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Executive FunctionExecutive Function
Poster No Title Authors
M023 Relationship between Visual Short-term Memory and Corpus Callosum in Autism Spectrum Disorder Yutaka Matsuzaki1, Susumu Yokota2, Teruo Hashimoto1, Yasuyuki Taki3,4, Ryuta Kawashima1,5
M042 Comparative Meta-analyses of VBM and fMRI Studies of Cognitive Control in ADHD and Autism Steve Lukito1, Luke Norman2, Christina Carlisi3, Joaquim Radua4, Heledd Hart5, Emily Simonoff5, Katya Rubia6
M063 Higher striatal and salience network integration underlies disinhibition in a transdiagnostic sample Xiaozhen You1,2, Junaid Merchant1, Kathryn Flaharty1, Joseph Cherry1, Mary Skapek2, Meredith Powers2, Rachael Clinton2, Charlotte Jeppsen2, Srishti Rau2, Yetta Myrick2, Keri Rosch3, Mary Beth Nebel3, Stewart Mostofsky3, Madison Berl2, Lauren Kenworthy2, Chandan Vaidya1,2
M091 Fronto-Striatal-Thalamic Circuit and Cognition in a High-Risk Population to Develop Schizophrenia Carina Heller1,2, Zora Kikinis2, Saskia Steinmann3,2, Nikos Makris2,4, Kevin Antshel5,6, Wanda Fremont6, Ioana Coman7, Stefan Schweinberger8, Thomas Weiss9, Sylvain Bouix2, Marek Kubicki2,10, Wendy Kates6, Martha Shenton2,11,10, James Levitt2,11
M121 Negative symptoms in schizophrenia as a deficit in goal management: an fMRI study Paola Fuentes-Claramonte1,2, Aniol Santo-Angles1,2,3, Raymond Salvador1,2, Isabel Argila1, Auria Albacete1, Maria Guardiola Ripoll1,2, Carmen Almodovar1, Nuria Ramiro4, Ester Boix5, Pilar Salgado-Pineda1,2, Clara Bosque6, María Llanos Torres7, Francesco Panicalli6, Carmen Sarri6, Francisco Portillo6, Peter McKenna1,2, Edith Pomarol-Clotet1,2
M141 Modulation by the dlPFC and Hippocampus during refractory periods of learning in schizophrenia Elias Samona1, Asadur Chowdury1, Jeffrey Stanley1, Vaibhav Diwadkar1
M220 Mapping structural and resting-state connectivity changes after music therapy in TBI patients Noelia Martínez-Molina1, Sini-Tuuli Siponkoski1, Benjamin Ultan Cowley1, Linda Kuusela2, Sari Laitinen3, Milla Holma4, Mirja Ahlfors4, Päivi Jordan-Kilkki4, Katja Ala-Kauhaluoma5, Susanna Melkas6, Johanna Pekkola2, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells7, Matti Laine8, Aarne Ylinen9, Pekka Rantanen10, Sanna Koskinen11, Teppo Särkämö1
M221 Gender Differences in Brain Injury: Functional Outcomes, Brain Structure and Proteomic Biomarkers Maheen Adamson1, Max Gray2, Keith Main3, Margaret McNerney4, Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner5, Odette Harris6, Xiaojian Kang7
T009 The predictive value of neural reward processing in exposure therapy outcome Silvia Papalini1, Iris Lange2, Jindra Bakker2, Stijn Michielse3, Machteld Marcelis2, Marieke Wichers4, Bram Vervliet5, Jim van Os6, Therese Van Amelsvoort2, Liesbet Goossens2, Koen Schruers2
T031 Predicting cognitive deficits after surgical resection of diffuse low-grade gliomas Rafael Romero-Garcia1, Mallory Owen1, Moataz Assem2, Pedro Coelho3, Jessica Ingham4, Alexa Mcdonald4, Emma Woodberry4, Luca Villa1, Rohit Sinha5, Thomas Santarius5, Yaara Erez2, John Suckling1, Michael Hart6
T063 Neurofunctional Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine in ADHD during Sustained Attention Olivia Kowalczyk1, Ana Cubillo1, Anna Smith1, Nadia Barrett1, Vincent Giampietro1, Michael Brammer1, Andrew Simmons1,2, Katya Rubia1
T130 Persistent Brain Structural Anomalies in ADHD Across Childhood and Adulthood Jingyu Liu1, KuaiKuai Duan2, Wenhao Jiang3, Barbara Franke4, Jan Buitelaar5, Martine Hoogman6, Alejandro Arias-Vasquez6, Jessica A. Turner7
Th033 A transcranial stimulation protocol targeting processing speed in multiple sclerosis Nena Lejko1, André Aleman1, Thea Heersema2,3, Jan Meilof4,3, Joke Spikman2, Inge Zijdewind1, Christoph Herrmann5, Remco Renken1, Branislava Curcic-Blake1
Th068 A wearable device for generating periodic somatosensory stimulation Alejandro Weinstein1, Wael El-Deredy2, Pavel Prado3, Grace Whitaker4, Lucia Zepeda1, Jose Ignacio Mendez5
Th079 Differential role of prefrontal, temporal and parietal cortices in executive functioning and fluency Elham Ghanavati1,2, Mohammad Ali Salehinejad3,4, Michael Nitsche3, Vahid Nejati5
