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Non-Invasive Stimulation Methods OtherNon-Invasive Stimulation Methods Other
Poster No Title Authors
M170 Recovery of stroke-induced aphasia using a novel BCI-based training: a resting state study Mariachristina Musso1, Pierre LeVan2, Maria Bernodusson3, David Hübner4, Sarah Schwarzkopf15, Cornelius Weiller5, Michael Tangermann34
M201 Characterizing Direct and Indirect Descending Cortical Projections in Post-stroke Individuals Alejandro Lopez1, Jiang Xu1, Justin Liu1, Steven Eicholtz1, Michael Borich1, Trisha Kesar1
M320 Intranasal Oxytocin Attenuates the Neural Circuitry and Its Connectivity to Dynamic Angry Faces Xu Chen1, Yuanxiao Ma1
M530 Framework for Optimized and Precisely-Targeted fMRI Connectivity Neurofeedback Masaya Misaki1, Aki Tsuchiyagaito1,2, Obada Zoubi1,3, Martin Paulus1, Jerzy Bodurka1,4
M704 Whole-brain network modelling of psilocybin treatment for depression Jakub Vohryzek1,2, Joana Cabral1,2, Louis-David Lord1,2, Robin Carhart-Harris3, Gustavo Deco4,5,6,7, Morten Kringelbach1,2
T543 Measuring and Suppressing M/EEG Connectivity Leakage Deirel Paz-Linares1,2, Eduardo Gonzalez-Moreira1,3, Adil Deniz Duru4, Pedro Valdes Sosa1,2
Th061 Comprehensive fMRI real-time processing improves online functional connectivity evaluation Masaya Misaki1, Jerzy Bodurka1,2
Th063 Functional connectivity evoked by saltatory pneumotactile stimuli on the glabrous hand Yingying Wang1, Fatima Sibaii2, Hyuntaek Oh2, Steven Barlow2
Th068 A wearable device for generating periodic somatosensory stimulation Alejandro Weinstein1, Wael El-Deredy2, Pavel Prado3, Grace Whitaker4, Lucia Zepeda1, Jose Ignacio Mendez5
Th070 The effect of feedback latency on the effectiveness of training in neurofeedback paradigm Anastasia Belinskaya1, Nikolai Smetanin2, Alexei Ossadtchi2
Th132 Augmenting CBT with Real-time fMRI amygdala neurofeedback training increases early therapy response Kym Young1, Sarah Lazzaro1, Laurie Compere1, Ted Huppert1, Greg Siegle1, Marlene Strege1,2, Scott Barb1
Th154 Emotion Self-Regulation Training in Major Depression Using Simultaneous rtfMRI and EEG Neurofeedback Vadim Zotev1, Ahmad Mayeli1,2, Masaya Misaki1, Jerzy Bodurka1,3
W355 Neurofeedback of Frontostriatal Network Connectivity: Feasibility of a Novel Schizophrenia Treatment Franziska Weiss1, Martin Fungisai Gerchen1, Peter Kirsch1
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