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Medical illness with CNS impact (e.g. chemotherapy, diabetes, hypertension)Medical illness with CNS impact (e.g. chemotherapy, diabetes, hypertension)
Poster No Title Authors
M403 A multi-regional neuroinflammatory factor that characterises HIV-infected children at 11 years Amy Graham1, Martha Holmes1, Francesca Little1, Els Dobbels2, Mark Cotton2, Barbara Laughton2, Andre van der Kouwe3,4, Ernesta Meintjes1,5, Frances Robertson1,5
T028 Longterm impact of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on attentional neurodevelopment: an ERP study Jeroen Blommaert1, Rob Zink1, Sabine Deprez1, Ivan Myatchin1, Patrick Dupont1, Tineke Vandenbroucke1, Charlotte Sleurs1, Kristel Van Calsteren1, Frédéric Amant2, Lieven Lagae1
T029 Racial diversity in studies included in imaging meta-analyses of type 2 diabetes, obesity and stroke Eunice Chen1, Ronald Taylor1, Mike McCloskey1
T030 White matter integrity contributes to cognitive heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes patients Shudan Gao1, Yaojing Chen1, Yiru Yang1, Zhanjun Zhang1
T031 Predicting cognitive deficits after surgical resection of diffuse low-grade gliomas Rafael Romero-Garcia1, Mallory Owen1, Moataz Assem2, Pedro Coelho3, Jessica Ingham4, Alexa Mcdonald4, Emma Woodberry4, Luca Villa1, Rohit Sinha5, Thomas Santarius5, Yaara Erez2, John Suckling1, Michael Hart6
T033 CBF and BOLD Responses in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Ping Zou1, Matthew Scoggins1, Jane Hankins1, Kathleen Helton1, Robert Ogg1
T034 Hippocampal Volume, Cognitive Reserve and Memory Problems in Breast Cancer Survivors Emmie Koevoets1,2, Annemarie Meijer1,3, Sanne Schagen1,3, Evelyn Monninkhof2, Anne May2, Lenja Witlox2, Mirjam Geerlings2, Petra Peeters2, Michiel de Ruiter4
T036 Brain Plasticity in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing a Physical Activity Program: A VBM Study Lucía Vaquero1, Marta Simó2, Maria Àngels Pera-Jambrina3, Jordi Bruna4, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells2
T038 Alterations in Resting-State Regional Homogeneity in Patients with Crohn’s Disease in Remission Jiancheng Hou1, Veena Nair1, Poonam Beniwal-Patel2, Vivek Prabhakaran1, Sumona Saha3
T041 Longitudinal Evaluation of White Matter Integrity to Predict Glioblastoma Recurrence Yan Jin1, Hesham Elhalawani1, Brian Anderson1, Timothy Lin1, Karine Al Feghali1, Abdallah Mohamed1, Clifton Fuller1, Caroline Chung1
T222 Can DTI and 3D-SHORE Based Indices Differentiate RRMS from PMS Patients? Lorenza Brusini1, Federica Cruciani1, Muge Akinci2, Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo3, Francesca Benedetta Pizzini4, Jorge Jovicich5, Silvia Francesca Storti6, Massimiliano Calabrese7, Gloria Menegaz6
W081 Longitudinal changes in microstructure and functional connectivity in a rat model of Alzheimer Catarina Tristão Pereira1, Yujian Diao2, Analina Raquel da Silva2, Ting Yin2, Rolf Gruetter2, Ileana Ozana Jelescu2
W422 Supplementary motor network connectivity is associated with motor performance and frailty Florian Lammers1, Norman Zacharias2, Friedrich Borchers2, Insa Feinkohl3, Claudia Spies2, Georg Winterer2
W510 Multimodal Neuroimaging Biosignatures of Perinatally Acquired HIV/early ART in 7-year-old Children Isaac Khobo1, Frances Robertson1,2, Marcin Jankiewicz1,2, Martha Holmes1, Francesca Little1, Mark Cotton3, Andre van der Kouwe4,5, Barbara Laughton3, Emmanuel Nwosu1, Ernesta Meintjes1,2, Allison Moreau6
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