Th088 Modulating internal and external networks via tDCS of the right inferior parietal lobule Sean Coulborn1, Davinia Fernández-Espejo1
Th296 Dynamic brain states predict inhibitory control ability in children with ADHD Weidong Cai1, Ketherine Duberg1, Jalil Taghia2, Stephen Hinshaw3, Vinod Menon1
Th297 Necessity of the posterior parietal cortex in response inhibition revealed by fMRI and TMS Takahiro Osada1, Shinri Ohta1, Akitoshi Ogawa1, Masaki Tanaka1, Akimitsu Suda1, Koji Kamagata1, Masaaki Hori1, Shigeki Aoki1, Yasushi Shimo1, Nobutaka Hattori1, Takahiro Shimizu2, Hiroyuki Enomoto3, Ritsuko Hanajima2, Yoshikazu Ugawa3, Seiki Konishi1
Th298 Differential Effects of Set-maintenance and Rapid-adaptive networks on Dual-task Demand: a TMS Study Lok Hang Lam1, c. c. Chan2
Th311 Reconceptualising inhibition in ADHD: A behavioural and diffusion imaging study Timothy Silk1, Jason He1, James Coxon2, Daryl Efron3, Vicki Anderson3, Philip Hazell4, Christian Hyde1, Emma Sciberras1
Th323 A combined EEG-EMG-TMS study on the modulation of response inhibition by proactive control Liisa Raud1, Rene Huster1, Ludovica Labruna2, Mari Messel1, Vincent Ngo2, Richard Ivry2, Ian Greenhouse3
Th327 Attention to reward modulates dynamics in the rostrolateral PFC during sequential monitoring Theresa McKim1, Theresa Desrochers1
Th444 Response inhibition deficits predictive of substance use relapse in an incarcerated sample J. Maurer1,2, Nathaniel Anderson2, Vaughn Steele3, Eric Claus2, Brandi Fink4, Vincent Clark1,2, Vince Calhoun2,5, Kent Kiehl1,2
Th510 Using fNIRS as a biomarker for executive function atypicality in Autism Spectrum Disorder Paola Pinti1, David Perpetuini2, James Crum3, Lily Carnegie-Peake1, Maud Buseman4, Davide Paoletti3, Arcangelo Merla2, Albert Postma4, Antonia Hamilton3, Ilias Tachtsidis1, Paul Burgess3
Th524 Assessment of Cognitive Reserve using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Andrei Medvedev1
Th688 Cognitive and clinical predictors of prefrontal cortical thickness change in recent-onset psychosis Giulia Tronchin1, Theophilus Akudjedu1, Shane McInerney1,2, Cathy Scanlon1, Joanne Kenney3, John McFarland1, Heike Anderson-Schmidt1, Dara Cannon1, Brian Hallahan1, Colm McDonald1
W001 A dual-process exploration of binge drinking: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Pierre Maurage1, Séverine Lannoy1, Valerie Dormal1, Joel Billieux2, Melanie Brion1, Fabien D'Hondt3
W012 Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer is associated with hazardous alcohol use in young adults Hao Chen1, Stephan Nebe2, Sören Kuitunen-Paul1, Maria Garbusow3, Daniel Schad4, Michael Rapp4, Quentin Huys5, Andreas Heinz3, Michael Smolka1
W026 Identification of imaging biomarkers in Internet Gaming Disorder using random forest classifier Min Seob Kim1, Do hyun Kim1, Bumseok Jeong1
W238 The structural connectome of isolated task-specific focal dystonia Sandra Hanekamp1, Kristina Simonyan1
W338 Common Neural and Transcriptional Correlates of Inhibitory Control Modulating Memory and Emotion Wei Liu1, Nils Kohn1, Guillen Fernandez1
W355 Neurofeedback of Frontostriatal Network Connectivity: Feasibility of a Novel Schizophrenia Treatment Franziska Weiss1, Martin Fungisai Gerchen1, Peter Kirsch1
W469 A 3T fMRI study of cognitive-emotion modulation in young subjects with and without psychotic risk. Eleonora Maggioni1, Maddalena Mauri2, Marco Garzitto3, Carolina Bonivento4, Sara Piccin3, Gabriele Dossi1, Filippo Arrigoni5, Vaibhav Diwadkar6, Massimo Molteni2, Maria Nobile2, Paolo Brambilla7
W723 Working memory task anticipation and task performance in depressed individuals and healthy controls Anna Manelis1, Erin Rodgers2, Holly Swartz1, Mary Phillips1
W737 Dissociating the causal roles of frontal and parietal cortex in working memory: A Registered Report Anastasia Kiyonaga1, Jason Scimeca1, Mark D'Esposito1
W824 Suicide spectrum of Major Depressive Disorder in Cortical-Striatal-Thalamo-Cortical circuit Siqi Zhang1,2, Rongxin Zhu3, Zhilu Chen3, Pinhua Lin3, Hongliang Zhou3, Zhijian Yao3,4, Qing Lu1,2
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