halil Aziz Velioğlu4, Ferda Berkman2
Th053 Absolute and relative reliability of the motor somatotopy – how could we report the results of nTMS? Maria Nazarova1,2, Pavel Novikov1, Ekaterina Ivanina3, Ksenia Kozlova1, Evgeni Blagovechtchenski1, Vadim Nikulin4,1,5
Th056 Mapping sensorimotor activation hotspots during cortical stimulation (MOSAICS) in perinatal stroke Helen Carlson1, Hsing-Ching Kuo2, Adrianna Giuffre2, Jeffrey Grab3, Liu Shi Gan4, Ephrem Zewdie2, Adam Kirton5
Th099 Dissociating the role of dorsal and ventral streams in object lifting and weight perception Vonne van Polanen1,2, Guy Rens1,2, Marco Davare1,2
Th246 Clinical investigation of MEG evoked field potentials and topographical mappings in arthrogryposis Russell Chan1, Liya Merzon1, Olga Agranovich2, Maria Nazarova1, Anna Shestakova1
Th323 A combined EEG-EMG-TMS study on the modulation of response inhibition by proactive control Liisa Raud1, Rene Huster1, Ludovica Labruna2, Mari Messel1, Vincent Ngo2, Richard Ivry2, Ian Greenhouse3
Th424 The cortical oscillatory patterns associated with varying levels of cognitive effort. Adam Byrne1, Aikaterini Kokmotou1, Hannah Roberts1, Vicente Soto1, John Tyson-Carr1, Timo Giesbrecht2, Andrej Stancak1
Th442 Brain connectivity modulation after exoskeleton gait in chronic stroke survivors: a pilot study Emanuela Formaggio1, Alessandra Del Felice1, Franco Molteni2, Anna Bosco1, Elena Guanziroli2, Francesco Piccione3, Stefano Masiero1
Th640 Exploration of cortical hemodynamic signals related to golf-putting performance: An fNIRS study Hiroki Sato1, Kodai Takano1
W237 Cerebellar atrophy in patients with Cervical Dystonia: a Volumetric MRI study Giuseppe Pontillo1, Anna Castagna2, Sirio Cocozza1, Camilla Russo1, Francesca Baglio2, Silvio Peluso1, Fiore Manganelli1, Marcello Esposito1, Arturo Brunetti1
W245 Abnormal Sensorimotor Processing in Cervical Dystonia in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pavel Hok1, Lenka Hvizdošová1, Dominika Lachmanová1, Martin Nevrlý2, Pavel Otruba2, Petr Kaňovský1, Petr Hluštík1
W422 Supplementary motor network connectivity is associated with motor performance and frailty Florian Lammers1, Norman Zacharias2, Friedrich Borchers2, Insa Feinkohl3, Claudia Spies2, Georg Winterer2
W858 Hidden Markov Modelling reveals relationship between MEG and TMS measures of GABA Catharina Zich1, Magdalena Nowak1, Emily Hinson2, Andrew Quinn3, Diego Vidaurre1, Mark Woolrich1, Charlotte Stagg2
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