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Cortical Anatomy and Brain MappingCortical Anatomy and Brain Mapping
Poster No Title Authors
M005 Atypical Scaling Between the Inner and Outer Curvature of the Brain in Autism Spectrum Disorder Tim Schäfer1, Caroline Mann1, Anke Bletsch1, Eva Loth2, Declan Murphy2, Jan Buitelaar3, Tony Charman2, Tobias Banaschewski4, Simon Baron-Cohen5, Sven Bölte6, Sarah Durston7, EU-AIMS LEAP consortium8, Christine Ecker2
M008 Cortical Gyrification in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Caroline Mann1, Maria Gudbrandsen2, Anke Bletsch1, Eileen Daly2, Clodagh Murphy2, Rob Wichers2, Vladimira Stoencheva2, Emily Perry2, Derek Andrews3, Charlotte Blackmore2, Maria Rogdaki4, Leila Kushan5, Carrie Bearden5, Declan Murphy2, Michael Craig2,6, Christine Ecker1,2
M015 Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder: analysis via the ENIGMA Consortium Merel Postema1, Daan van Rooij2, ENIGMA ASD Working Group2, Paul Thompson3, Simon Fisher1, Jan Buitelaar2, Clyde Francks1
M051 Focal Abnormalities of Cortical Thickness in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) Jiwandeep Kohli1,2, Mikaela Kinnear1, Ian Martindale1, Ruth Carper1, Ralph-Axel Müller1
M070 Abnormal morphometric similarity in psychosis is associated with schizophrenia related genes Sarah Morgan1, Jakob Seidlitz1, Kirstie Whitaker2, Rafael Romero-Garcia1, Nicholas Clifton3, Cristina Scarpazza4, Therese van Amelsvoort5, Machteld Marcelis5, Jim van Os5, Gary Donohoe6, David Mothersill6, Aiden Corvin7, Andrew Pocklington3, Armin Raznahan8, Philip McGuire4, Petra Vértes1, Edward Bullmore1
M077 Divergent developmental trajectories of hippocampal volume in patient with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome Valentina Mancini1, Corrado Sandini2, Maria Padula3, Daniela Zoller4, Maude Schneider2, Marie Schaer2, Stephan Eliez2
M160 How many different lesion sites can cause selective impairments in verbal short-term memory? Sharon Geva1, Teodros Truneh1, Hayley Woodgate1, Sophie Roberts1, Kate Ledingham1, Rachel Bruce1, Shamima Khan1, Megan Docksey1, Storm Anderson1, mohamed Seghier2,1, Thomas Hope1, Jennifer Crinion1, Alex Leff1, Cathy Price3
M521 Simulated TMS-EEG Biofeedback Using Automated Neural Architecture Search and Transfer Learning Scott Heston1, Michael Borich2
M825 Local sulci width estimation applied to compare patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Controls Julieta Mateos1, Sarael Alcauter2, Alfonso Gastelum Strozzi3, Fernando Barrios4, Ernesto Bribiesca5, Jorge Marquez3
T087 Revisiting anatomical abnormalities in congenital amusia – A multisite study Megha Sharda1, Philippe Albouy2, Isabelle Peretz1
T089 Association of MRI-detected brain volume change with prenatal exposure to heavy metal in teenage Jun-Cheng Weng1,2, Jeng-Dau Tasi3, Chao-Yu Shen4,5, Ju-Chien Wu5, Shu-Li Wang6
T127 Morphometry features in different types of epilepsy Catarina Saiote1, Thomas Henry1, Michael Park1
T534 Differential macaque cortical thickness development in the light of maternal interleukin-6 and diet Julian Ramirez1, Alice Graham1, Elina Thomas1, Robert Hermosillo1, Jennifer Zhu1, Darrick Sturgeon1, Emma Schifsky1, Jacqueline Thompson1, Jennifer Bagley1, Samantha Papadakis1, Muhammed Bah1, AJ Mitchell1, Eric Feczko1, Elinor Sullivan1,2, Damien Fair1
Th008 Subcortical calculation mapping during parietal glioma surgery in the dominant hemisphere Ryosuke Matsuda1, Kantar Tamura1, Fumihiko Nishimura1, Ichiro Nakagawa1, Yasushi Motoyama1, Young-Su Park1, Hiroyuki Nakase1
Th053 Absolute and relative reliability of the motor somatotopy – how could we report the results of nTMS? Maria Nazarova1,2, Pavel Novikov1, Ekaterina Ivanina3, Ksenia Kozlova1, Evgeni Blagovechtchenski1, Vadim Nikulin4,1,5
Th098 Semantic and phonological contributions of the left inferior frontal gyrus to language production Jana Klaus1, Gesa Hartwigsen1
Th107 A New Protocol for Eight Muscles Mapping using TMS Fang Jin1,2,3, Sjoerd Bruijn1,2,3, Andreas Daffertshofer1,2,3
Th480 Alpha Oscillation in Phantom Limb Pain Patients: A Neuropathic Pain Signature Eva Lendaro1, Max Ortiz Catalan1
Th679 Cortical thickness and neuropsychological outcomes in HIV infected & uninfected children at 5 years Abdulmumin Ibrahim1, Emmanuel Nwosu1, Frances Robertson1, Francesca Little1, Mark Cotton2, Barbara Laughton2, Andre van der Kouwe3, Ernesta Meintjes1, Martha Holmes1
Th688 Cognitive and clinical predictors of prefrontal cortical thickness change in recent-onset psychosis Giulia Tronchin1, Theophilus Akudjedu1, Shane McInerney1,2, Cathy Scanlon1, Joanne Kenney3, John McFarland1, Heike Anderson-Schmidt1, Dara Cannon1, Brian Hallahan1, Colm McDonald1
Th695 Topological Organization of Large-Scale Cortical Networks in Impaired and Nonimpaired Fighters Virendra Mishra1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, Xiaowei Zhuang1, Zhengshi Yang1, Sarah Banks2, Dietmar Cordes1, Charles Bernick1
Th697 Optimizing the T1/T2 ratio for analysis within and between subjects Kjetil Jørgensen1,2, Stener Nerland1,2, Torgeir Moberget2,3, Torbjørn Elvsåshagen2,3, Erik Jönsson2,4, Ole Andreassen2,3, Ingrid Agartz1,2,4
Th843 Mapping the cytoarchitectonic basis of socio-emotional and cognitive processing in the insula Julian Quabs1, Svenja Caspers2,3,4, Francesca Iannilli3, Hartmut Mohlberg3, Sebastian Bludau3, Katrin Amunts1,3,4
W084 Parcellation of the anterior temporal lobes in semantic variant PPA caused by TDP-43-C pathology Valentina Borghesani1, Giovanni Battistella1, Maria Luisa Mandelli1, Gil Rabinovici1, Lea Grinberg1, William Seeley1, Bruce Miller1, Zachary Miller1, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini1,2
W144 Labeled Cortical Distance Mapping Reveals Temporal Lobe Morphometry in Primary Progressive Aphasia Erin Meier1, Jennifer Crinion2, Shannon Cebron3, Margaret Chow3, Andreia Faria3, Argye Hillis1, Tilak Ratnanather3
W215 No Structural Brain Differences in 'de novo' Parkinsonian Patients Verónica Muñoz Ramírez1, Florence Forbes2, Pierrick Coupé3, Michel Dojat1
W248 Brain atrophy in Parkinson’s disease with polysomnography-confirmed REM sleep behavior disorder Malo Gaubert1, Shady Rahayel1, Ron Postuma1, Jacques Montplaisir1, Carrier Julie1, Oury Monchi2, David Rémillard-Pelchat1, Pierre-Alexandre Bourgouin1, Michel Panisset3, Sylvain Chouinard3, Sven Joubert4, Jean-François Gagnon1
W288 Updates from the ENIGMA-CNV working group: 15q11.2 structural variants influence cortical morphology Dennis van der Meer1, Ida Sønderby1, Tobias Kaufmann1, Srdjan Djurovic1, Ingrid Agartz2, Lars Westlye1, Paul Thompson3, Ole Andreassen1
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